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1, 2. (a) What command did three apostles receive from Jesus, and how did they react? b) What will we see in this article?
After Easter of the year 32, the apostles Peter, James and John witnessed an amazing vision. On a high mountain, possibly on one of the foothills of Mount Hermon, Jesus was transfigured before them. The Bible says: “His face shone like the sun and his clothes became bright like light” (Matt. 17:1-4). Towards the end of the vision, the apostles heard God say: “This is my beloved Son; he has my approval. Listen to him” (Matt. 17:5). By their way of living, the three showed that they really listened to Jesus, and we want to follow his example.
In the previous article, we learned that listening to Jesus means stopping doing certain things. In this article, we will look at two things that Jesus said we should do.
3. According to Matthew 7:13, 14, what should we do?
(Read Matthew 7:13, 14). Notice that Jesus said that there are two gates and that each one leads to a different path, one “broad” and one “narrow” . There are no more paths. Each of us must decide which one to go for. It is the most important decision we will make because our eternal life depends on it.
4. How would you describe the “spacious” path?
We should be very clear about the differences between the two paths. The "broad" path is the one chosen by many because it is easy to go. Unfortunately, many decide to stay in it following the crowd. They do not realize that it is Satan, the Devil, who wants them to go down this road that leads to death (1 Cor. 6:9, 10; 1 John 5:19).
5. What efforts have some made to find the narrow way and to begin to go there?
Unlike the “broad” way, the other way is “narrow”, and Jesus said that few find it. Why? Interestingly, in the very next verse, Jesus warned us to beware of false prophets (Matt. 7:15). By some estimates, there are thousands of religions, and most of them claim to teach the truth. With so much religion, millions of people feel discouraged and confused, and they no longer even try to find the path that leads to life. But they can find it, for Jesus said: “If you remain in my teachings, you are really my disciples; you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:31, 32). It is good that you did not follow the crowd, but sought the truth. He began a deep study of the Word of God to learn what its standards are and listened to the teachings of Jesus. For example, he learned that Jehovah expects us to reject what false religions teach and to stop participating in celebrations and customs that have pagan origins. He also discovered that sometimes it is not easy to do what Jehovah asks of us and leave behind practices that he disapproves of (Matt. 10: 34-36). It may have been difficult for you to make these changes, but because you loved your heavenly Father and wanted his approval, you did not give up. Jehovah must be very pleased with you (Prov. 27:11).
6. According to Psalm 119:9, 10, 45, 133, what can help us stay on the narrow path?
If we have already started down the narrow path, what can help us stay on it? Let's make a comparison. In some countries, narrow mountain roads have a safety barrier on the edges that serves to protect the driver and his vehicle. This barrier prevents them from getting too close to the edge or even falling off a cliff. Right, no driver would complain that the barrier is too restrictive? Well, Jehovah's standards found in the Bible are like those barriers: they serve to keep us on the narrow path (read Psalm 119:9, 10, 45, 133).
7. How should young people view the narrow way?
Young man, do you sometimes find Jehovah's standards too restrictive? That is what Satan wants you to think. He tries to get you to notice what those on the spacious path are doing and how much fun they seem to have. He wants you to believe that you are not enjoying yourself as much as your classmates and the people you see online, and that Jehovah's standards are robbing you of the good things in life. * But remember that Satan is not interested in those who go his way seeing what awaits them at the end of the journey. However, Jehovah has given you a clear picture of what those who stay on the path that leads to life will receive .
8. What can young people learn from Olaf's example?
Think about what you can learn from the experience of a young brother named Olaf. * His classmates pressured him to engage in immoral behavior. When he explained to them that Jehovah's Witnesses abide by the high moral standards of the Bible, several girls in his class took this as a challenge and tried to convince him to have sex with them. But he didn't give in to the pressure, and that wasn't the only one he had. He says: “My teachers insisted that I go to university, because that is something that gives you prestige. They told me that if I didn't do it, I wouldn't be someone in life." How did he manage to withstand so much pressure? He explains: “I looked for good friends in the congregation. They became like my family. I also began to take my Bible study more seriously. The deeper I delved, the more convinced I became that this is the truth, and the more determined I became to serve Jehovah .”
A security barrier protects a vehicle traveling on a narrow mountain road. Series of images: 1. A young man reads the Bible. 2. A brother looks away from his smartphone screen. 3. A sister rejects friendship with a young man from her school. 4. A sister is presented with some brochures with information to study at the university.
God's advice and standards help us stay on the "narrow" path. (See paragraphs 6 to 8). *
9. What must we do if we want to stay on the narrow path?
Satan wants us to get off the road that leads to life and go along with the majority of humanity on the broad road that leads to destruction (Matt. 7:13). But, if we continue to listen to Jesus and see the narrow path as a protection, we will not get out of it. Now let's look at another thing that Jesus said we should do.
