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1. What is one reason Jesus said that his disciples are like sheep?
The reason was because just as the sheep know and follow their shepherd, in the same way we follow Jehovah.
Because just as the sheep know their shepherd and respond to his voice, in the same way, the disciples of Jesus know his voice and follow him.
Because the link that exists between the sheep and the shepherd, that same link should have the disciples and Jesus, because in the case of the sheep they can differentiate the voice of a stranger and that of the shepherd.
The sheep know their shepherd and respond to his voice. A tourist saw this with his own eyes. He recounted, “We wanted to film some sheep and tried to get them to come over, but they didn't follow us because they didn't know our voice. Then a young man appeared, who was his pastor. He had barely started calling them when they followed him."
2, 3. (a) How do Jesus' disciples show that they listen to his voice?
They demonstrate by doing what Jesus taught them. And so they listen to his voice and are attentive to his word.
We show that we listen to his voice if we do what he taught us. Not only is it worth listening to him, but we also have to carry out what he tells us, put it into practice.
When Jesus was here on earth he left teachings and if we want to show that we listen to his voice, then we will obey all the teachings that Jesus mentioned in the Bible.
Jesus is in heaven. So how can we hear it? One way is by doing what he taught us.
b) What will we see in this article and the next?
We will see in this article some teachings of Jesus, as we know he taught us that we should stop doing certain things and that we should do others.
We will analyze some of the teachings of Jesus. And we will see what things we must stop doing and what others we must do.
In this article we will look at some teachings that Jesus said to obey and other things to avoid.
In this article and the next, we will give attention to some of the teachings of Jesus. First, let's discuss two things that the fine pastor tells us to stop doing.
4. According to Luke 12:29, what can cause us to be “excessively worried”?
Some things that make us excessively worried is to be able to get everything we need to support our family, what is necessary to be able to live.
As we have read in the verse Jesus said to stop looking for what they will eat and what they will drink. Because if we look for these things we could be excessively worried in our life.
We may begin to worry about getting our daily livelihood, and how to meet the needs of our family.
Jesus told his disciples to stop being “excessively concerned” about getting what is necessary to live. And we know that this advice is always wise and useful.
5. Why are some brothers very worried?
Each brother has different concerns, but some may worry about finding a place to live, clothing and food. Sometimes unexpected things happen that make us change our economic situation, and it is difficult to earn enough to feed our family.
They live very worried about getting food, clothing and shelter. And this may be due to various reasons, such as, for example, that the country is in an economic crisis, that they have lost their job due to the pandemic or perhaps the one who earned money in the family has died.
Today at this time the world situation has made the brothers and sisters worry more than usual about obtaining support for the family, because sometimes they have had to face unexpected problems such as the loss of the loved one who supported the family or the lack of job that exists today.
It is a fact, not something hypothetical or imaginary, many brothers live very worried about getting food, clothing and shelter. Perhaps the economic situation in your country is very bad. They may find it difficult to earn enough money for their family. Perhaps the one who supported the family has died and the others have been left without financial support. And the COVID-19 pandemic has left many jobless and without income.
6. Explain what happened to the apostle Peter on a certain occasion.
Peter was in a boat on the Sea of Galilee in a storm, they saw Jesus walking on the water. When Jesus said “Come!”, “Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water towards Jesus. But, he scared her. And, as he began to sink, he cried out: 'Lord, save me!' Jesus “stretched out his hand” and saved him.
On one occasion, the apostle Peter and the other apostles were in a boat on the Sea of Galilee in a storm when they saw Jesus walking on the water. Peter said, "Lord, if it's you, tell me to come to you on the water." When Jesus said “Come!”, “Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water towards Jesus.
He was sailing when, in the middle of the storm, he saw Jesus walking on the water. So, to find out who it really was, she asked if she could come to him on the water. At first she was firm looking at Jesus, but when she noticed the force of the wind, she lost confidence, she was afraid and fell into the water. Then Jesus reached out his hand and saved him.
Peter was in the boat when he saw Jesus walking on the waters and asked Jesus to go where he was, and while he was looking at Jesus Peter walked on the waters but when he looked at his surroundings he became afraid and began to sink.
7. What lesson does Peter's example teach us?
It teaches us that we can face problems that will question our faith. But we do not have to lose sight of the promises of Jehovah, because we could sink, spiritually.
