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1, 2. a) What did we see in the previous article?
We were looking at some useful advice from Leviticus 19, we saw how we can be holy in different aspects of life, such as respecting our parents and taking care of their physical, emotional and spiritual needs. In addition, we saw the importance of spending time regularly to attend to spiritual matters and our service to Jehovah.
Well, different ways were highlighted in which we can show that we want to be saints that we have to avoid Jehovah in this quality as it is said in First Peter 1:15.
Yes And we also saw that Jehovah told the Israelites that they had to keep a Sabbath so what we learned was that we have to set aside time for our service to Jehovah on a regular basis.
And in the same verse 3 of chapter 19 of Leviticus, the Israelites were also commanded that they had to respect and honor their parents and from that we learned the principle that we also have to honor and respect them by dedicating time to attend to their emotional physical needs. and spiritual
b) What will we analyze in this article?
We will continue to discuss Leviticus 19. This chapter will teach us: how to treat those with physical limitations with kindness, how to be honest in business, and how to show love to others.
We will continue to see what we learn from Leviticus chapter 19 this time about treating those with physical limitations with kindness, being honest in business, and showing love to others.
3, 4. According to Leviticus 19:14, how were the Israelites to treat the deaf and the blind?
Jehovah encouraged the Israelites to treat people with physical limitations with consideration. For example, he said not to curse a deaf person, either by threatening him or wishing him harm. He also told them not to put "an obstacle before a blind man." Whoever mistreated and took advantage of someone who was blind or deaf showed himself to be evil and cruel, so Jehovah helped his people to see that they should treat those who had limitations with compassion.
If they had to treat them with consideration since being deaf he could not hear if that person cursed him and therefore he could not defend himself, the paragraph emphasizes that it would be a great evil.
And in the case of the blind they should also treat him with respect and compassion because they should not put an obstacle on him since a blind man could not see and could hurt himself and sometimes irreversible damage.
In the Ancient Middle East, as mentioned in this quote from consultations, it says that people used to mistreat them, take advantage of them, make fun of them, which is different from what Jehovah expected of his people and which is collected in the book of Leviticus, always treat him with kindness, with compassion, understand Always your situation.
Yes, after Jehovah told them that they should be different from the people of that time, he tells them I am Jehovah in Leviticus, so he reminds them that if they did not do this, they would be going against Jehovah's holiness.
5. How can we compassionately treat those with physical limitations?
We do this by treating them with kindness and patience. But we especially show compassion when we share the good news with them: that there will soon be a paradise where humanity will enjoy perfect physical and spiritual health.
Being kind to them and trying to put them in their place, imagine how we can be useful to them, especially if they are our brothers, offering our help with concrete things, but especially for those who still do not know Jehovah, speaking to them of the hope we have for the future.
And as it is mentioned in the paragraph, we do not do it out of a sense of duty or obligation, but we Christians gladly imitate Jesus in this aspect.
A good example of this can be seen in the accompanying image of a brother helping a deaf brother communicate with his doctor.
I am struck by the fact that according to Luke 4:18 Jesus was anointed for this, it stands out in that verse that his purpose as a consequence of the anointing of the spirit was to proclaim freedom to the captives recovery of sight to the blind give freedom to the oppressed that was a fundamental objective in their work.
Many times it involves effort, for example, perhaps there are brothers who decide to learn sign language or if we can't do that, we can be aware of the basic needs of food, transportation, and we will be there.
According to Leviticus 19:14, how should we treat the deaf and the blind? (See paragraphs 3 to 5). *
6. How does Leviticus chapter 19 help us understand what the Ten Commandments said?
For example, the eighth commandment said, "Do not steal," and an Israelite could conclude that he was obeying that command by making sure that he did not take anything that was not his, but Leviticus chapter 19 gave more details that helped them understand that they could be stealing in other ways.
If chapter 19 of Leviticus gives us more details that help us understand the 10 commandments, for example, the commandment not to steal chapter 19 of Leviticus also helps us understand in which other facets we can apply it.
7. How could a merchant violate the eighth commandment?
A merchant could be violating this commandment by using inaccurate scales or measurements to deceive his customers, which would actually amount to stealing from them. That is why Jehovah told you in Leviticus 19:35,36 “Not to be dishonest in measures and balances”, rather, I encourage you to behave honestly in business.
In verse 36 the word exact is highlighted four times, so he had to use exact scales exact weights one exact measure for solid products and another exact measure for liquid products if he did not use these exact measures he was actually keeping something that did not belong to him .
And we see how this principle broadens the meaning of the law because the same is stealing by taking from someone what belongs to them, as in this case, keeping something that should belong to them but perhaps they have paid for it.
8. How did Leviticus 19:11-13 help the Jews to apply the principle behind the eighth commandment, and how does it help us?