10. According to Matthew 5:23, 24, what did Jesus say we should do?
(Read Matthew 5:23, 24). In these verses, Jesus was talking about a very important moment for the Jews who were listening to him. Let us imagine that someone was in the temple about to hand an animal to a priest for sacrifice. If at that moment he remembered that his brother had something against him, he should leave the animal and get out of there. Why? What could be more important than offering a sacrifice to Jehovah? Jesus clearly said: "First make peace with your brother."
11. What steps did Jacob take to make peace with Esau?
We can learn valuable lessons about making peace by looking at an event in the life of the patriarch Jacob. When Jacob had been living away from his homeland for about 20 years, God sent him back through an angel (Gen. 31:11, 13, 38) . But there was a problem: that his older brother, Esau, had tried to kill him (Gen. 27:41). Jacob was “ very afraid and distressed” to think that his brother still held a grudge against him (Gen. 32:7). What steps did Jacob take to make peace with his brother? First, he prayed to Jehovah from his heart. Second, he sent Esau a generous gift (Gen. 32:9-15). And third, when they finally saw each other face to face, Jacob took the initiative and honored Esau. He bowed to him not once, not twice, but seven times. With humility and respect, Jacob made peace with his brother (Gen. 33:3, 4).
12. What do we learn from Jacob's example?
We can learn a lesson from how Jacob prepared to meet his brother and how he approached him. First, he humbly asked Jehovah to help him. Afterward, he acted on his prayer by doing everything in his power to make meeting Esau as pleasant as possible. And when she finally spoke to him, she didn't argue about who was right. His goal was to make peace with his brother. How can we imitate his example?
Will we follow the example of Jacob, who was humble and made peace with his brother? (See paragraphs 11 and 12). *
13, 14. What should we do if we have offended another Christian?
Those of us who are on the path that leads to life want to foster peace with our brothers (Rom. 12:18). Therefore, what should we do if we realize that we have offended another Christian? Like Jacob, we should heartily pray to Jehovah, asking him to bless our efforts to make peace with him.
In addition, we must dedicate time to self-examination. For example, we can ask ourselves, “Am I willing to swallow my pride, humbly apologize, and make amends? How will Jehovah and Jesus feel if I take the initiative and make peace with my brother or sister?” The answers can prompt us to listen to Jesus and approach our brother in humility to make amends. Jacob's example can help us do this.
15. How does the principle found at Ephesians 4:2, 3 help us to make peace with our brother?
What would have happened if Jacob had gone with a proud attitude to meet his brother? Things might have been very different. Similarly, if we are going to talk to a brother to solve a problem, we should do it with a humble attitude (read Ephesians 4:2, 3). Proverbs 18:19 states: “An offended brother is more inaccessible than a fortified city, and there are lawsuits that are like the bars of a fortress.” A humble apology can be the key that allows us to enter that "fortress".
16. What should we think, and why?
We must also think carefully beforehand about what we are going to say to the offended brother and how we are going to say it. When we are ready, we must approach him with the aim of healing any wound in his heart. At first he may tell us things that are not very pleasant. But let us resist the temptation to get angry or justify ourselves, because that would not help us achieve peace. Let us remember that regaining peace with our brother is more important than seeing who has done right or who has done wrong (1 Cor. 6:7).
17. What do you learn from Gilbert's example?
Let's see all the efforts that a brother named Gilbert made to seek peace. He recounts: “He had a lot of problems with a close family member. I spent more than two years making efforts to speak calmly and frankly to try to recover our good relationship . What else did he do? “Before talking to this relative, he prayed and prepared me not to be offended if he said something hurtful to me. He had to be ready to forgive. I learned not to fight for my rights and understood that my obligation was to promote peace” . How did it all end? Gilbert recounts, “Today I am at peace because I get along with everyone in my family.”
18, 19. If we have offended someone, what should we do, and why?
In short, what should we do if we realize that we have offended another Christian? Obey Jesus' command to make peace. Let us discuss it with Jehovah and seek his holy spirit to help us solve the problem. If we do, we will be happy and show that we are listening to Jesus (Matt. 5:9).
How grateful we are that Jehovah lovingly directs us through Jesus Christ, who is “head of the congregation” (Eph. 5:23). Like the apostles Peter, James, and John, let us be determined to listen to him (Matt. 17:5). We have seen that one way to do this is to make peace with any brother we have offended. If we also stay on the narrow path that leads to life, we will receive many blessings now and be happy throughout eternity.
Why should we listen to Jesus and stay on the "narrow" path?
Satan wants us to get off the path that leads to life and to go along with the majority of humanity on the spacious path that leads to destruction. If we continue to listen to Jesus and see the narrow path as a protection, we will not get out of it.
If we offend someone, why is it important that we make it up to them?
When we are ready, we must approach him with the aim of healing any wounds in his heart. At first he may tell us things that are not very pleasant. But let us resist the temptation to get angry or justify ourselves, because that would not help us achieve peace.
How does listening to Jesus benefit us?
Listening to Jesus benefits us in many ways, because thanks to him we can make amends with our brothers who we have offended and be able to be at peace. He also helps us stay on the narrow path so that we can attain eternal life.
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