When he got out of the boat and started walking on the water, he didn't think he would get distracted and start to sink. His goal was to get to where Jesus was, but he didn't make it because he looked away into the storm. Sure, we can't walk on water, but we do face problems that test our faith. If we lose sight of Jehovah and his promises, we will begin to sink spiritually.
The lesson we learn is that when Peter looked away from Jesus and looked at the circumstances, he hesitated and fell into the sea. In the same way, we learn that we should not lose sight of Jehovah when we face problems because we could sink spiritually. We must trust him and with more reason when we go through difficult circumstances.
When we have problems our faith is put to the test just like Peter and when we think about these problems we tend to forget Jehovah and that he can help us, so whatever the situation we find ourselves in, let's not forget Jehovah and his promises .
8. What will help us not worry too much about material needs?
It will help us remember the promises that our Father has made to us, he promises that he will take care of us and give us everything we need in a material sense. Only if we put him first.
One thing that will help us is to replace worry with trust in Jehovah. Let us remember that our loving Father promises us that if we put him first, he will take care of giving us what we need in a material sense. He has always kept this promise. If Jehovah takes care of the birds and the flowers, we do not have to worry about what we are going to eat or wear.
It will help us to replace that concern with trust in Jehovah. As Matthew 6:33 says, if we put Jehovah first, he will see to it that we receive the other things.
Furthermore, if Jehovah takes care of “dressing” the animals and flowers with those beautiful colors, he will also take care of us, who are more valuable. It would be good to meditate on the words of Matthew 6: 26,30 where he tells us that if God clothes the vegetation of the field, he will not clothe you with much more reason, people of little faith?
And one thing that can help us trust that Jehovah cares for us is what Philippians 4:6,7 tells us. Verse 6 says "do not be anxious about anything, but by prayers and supplications make known to God your requests." So, if we see that worry overwhelms us, let us tell our God Jehovah our worries and he will give us peace.
What will help us is to keep in mind that just as responsible parents provide for their children, Jehovah will take care of us and give us what we need if we put him first.
A brother is sinking in the water. Series of images: 1. The brother packs his things at the place of employment. 2. While he buys food with his children, the money is not enough for some things. 3. His brother and his family leave his house.
Rather than “sink down” in worrying about material things, let us strengthen our trust in Jehovah. (See paragraphs 6 to 8). *
9. What do you learn from what happened to a marriage?
We learn that despite the circumstances we are going through, Jehovah will always take care of us and bless us, if we serve him faithfully.
A married couple traveled by car for more than an hour to bring sisters who were in a refugee camp to the meeting. Later they wanted to invite them to eat, but they remembered that they had nothing to offer. To their surprise, when they got home they saw two bags full of food on the doorstep. Surely, we learn that Jehovah provides us with the necessary physical food.
That in the most difficult moments we always see the hand of Jehovah, for example this couple on one occasion did not have to provide the sisters and when they arrived there were two bags of food at the door and we also see that they were able to solve the car problem despite that they had no money with this we learn that Jehovah cares for his servants.
Jehovah if he can take care of our material needs. However, biblical principles dictate that we must be farsighted, plan and calculate, we avoid going around putting Jehovah to the test, instead we have good judgment.
10. How do the words of Psalm 37:5 help us not to worry about material needs?
Jehovah will take care of us and provide our material needs, when we need it, or we are going through a difficult situation, he will never abandon us.
The verse we have read is very clear. Let us put matters in Jehovah's hands. He will always take care of giving us what we need in some way. So, let us fully trust in him and we will see his hand in our lives.
Psalms 37: gives us the security that if we trust him and leave our concerns in his hands he will help us get ahead.
In addition, the Psalms do not specify what kind of problems, so that teaches us that for all problems, Jehovah gives us his help and can use other people to help us get ahead.
Until now, Jehovah may have used the head of the family or the employer to take care of our daily needs. Now, if the head of the family can no longer bring bread home or we lose our jobs, Jehovah will take care of providing in some other way.
11. According to Matthew 7:1, 2, what did Jesus say we should stop doing, and why might it be difficult?
Jesus said that we must stop judging people, it may be difficult because we are not perfect and we can look at the flaws of others, but that is not right.
Jesus said to stop judging. This can be difficult because human beings are imperfect and we tend to fixate on the mistakes of others.
Jesus said that we stop judging others and this is difficult because we tend to focus more on the defects of others than on their virtues.