Verses 11 and 13 of Leviticus 19 make a connection between theft and dishonesty, so if an Israelite was dishonest in his business or labor dealings, he was stealing. So the details Leviticus added helped the Jews understand how they could apply the principle behind the law. In our case, too, it helps us to see how Jehovah views dishonesty and theft. If we realize that we are failing, we must make the necessary changes and strive to be as honest as possible in these matters.
Yes, this text reminded him and he began by saying don't steal, but he also talks about don't cheat, I don't know, betray, and the 13th more specifically, I don't know, defraud, so for them, not only did not steal but not be dishonest with others, treat them with consideration, do not defraud their neighbor, so it was a little bit broader and they could understand that that could dishonor the name of Jehovah.
And at the end of the paragraph he encourages us to do a self-examination to think about what our work habits are like and if we have to change them, perhaps not only go to work at the time we are asked or leave at the time we are asked, but what do we do? during that work schedule, which is perhaps not so obvious, but if we are not doing what falls within that allowed work schedule, we would be stealing from our boss.
9. How did the law found at Leviticus 19:13 protect workers?
The law said that "the employer should not keep the salary of a worker." Since most workers in Israel were paid at the end of each day, not being paid meant that he was left without money to feed his family. So, Jehovah through this law protected the worker and made the employer see the seriousness of this matter by telling them that "the worker's life depended on his day's wages."
There in Leviticus it was mentioned that they should not keep the salary of the paid worker all night until the next morning and that is that most of the jobs or those who worked for others because they received the salary at the end of the day if they did not received because they could not feed their family.
We see how this also protected the worker in Deuteronomy, for example, it mentions that a person will complain to Jehovah because he had not received what he was entitled to, because the guilty party would be a sin before Jehovah himself, so this law also left people who should for his relationship with Jehovah is better.
Well, we see how Jehovah protected all workers, whether they were natural Israelites or foreign residents, he made no distinction, because in the same way today, if we are in charge of a business in which we have employees, we do not have to make any distinction based on race, culture or nationality.
10. What lesson do we learn from Leviticus 19:13?
What we learn is that Jehovah expects those who are bosses to pay them fair wages and days that correspond to their employees and not take advantage of them, because otherwise they would be keeping “the salary of a hired worker” and at the same time. Jehovah's view this amounts to dishonesty and theft.
Well, being honest in every way, as Leviticus 19:13 says and the paragraph says that some bosses take advantage of their employees by paying them much less than what is fair, there we find a field in which we can also prove to be good Christians by teaching those who they are foreigners to charge what they deserve and not settle for little.
And we have to recognize that with these widespread business practices it is a challenge for the brothers who have business to remain loyal to these ideas that are mentioned here because it puts them at a disadvantage among the competition, it is very encouraging for us to see the loyalty of these brothers and that they are actually demonstrating their faith and trust in Jehovah.
In view of what Leviticus 19:11-13 says, what should the Christian ask himself about his business and labor practices? (See paragraphs 8 to 10). *
Also, as we see in the words of Matthew 20:8, there is a case mentioned like the owner of a vineyard at the end of the day without fail, he cares about paying his workers, as we see in the image, it is a nice detail to see their faces as they are both happy of course one can collect the salary according to the work he has done and also the employer to pay it because he knows he is doing the right thing as we see without a doubt this also fosters good relationships.
11, 12. What did Jesus emphasize when he quoted from Leviticus 19:17, 18?
When a Pharisee asked him what is the most important commandment of the Law? Jesus emphasized that the second most important commandment was: "Love your neighbor as he loves himself." He quoted from Leviticus 19:18 which says something similar. With this he demonstrated that it is essential that the Christian who wishes to please Jehovah must "Love his neighbor as he loves himself."
Yes, Jesus emphasized the importance of loving your neighbor since this Pharisee asked him what the most important command is and he said to love God above all things, but there he emphasized the second and said that this is the same as the first to love your neighbor as you you love yourself, so to please God you cannot destroy loving your neighbor.
This emphasizes that Jehovah is very aware not only of the love we feel towards him but also of the love we feel towards others and how we treat them not only how we treat them but also our feelings towards them.
Verse 40 of Matthew 22 says that all the law and the prophets are based on these two commandments, as the study note for this verse says, this of all the law and the prophets is actually indicating that it refers to practically the total of the Hebrew scriptures a very important part of what the Bible is.
13. How did Joseph act in harmony with Leviticus 19:18?
Joseph acted with mercy. Despite the fact that his 10 brothers had done him a lot of harm, he applied the detail mentioned in Leviticus 19:18, for this reason, "I do not hold a grudge against them, he says I come from them", rather, he showed what it truly is to "love the neighbor". In Genesis 50: 19-21 he says "that Joseph told them that they were not afraid, he comforted them, reassured them and continued to give him food for them and their families."
