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"Who is your king?" (10 min.)
Some time ago, and behind a car that had the sign. God is my co-pilot! At first it seemed that he had a good connotation, that is, that he had a close relationship with God. But after thinking about it. Who is a co-pilot? He is an assistant to a pilot. A person who replaces him or else is in charge of the command when the captain allows it or in an emergency to help him.
There I thought like that expression of !God is my co-pilot!. He puts God in a secondary place. Let's deal with this in the Treasures of the Bible section with the title: Who is your king? And we'll look at the example of the Israelites and see if we're trying to relegate God to second place so that he loses his right to direct us as a pilot.
And not that he becomes a co-pilot that appears in our lives when there really is an emergency.
LET'S READ: 1 Samuel 8:4-5.
4 Eventually all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel in Ramah 5 and said to him, “Look! You yourself have grown old, but your own children have not walked in your ways. Now appoint us a king to judge us, yes, like all the nations.”
It is clearly a display of disrespect for Jehovah. Would you say there that Jehovah is Israel's pilot or co-pilot? He just takes a backseat. Now they wanted to be led by a human king whom they could see.
Although we today do not have a ruler mostly over our lives. However, when we put God second, in certain respects we become like the Israelites. In what respects can we relegate God as a co-pilot?
When we make decisions that are going to affect our spiritual life, it could be accepting more time to work, accepting a job that apparently could improve our quality of life, but sacrificing preaching, meetings, our personal study. There are times when one can receive a very good job offer and we can feel cheated saying thank Jehovah I am improving in my job.
But Jehovah will never give us anything that gets in the way of his service. It would be necessary to analyze well if we are making decisions without consulting Jehovah. Not as the co-pilot, but as someone who must direct our lives. Returning to the example, to the situation that arose with the Israelites, how did Jehovah feel about this request from the elders of Israel to want a king?
LET'S READ: 1 Samuel 8:7,8.
7 And Jehovah answered him, “Do whatever the people have told you, because they have not rejected you. It's me they don't want as king. 8 They are doing the same thing they have been doing since the day I brought them out of Egypt. They always abandon me and worship other gods. And that's what they're doing to you now.
Without a doubt, Samuel, upon hearing this request, was very upset to hear that people who were in the lead within the people of Israel, such as the elders, were requesting something that was really cheeky, disrespectful to Jehovah. But what a way for Jehovah to act! He simply told them: "Listen to the people, do what they ask you, because they are rejecting me."
Without a doubt, our actions, as in the case of the elders of Israel, will greatly affect Jehovah. Of course, he will not change in his way of leading his people and showing love, whether we serve him or not. But if he feels hurt by our attitude, because sooner or later we will be the one to suffer the consequences.
And it is that Jehovah warned them that it would be very expensive for them to have a human king. Therefore, in our life, when we have to make very serious decisions that could affect our relationship with Jehovah. Why don't we sit down, seek information from both God's Word and Faithful and Wise Slave publications, and make a decision that pleases Jehovah?
Let Jehovah feel that he is our king, that he is our pilot, so to speak, that he is the one who takes command and we follow his direction. If we do that, the good result of that decision will be guaranteed. And it is that each of our decisions, or something good or something bad, will happen.
LET'S READ: 1 Samuel 8:9,18.
9 So listen to them, but you have to seriously warn them of the consequences. Tell them what the king who rules over them has the right to demand of them.” 18 The day will come when they will mourn the king they have chosen to have. But when that happens, Jehovah will not answer them.”
Impossible more precise and direct words. Jehovah was very clear. It's okay. They want a human king. Have it, I'll give it to you. But yes, they will have to obey everything he tells them. The elders of Israel were simply following a customary way that they saw around them that the other nations had a ruler. But how did these rulers act? They had no law, they simply did what they saw fit for their own benefit.
Although a human being could become king in the name of God. Even so, that human being could deviate from those laws if he wanted to and through history, it was shown. The kings of Israel. Many of them were unfaithful and the whole town suffered. And what did the people do when they felt oppressed? They were looking for the co-pilot and he takes command to get them out of the emergency in which he was.
And over time, that is what has been perceived. Human rulers make decisions for their own benefit, putting God aside. Although sometimes there are phrases like: "In God we trust." Or like the one we were saying, of vehicles that say “God is my co-pilot”.
How different is Jehovah, who has always governed us with care, treats us all with dignity when we respect his authority. If we obey him and support his rule, we will always have blessings. The things we make as decisions in our lives will always be for the best.
Let's continue to show that although many people relegate God to the position of a co-pilot, we put him as someone who is always directing our lives and that before we make difficult decisions in them, we will consult with him, because if we do so, the result will be good relationship with Jehovah and permanent happiness.
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