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1. What is one reason Jesus said that his disciples are like sheep?
The reason is because: just as a literal little sheep knows very well the voice of its shepherd when he calls and follows him, in the same way, there is a "special bond" between us and our excellent shepherd Jesus, so when we hear his voice we follow it.
Because as Jesus himself said in John 10:14 he said I know my sheep and my sheep know me and that is the reality the sheep are only able to recognize the voice of the shepherd if someone tries to deceive them they quickly recognize his voice and act accordingly what the pastor tells them.
And we have an example in the paragraph some tourists who seem to want to sign a group of sheep tried to approach them but it seems that the sheep did not pay attention to them because they did not know their voice instead a young man who was a shepherd approached They recognized the voice and followed the young man.
The sheep have the peculiarity that they get to know the caliber and timbre of their own shepherd's voice and it is true that the shepherd has a general call for all of them at the same time for the entire flock but at the same time he also gave an individual name to each leave his own so beautiful that Jesus using this example compared this bond that exists between each one of us.
2, 3. (a) How do Jesus' disciples show that they listen to his voice?
We show that we hear the voice of Jesus when we do what he teaches us. In Matthew 7:24,25 Jesus said that if we "hear and do" what he tells us we will be like the wise man who built his house on the rock. This implies "effort on our part," because just as the man in the illustration has to dig for solid rock to lay the foundation, we need "a lot of effort to obey the teachings of Jesus."
Well, Jesus himself said they will listen to my voice and the note says that one of the senses that the Greek word listen is to obey, so we listen to Jesus when we obey or do what he taught.
Matthew 7:24 and 25 Jesus himself said that everyone who will listen to what he had said and do it, that is to say, will be a prudent person will be like one of his sheep.
In the previous paragraph we can see the example between listening and hearing because the sheep heard but they did not hear the voice because they did not obey they did not follow it, the disciples can hear they can hear the voice of Jesus when they read the word of God the Bible but they listen when they obey And they keep doing what Jesus said.
b) What will we see in this article and the next?
We will see some teachings of Jesus and learn what things we should stop doing and others we should do.
Well, we will see certain things that Jesus taught us that we must stop doing and others that we must do.
4. According to Luke 12:29, what can cause us to be “excessively worried”?
We can be excessively concerned with getting or looking for what is necessary to live.
As we have read in Luke 12:29, then worry about getting what is most necessary, eating or drinking.
5. Why are some brothers very worried?
Due to the difficulties they are facing, perhaps the father has lost his job and no income, or perhaps the person who supported the family has died and this has caused the family to be left without financial support. This means that many of them live very worried about getting the essentials such as: food, clothing and shelter.
Because the world situation has become very complicated, many have real economic problems, there are countries where it is very difficult to get food, shelter, what is necessary and everything has been complicated by the pandemic, many families have lost a family member who was perhaps responsible for supporting them. or they have lost their job so as Ecclesiastes says the unforeseen event has made everything go crazy.
Sometimes it may also be that we are not going through these problems but also, as Ecclesiastes says, we know that everyone has a bad time and perhaps we worry about what may happen so whether we are going through a bad time now or we are worried for what may come in the future, it will undoubtedly be very interesting and appropriate for all of us to analyze these suggestions of Jesus to stop worrying.
6. Explain what happened to the apostle Peter on a certain occasion.
Peter and the other apostles were in a boat in a storm and they saw Jesus walking on the water. Peter asked Jesus to order him to go to him and when Jesus said to him: "Come!" Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water, but when he saw the storm he became afraid and began to sink, so he cried out for help and Jesus "stretched out his hand" and saved him. This case shows us that Peter's faith weakened in an instant, when he stopped keeping his eyes fixed on Jesus, and diverted his gaze to the storm, it was at that moment that fear and doubts invaded him, and he began to sink.
Well, in the middle of that storm he saw Jesus walking on the water and even with doubt since he said Lord if it's you order me to come towards you indeed that's what Jesus told him but after taking a few steps or starting to walk he saw the storm the force of the wind and began to sink.
When he got out of the boat he was determined he was determined where Jesus was while that was happening his mind was fixed on Jesus it was at the moment that as he says there he began to notice the force of the wind he stopped looking at what was important he began to focus his attention on another thing that distracted him and that's when he lost sight of Jesus and then he began to sink.
And he was so blinded by fear that when he began to sink he shouted to Jesus Lord save me bone he was so confused with so much fear that he had even forgotten what he could do he was an expert swimmer he was a fisherman so we see that he was very blinded by that fear he had.
Yes, we all know of Peter's determined character, of course, and of his great faith, because I don't doubt for a moment when Jesus called him, he stepped into the water, of course, he had no weakness, no spiritual problem, he had no lack of faith, but this teaches us that although we are spiritually mature people we trust in Jehovah we have faith immediately in a few moments as happened to Peter something can scare us so much that it can paralyze us.