If in the Genesis story we see how the hatred of his brothers led him to do evil to Joseph and when Joseph came to have authority he could have easily taken revenge on them, but nevertheless, as the story says, he did not do it but applied the words of Leviticus 19:18 who showed them mercy and never held a grudge.
And this is clearly seen in the Genesis account because there you can see how Joseph was concerned about the feelings of his brothers, of course they felt terrible about what they had done, but Joseph told them that Jehovah had used their previous actions to save the lives of many and he helped them to focus on the present, he told them that now they were saving the lives of many, so we see that he did not take care of them because it was an obligation, but rather he cared about their feelings and that they were well.
In the same story, it stands out how Joseph was not going to take revenge because he understands that revenge belongs to Jehovah, if someone has done you wrong, Jehovah takes care of it, that is why he says, perhaps I am in the place of God, that also teaches us if someone for some reason reason has done something to us that offended us we do not have to hold a grudge or try to take revenge if not leave it in the hands of Jehovah to take care of the matter.
In the words of Genesis, forgiveness emerges, the deep forgiveness that José José had, without a doubt, it is a situation that had to cause him a lot of damage, perhaps many of us will never see ourselves in such a painful situation, however, he expressed himself, do not be afraid and He said that he comforted them and reassured them, it was nice, he went beyond without a doubt, José is a magnificent example for us.
14. How do we know that the principles on which Leviticus 19:18 was based are still valid today?
They remain valid because: Jehovah's principles do not change, what is more, what they do is "that they agree with others." For example, when teaching the Lord's Prayer, Jesus said that "we must forgive those who sin against us." Also the apostle Paul advises us «Not to take revenge» and «to continue bearing with one another and forgiving each other generously even if there is some reason for complaint». So, we are encouraged to apply these "eternal principles" in our dealings with others.
Because these principles come from the personality of the person of Jehovah and Jehovah does not change, he remains the same, so his principles are the same as well.
And this idea that was commented is reflected in different biblical thoughts of the Christian Hebrew scriptures, for example Jesus himself in Matthew chapter 6 when he taught his disciples to pray, one of the ideas that I include is that if we want Jehovah to forgive us, we we have to forgive others and therefore this implies not giving in to resentment or revenge.
Colossians 3:13 the apostle Paul said that we continue to bear with each other and forgive generously because of course being imperfect they are going to hurt us and we are also going to be able to hurt others therefore we must be forgiving.
15. What example helps us understand the importance of forgiving and forgetting?
The example is that of a physical injury. If it's mild, it may hurt at first, but as the days go by we don't even remember where it was. On the other hand, if the wound is serious and deep, we may need the help of a doctor, but if we do not stop touching it or poking at it, we will make it worse in a similar way with the offenses, if it is slight, it makes us easy to forgive and forget, but if the offense is more serious it is difficult for us to do so, and the more we think about the situation the more damage we do to ourselves. It is best to apply the advice in Leviticus 19:18 not to hold a grudge or take revenge, which means to forgive and forget.
We see in the photographs where a sister in the first photograph has had a small wound on her finger, she has bandaged it as soon as she remembers and she is happy in the other photograph the wound is deeper it is painful the problem is that she keeps poking and touching and This prevents it from covering up and in an emotional sense it happens. The same is true, there are wounds that we quickly forget, others are deeper but we have to try to forget about them so that they heal and not continue to harbor that resentment that makes it difficult for them to heal.
And what good advice or ideas to help others, also do it not with this illustration so understandable we see the Illustration on the whole side the image on the right makes us want to tell him but don't touch yourself anymore you don't see that you are going to do more harm, if we perceive that there are signs of resentment that our sister or brother has a hard time forgetting the harm they have done, so let's help them, let's help them understand this idea that resentment can do a lot of damage and that you found talking about the benefits of forgiving and to forget.
Yes, when a wound is deep, the body needs energy to recover, sometimes the doctor tells us to rest so that recovery comes sooner, unfortunately if we harbor resentment in our hearts towards a person, what we are doing is spending our very great energies that we could be dedicating ourselves to worrying about others, thus the importance of forgiving and forgetting and there we can dedicate our energies in a wise way.
And it is possible that at the moment when we are suffering from an injury like this we do not see it and it looks very good on the sister's face it completely changes her, on the left she is happy she has forgotten she is happy but on the other she has a face that he is suffering, you can see that he continues and continues to suffer, so even if we don't see it, let's also think about how we are going to feel much better in the future if we forget and forgive.
Series of images: 1. A sister smiles happily even though she has a bandaged finger. 2. The sister has a bandaged hand and is frowning as she picks at the wound.
