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DAILY TEXT, Today's Monday, February 28, Intimate friendship with Jehovah is for those who fear him (Ps. 25:14).
DAILY TEXT, Today's Monday, February 28, Intimate friendship with Jehovah is for those who fear him (Ps. 25:14).
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DAILY TEXT, From today Sunday February 27, Take care of yourselves and take care of the flock. Shepherd the congregation of God (Acts 20:28).
DAILY TEXT, From today Sunday February 27, Take care of yourselves and take care of the flock. Shepherd the congregation of God (Acts 20:28).
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Watchtower Study, Let's Keep Listening, Week 21 to 27 February 2022, Comments and Practical Responses.
Watchtower Study, Let's Keep Listening, Week 21 to 27 February 2022, Comments and Practical Responses.
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DAILY TEXT, Today's Saturday February 26, I will pour out part of my spirit on all kinds of people. His sons and his daughters will prophesy (Acts 2:17).
DAILY TEXT, Today's Saturday February 26, I will pour out part of my spirit on all kinds of people. His sons and his daughters will prophesy (Acts 2:17).
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DAILY TEXT, Today's Friday February 25, They have washed their long robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb (Rev. 7:14).
DAILY TEXT, Today's Friday February 25, They have washed their long robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb (Rev. 7:14).
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Congregation Book Study, Week of February 21-27, 2022, Chapter 21, Paragraphs 1-6, Box 21A and Answers.
Congregation Book Study, Week of February 21-27, 2022, Chapter 21, Paragraphs 1-6, Box 21A and Answers.
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Congregation Book Study, Week of February 21-27, 2022, Chapter 21, Paragraphs 1-6, Box 21A, and Underlined Answers.
Congregation Book Study, Week of February 21-27, 2022, Chapter 21, Paragraphs 1-6, Box 21A, and Underlined Answers.
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LIVING AS CHRISTIANS 2022, Week of February 21-27, Would you like to auxiliary pioneer in March or April? , Analysis and Answers.
LIVING AS CHRISTIANS 2022, Week of February 21-27, Would you like to auxiliary pioneer in March or April? , Analysis and Answers.
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APLPLY YOUR SELFTO THE FIELD MINISTRY Week of February 21-27, 2022, First Conversation, Lesson 12, assignment prepared.
APLPLY YOUR SELFTO THE FIELD MINISTRY Week of February 21-27, 2022, First Conversation, Lesson 12, assignment prepared.
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APLPLY YOUR SELFTO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week February 21 to 27, 2022, Revisit, lesson. 18 ,assignment ready.
APLPLY YOUR SELFTO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week February 21 to 27, 2022, Revisit, lesson. 18 ,assignment ready.
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APLPLY YOUR SELFTO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of February 21-27, 2022, Bible Course, Lesson 20, assignment prepared.
APLPLY YOUR SELFTO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of February 21-27, 2022, Bible Course, Lesson 20, assignment prepared.
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DAILY TEXT, Today Thursday February 24, Your strength will depend on you remaining calm and showing confidence (Is. 30:15).
DAILY TEXT, Today Thursday February 24, Your strength will depend on you remaining calm and showing confidence (Is. 30:15).
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DAILY TEXT, Today Wednesday February 23, I saw a large crowd that was shouting with a loud voice: "Salvation we owe to our God and to the Lamb!" (Rev. 7:9, 10).
DAILY TEXT, Today Wednesday February 23, I saw a large crowd that was shouting with a loud voice: "Salvation we owe to our God and to the Lamb!" (Rev. 7:9, 10).
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DAILY TEXT, From today Monday February 21, Husbands, continue to live with them according to knowledge. Honor them as a weaker vessel, the feminine (1 Pet. 3:7).
DAILY TEXT, From today Monday February 21, Husbands, continue to live with them according to knowledge. Honor them as a weaker vessel, the feminine (1 Pet. 3:7).
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Watchtower Study, Listen to the voice of the excellent shepherd, Week February 14 to 20, 2022, Comments and Practical Responses.
Watchtower Study, Listen to the voice of the excellent shepherd, Week February 14 to 20, 2022, Comments and Practical Responses.
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The Watchtower Study, “Article 50”, Week February 14-20, 2022, Listen to the voice of the fine shepherd, Answers.
The Watchtower Study, “Article 50”, Week February 14-20, 2022, Listen to the voice of the fine shepherd, Answers.
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Watchtower Study, Week of February 14-20, 2022, Hear the Voice of the Fine Pastor, Answers Underlined.