Jesus knew that human beings are imperfect and that we have a tendency to focus on the flaws of others. That's why he said, "Stop judging." And, although we try not to judge our brothers, we do not always succeed.
12, 13. How does Jehovah's example help us stop judging others?
It helps us notice the good in people, as Jehovah does with King David. Jehovah focused on David's lifelong faithfulness and his heartfelt repentance. That is why he forgave his grave sins.
It helps us because Jehovah always looks at the good in each of us. He always looks at the good qualities of his servants. His good example helps us to do the same.
And we have the example of how Jehovah treated King David. David made very serious mistakes, and hurt many people with his actions. Despite this, Jehovah saw David's sincere repentance and forgave him his grave sins. So we see how Jehovah noticed the good in David.
Jehovah noticed the good qualities that David had even though he made serious mistakes and we should also do the same, look at the good qualities of others so that we stop judging them.
God focused on David's lifelong faithfulness and heartfelt repentance. That's why he forgave his grievous sins. He knew that David loved him very much and that he wanted to do what was right.
14. What has helped some brothers stop judging others?
It has helped us to think that Jehovah does not judge us being imperfect humans, we can also stop judging our neighbor and be able to see all the good things that person has.
A diamond in the rough may look ugly, but the wise person looks beyond appearances and knows what it will come to be worth when cut and polished. Like Jehovah and Jesus, we need to look beyond appearances to the good qualities of people.
It has helped them to ponder Jehovah's example. If we imitate Jehovah, we will get along with others, we will be understanding, and we will notice what is good in people.
What has helped them is knowing that Jehovah, being perfect, did not notice the defects of humans, with all the more reason we should not do it and if we want to imitate Jehovah we will ignore his defects, we will try to see the good in the brothers.
15. Why will thinking about the circumstances of others help us not to judge them harshly?
Because if we start to imagine what the life of others is like, it may be more difficult than ours and we judge without knowing what the person may be going through.
Try to imagine what his life is like. Let's look at an example of this. One day, while Jesus was in the temple, he saw a poor widow who dropped two small coins into one of the treasure chests. He didn't ask why she hadn't added more. Instead of focusing on how many coins she had given, he took into account her motives and circumstances, and praised her for doing all she could.
Because that way we won't judge why someone does something or stops doing it. If we imagine the possible circumstances that a person is going through, we will not criticize or judge him harshly. Perhaps there is something that we do not know and, therefore, that person acts in a different way from us.
We have the example of Jesus. Instead of judging her widow for the little money she put in and thinking that she could have put in more of it, what Jesus did was take her circumstances into account and praise her for having done all she could. .
Because we will come to understand them and we will know why they act that way just like Jesus did when he saw the poor widow drop two coins, he understood her situation and knew, that he did it with all his heart.
16. What does Veronica's experience teach you?
Veronica shows us the importance of imagining what the lives of others are like. We learn that we don't have to judge people without knowing what they may be going through at the time.
Verónica did not have a very good opinion of a single mother with her son because she saw them as not very active. But when she went out to preach with her mother, she learned that the son was autistic and all the efforts that the mother makes to move forward. This teaches us not to judge other brothers without really knowing what problems they are going through. On the contrary, value and respect all our brothers.
Verónica did not have a very good opinion of a single mother with her son because she saw them as not very active. But when she went out to preach with her mother, she learned that the son was autistic and all the efforts that the mother makes to move forward. This teaches us not to judge other brothers without really knowing what problems they are going through. On the contrary, value and respect all our brothers.
That we should get to know the brothers better before judging and that is why we should take advantage of every opportunity to get to know the brothers and value them for the service they give to Jehovah.
Beneath the prominent image of an uncut diamond, a young brother enters the Kingdom Hall late while an older brother gives him an angry look. Image series: Below the featured image of a cut diamond, three scenes of the young brother. 1. You hand a contact card to a man sitting on a park bench. 2. The young man helps to carry the grocery shopping to an older woman. 3. He Helps with yard work at the Kingdom Hall.
Seeing beyond appearances will help us stop judging others. (See paragraphs 11, 14 to 16). *
17. What command does James 2:8 give us, and how can we obey it?
It commands us to love our neighbor, we must pray to Jehovah and beg him to help us stop judging. So we can obey him and be able to love our brothers.