It's no good rummaging around in a literal wound. Something similar happens with offenses: instead of continuing to think about them, it is better to forgive and forget. (See paragraph 15). *
16. According to Leviticus 19:33, 34, how were the Israelites to treat foreign residents, and what do we learn from this?
The Israelites were to see foreigners "as a native of the country" and love them as they called themselves. Today, it is the same, Christians learn the importance of applying this principle of "loving foreigners", Jehovah wants us to treat them with dignity and respect.
They must have seen the foreigner as still a native of the country and they not only stayed to see him but also had to show it by showing them love and affection in a different way, this also teaches us that we have the opportunity to show love and affection to the foreign people who live near our home and this is shown by giving them dignity and respect.
Yes, as Leviticus says, he encouraged them to act with empathy because it made them remember how they had been treated, so it is good that we also take that into account.
And something that they had to do at the time of harvesting says that when they harvested the land in Leviticus 19:9 and 10 it says that you do not completely harvest the edges of the field or collect the leftovers of your harvest that was so that the foreigners do not know feel like foreigners if they could not also have food to be able to eat and to be able to live.
And Jesus highlighted this principle in the parable of the Good Samaritan that we find recorded in Luke chapter 10 verse 30 to 37 there we see how a Samaritan compassionately helps a Jew by doing much more than expected because of the rivalry that existed between them and now in the last verse it is as if Jesus told us to go and do the same, so we clearly see how we have to treat everyone regardless of their race, culture or nationality.
17, 18. (a) What do Leviticus 19:2 and 1 Peter 1:15 encourage us to do?
These texts encourage us that we should be holy, so we should live as Jehovah wants and avoid doing anything he forbids.
Both verses encourage us to be holy and especially Leviticus chapter 19 that we have analyzed have taught us different aspects of our life practical things that help us demonstrate this holiness.
If also in other verses of Leviticus 19 he also mentions to avoid partiality, slander, blood consumption, spiritism, divination and sexual immorality.
Also a nice detail of Leviticus 19:2 is when he said these words there he speaks with all the people of Israel so we all have to strive to demonstrate this holiness.
(b) What all-important work did the apostle Peter say we should do?
The apostle Peter said that "we must proclaim everywhere the excellencies of him who called us out of darkness into his marvelous light." So we have the privilege of regularly preaching and teaching the good news of the kingdom.
Well, Peter made it clear when he said that we have to announce everywhere the excellencies of the one who called them, we know that this announcement is the important work of preaching the good news to people and teaching them what the Bible says because we know that this is not only going to be for her salvation but also for ours.
Treat those with physical limitations with kindness.
At Leviticus 19:14, Jehovah invited the Israelites to treat those with limitations, such as the blind and the deaf, with compassion. Similarly, he wants us Christians to be kind and patient with those who have physical limitations, but the greatest show of compassion is to share with them the good news: that there will soon be a paradise where humanity will enjoy perfect physical and spiritual health.
Well, we have seen the beautiful example that Jesus has left us in this regard, being compassionate, kind, patient, and also putting ourselves in their place, which will help us to help them in a better way and remind them of the only hope that at some point these limitations will disappear.
Be honest in all things.
We learned that Jehovah expects those in business to “use exact weights and measures,” that is, to be honest in their business dealings. In addition, he asks those who are bosses "to pay fair wages and the days that correspond to their employees and not take advantage of them", because otherwise they would be keeping "the salary of a paid worker" and in view of jehovah this amounts to dishonesty and theft.
There we saw how to use the exact scales, exact measurements, so I did not teach him so much if we are workers to comply with our boss and if we are bosses to honor our worker.
And that would also include being honest, for example, when we have to pay taxes to the country's government because that way we not only steal or take something from someone, but also not give what the government deserves in this case.
Some practical ideas that have been discussed may be to pay employees on time or to have good work habits so that the time we spend at work is really the time we are working.
Show love to others.
We learned that Jesus emphasized Leviticus 19:18 to "Love your neighbor as you love yourself." This implies continuing to forgive us generously, not holding a grudge or taking revenge. We are encouraged that if someone has offended us, whether in a minor or serious way, we should be willing to forgive and forget. Another sign of love for others is to treat foreigners with respect and dignity.
Not holding resentment or grudge against our brothers but letting that emotional wound heal so that we can continue loving them all, including the brother sister who has offended us.
Also the importance of loving our brothers who are from different cultures or of different origins because we know that this is not only a way of being holy as Jehovah wants, but it is also a way of enriching ourselves because we learn from them.
We did see it more deeply seeing the case of José, not only did he not show a grudge against his brothers, he cared about their feelings and showed them that he cared about their well-being, so it is something that we have to try not to hold a grudge and show the person that we are not holding a grudge against.
And we have also seen that a great way to show love to others is certainly to teach them the truths that Jehovah gives us.
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