Watchtower Study, Week of February 14-20, 2022, Hear the Voice of the Fine Pastor, Answers Underlined.
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DAILY TEXT, Today's Saturday February 19, Devotion to God offers a promise for the present life and the future life (1 Tim. 4:8).
DAILY TEXT, Today's Saturday February 19, Devotion to God offers a promise for the present life and the future life (1 Tim. 4:8).
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DAILY TEXT, Today's Friday February 18, We found brothers and they begged us to stay with them (Acts 28:14).
DAILY TEXT, Today's Friday February 18, We found brothers and they begged us to stay with them (Acts 28:14).
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Congregation Book Study, Week of February 14-20, 2022, Chapter 20, Paragraphs 9-17, Box 20A, and Answers.
Congregation Book Study, Week of February 14-20, 2022, Chapter 20, Paragraphs 9-17, Box 20A, and Answers.
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Congregation Book Study, Week of February 14-20, 2022, Chapter 20, Paragraphs 9-17, Box 20A, and Underlined Answers.
Congregation Book Study, Week of February 14-20, 2022, Chapter 20, Paragraphs 9-17, Box 20A, and Underlined Answers.
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LIVING AS CHRISTIANS 2022, Week of February 14 to 20, "What do we learn from the life of Samuel?", Video, Let's learn from them: Samuel, Analysis and Answers.
LIVING AS CHRISTIANS 2022, Week of February 14 to 20, "What do we learn from the life of Samuel?", Video, Let's learn from them: Samuel, Analysis and Answers.
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APLPLY YOUR SELFTO THE FIELD MINISTRY Week of February 14-20, 2022, First Conversation, Lesson 11, assignment prepared.
APLPLY YOUR SELFTO THE FIELD MINISTRY Week of February 14-20, 2022, First Conversation, Lesson 11, assignment prepared.
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APLPLY YOUR SELFTO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week February 14 to 20, 2022, Revisit, lesson. 15 ,assignment ready.
APLPLY YOUR SELFTO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week February 14 to 20, 2022, Revisit, lesson. 15 ,assignment ready.
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APLPLY YOUR SELFTO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of February 14-20, 2022, Bible Course, Lesson 14, assignment prepared.
APLPLY YOUR SELFTO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of February 14-20, 2022, Bible Course, Lesson 14, assignment prepared.
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TREASURES OF THE BIBLE, Week February 14-20, 2022, “Jehovah is considerate of others”, Prepared Speech.
TREASURES OF THE BIBLE, Week February 14-20, 2022, “Jehovah is considerate of others”, Prepared Speech.
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DAILY TEXT, Today Thursday February 17, Wisdom is worth more than corals; it cannot be compared with anything one desires (Prov. 3:15).
DAILY TEXT, Today Thursday February 17, Wisdom is worth more than corals; it cannot be compared with anything one desires (Prov. 3:15).
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DAILY TEXT, Today Tuesday February 15, Asa did what was good and right in the sight of Jehovah his God (2 Chron. 14:2).
DAILY TEXT, Today Tuesday February 15, Asa did what was good and right in the sight of Jehovah his God (2 Chron. 14:2).
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DAILY TEXT, Today's Sunday February 13, If the foot said "As I am not a hand, I am not part of the body", it would not stop being part of the body (1 Cor. 12:15).
DAILY TEXT, Today's Sunday February 13, If the foot said "As I am not a hand, I am not part of the body", it would not stop being part of the body (1 Cor. 12:15).
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Watchtower Study, Lessons from Leviticus on How to Treat Others, Week 7-13 February 2022, Comments and Practical Responses.
Watchtower Study, Lessons from Leviticus on How to Treat Others, Week 7-13 February 2022, Comments and Practical Responses.
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The Watchtower Study, “Article 49”, Week February 7-13, 2022, Leviticus Lessons on Treating Others, Answers.
The Watchtower Study, “Article 49”, Week February 7-13, 2022, Leviticus Lessons on Treating Others, Answers.
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Watchtower Study, Week of February 7-13, 2022, Leviticus Lessons on Treating Others, Underlined Answers.
Watchtower Study, Week of February 7-13, 2022, Leviticus Lessons on Treating Others, Underlined Answers.
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DAILY TEXT, Today's Saturday February 12, Pay constant attention to your conduct and your teaching (1 Tim. 4:16).
DAILY TEXT, Today's Saturday February 12, Pay constant attention to your conduct and your teaching (1 Tim. 4:16).
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