Let us remember that we have to love our brothers (read James 2:8). In addition, we should pray to Jehovah and beg him to help us stop judging. And we can act in harmony with our prayers by taking the initiative to speak with that brother. That may give us a chance to meet him. We can also invite you to preach or to eat. As we get to know our brother better, we can try to follow the example of Jehovah and Jesus by looking for the good in him.
James 2:8 commands us to "love our neighbor as ourselves." Also, we have Jehovah's help, so we can pray to him to help us stop judging others.
To obey this command we could take the initiative to speak with that brother to know him more. We can even invite him to preach or to eat. This will make it easier for us to love our brothers and stop judging them.
We are commanded to love our neighbor as ourselves and one way to do it is by not judging and for this we must know him, for example we can invite them to preach or eat together so we can find the good things that our brothers have.
18. How do we show that we hear the voice of the fine shepherd?
We show that we listen to the voice of the shepherd, striving to stop being worried about material things and stop judging others, Jehovah and Jesus will bless us.
Just as the literal sheep listen to the voice of their shepherd, the disciples of Jesus listen to his voice. If we make an effort to stop being preoccupied with material things and to stop judging others, Jehovah and Jesus will bless us. Whether we are part of the “little flock” or the “other sheep,” may we all continue to listen to and obey the voice of the fine shepherd.
One of the ways to show that we hear the voice of Jesus is to stop being preoccupied with material things and to stop judging others. In this way, like the sheep of a flock, we will be following in the footsteps of Jehovah and Jesus.
Obeying the command not to worry excessively about material things and not to judge others.
What can we do to stop worrying about material things?
One thing that will help us is to replace worry with trust in Jehovah. Let us remember that our loving Father promises us that if we put him first, he will take care of giving us what we need in a material sense. He has always kept this promise.
One thing that will help us is to replace worry with trust in Jehovah. Let us remember that our loving Father promises us that if we put him first, he will take care of giving us what we need in a material sense. He has always kept this promise. If Jehovah takes care of the birds and the flowers, we do not have to worry about what we are going to eat or wear. Just as love moves responsible parents to provide for their children, love moves our heavenly Father to attend to the material needs of his servants.
We must transform that concern into trust in Jehovah. If we focus on putting spiritual matters first, Jehovah will see to it that we need what we need. And knowing this will give us peace of mind and confidence.
What will help us is to keep in mind that just as responsible parents provide for their children, Jehovah will take care of us and give us what we need if we put him first.
When we listen to the fine shepherd and stop worrying too much about material things, we can be sure that Jehovah will provide what we need.
What will help us stop judging others?
Try to imagine what his life is like. It is very easy to see the flaws in others and become critical. But the person who imitates Jehovah gets along with others even though he knows his shortcomings. A diamond in the rough may look ugly, but the wise person looks beyond appearances and knows what it will come to be worth when cut and polished.
It will help us to follow the examples of Jehovah and Jesus, who always look at our qualities. It will also help us to imagine what life is like for our brothers. Perhaps it is harder than we think.
Think about the circumstances of others because we will come to understand them and we will know why they act that way just like Jesus did when he saw the poor widow throw two coins, he understood her situation and knew that he did it with all his heart.
Seeing beyond appearances will help us stop judging others.
Our intentions must be constructive instead of destructive, since we do not seek to justify the mistakes of others, but rather, look for their positive points.
In John 7:24 Jesus spoke of being fair when judging, in fact this is relative and each particular case must be discerned, instead of imposing arbitrary rules, as we have seen in this article there are no 2 equal stories, there are circumstances.
How has the analysis of this article benefited you?
It has benefited us in being able to know a little more about the teachings of Jesus. Jesus taught us that we must stop doing certain things and that we must do others. We learned to stop judging others, and put ourselves in other people's shoes.
Personally, this article has helped me remember that we have Jehovah and Jesus on our side, so we don't have to worry too much about material things, because they take care of us.
And I also liked the idea of meditating on the lives of our brothers, so as not to be too hard on them and to be more understanding. It has benefited me because it has helped me to imitate Jehovah by not judging others and when I have problems, keep in mind that Jehovah can help me get ahead.
It helps us not to lose stability in the midst of the storms we are going through, it helps us to have discernment to apply biblical principles in each case as our Lord Jesus Christ did, and not to harshly judge our brothers, to show empathy and understanding, and to forgive those who have treated us harshly.
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