7. What lesson does Peter's example teach us?
Peter's example Peter's example teaches us that our faith can be weakened in a very short time if we stop focusing on Jehovah and his ability to help us. Let us remember that Peter stopped looking at Jesus and his faith faltered. We, too, run the risk of sinking spiritually if we “look into the storm” or problems and begin to doubt Jehovah's support. The best thing is to extend our gaze to him and his promises, and the complete trust that he will help us.
Peter was able to walk while he looked at Jesus, we just as we have our sights set on Jehovah, but like Peter we get distracted when we face problems, this makes us turn our eyes away, losing sight of Jehovah, that's when we can sink.
So it is not so much the time when we think we are serving Jehovah but our endurance where we focus our eyes on who we trust whose expectations we have ours or Jehovah's especially when we face storms in life.
And Pedro was very determined, he did not think that this would happen to him in the same way as spiritual people that we are, it may be that we do not have any doubts that we do not think that it will happen to us, but it is a reality that it could happen when facing problems. that we began to sink just like what happened to Pedro.
And as it says at the end of the paragraph it says let's continue to focus on Jehovah and his ability to help us and it's true this is what happens when despite the problems we continue to focus on Jehovah then that reminds us that Jehovah always helps us gives us is much bigger than the problem.
8. What will help us not worry too much about material needs?
What will help us is trusting Jehovah completely. In Matthew 6: 26-30 we are reminded that just as Jehovah takes care of the birds and flowers, with much more reason, he will take care of us his servants. So we must have the assurance that he will attend to and provide for our material needs. Also in verses 32 and 33 it says that if we put him first, our loving Father will take care of giving us what we need in a material sense.
Substituting that concern for the necessary things with full trust in Jehovah when we make that substitution is like what we need at that moment to put Jehovah first and we know that he is going to give us the necessary things.
And something that guarantees us that Jehovah is going to help us is to think about his history as The Watchtower says here in the phrase he has always fulfilled this promise and the psalmist expressed it like this I was young and now I am old but I have never seen a righteous abandoned or his children looking for bread, that's the kind of God we have who always cares about us.
And in Deuteronomy 8:15 and 16 it recounts how Jehovah took care of meeting the needs of millions of people of his people when he left Egypt he says broken 40 years his clothes did not wear out Jehovah protected them gave them water gave them food and had to be impressive to see that multitude of people there in the desert, an arid place where there is nothing and yet Jehovah provided them with everything, so meditating on these examples helps us to think that Jehovah can also satisfy our material needs if we are going through a time hard.
We can also meditate on the creation in Matthew 6:26 to 30. Jesus there gives the example of the flowers, the birds, creations that sometimes man does not pay attention to, but Jehovah takes care of them and gives them what is necessary, as well as how much he will do what is necessary for us. .
And apart from giving us what is necessary, Jehovah also knows that excessive worry can damage our health, which is why he invites us in Philippians 4:6 and 7 not to worry about anything, ask him in prayer for his peace so that he protects our minds and hearts.
And love is what moves Jehovah to act like a father out of love for his children and his wife. In this case, the head of the family will do everything possible to provide what is necessary, which we are going to expect from Jehovah as provider, the God of love. The God of love is sure that he will feel motivated to see a servant of his and help him in everything that is needed at the time.
Yes, thinking about the words of the apostle Paul, the expression there catches my attention in any situation because it may be that we think it is not that my situation is special, I need to worry because no one is living what I live but Jehovah through the apostle Paul says in any don't worry about the situation and ends by saying that this will protect our hearts and our minds because sometimes the mind is the one that plays tricks on us by focusing, as in the case of the apostle Peter, on things that are not so important and making us return again to the our minds to Jesus who really gives us comfort, strength, help at the time we need.
A brother is sinking in the water. Series of images: 1. The brother packs his things at the place of employment. 2. While he buys food with his children, the money is not enough for some things. 3. His brother and his family leave his house.
Rather than “sink down” in worrying about material things, let us strengthen our trust in Jehovah. (See paragraphs 6 to 8). *
And also when we began to study we were baptized and we are very sure I was very sure and very confident that it was the truth but now they start later with time the storms start as we see in the image we can find problems we can lose our jobs we have to leave home because we cannot pay the bill there are the storms the wind but now is the time to trust in Jehovah and not doubt and just like our brother we can sink if we worry excessively but there we have to trust in Jehovah and put first place his kingdom.
Perhaps the brother has lost his job and that triggers many problems and perhaps he does not have what he needs to give his family they will have to move, all of that could destabilize the family and this brother is perhaps a brother who was spiritually strong but if these problems cause you to lose sight of true focus can shipwreck you spiritually.
Even thinking about the third part of the image in which they have to move, perhaps you are worried about perhaps destabilizing the meetings or not, but the truth is that if they have had to change cities, perhaps now they will have to make a change of congregation a change of congregation sometimes it is not easy to meet new brothers who may not know our circumstances so that could also disable it but as we have been seeing in these paragraphs it is important that we continue with that spiritual routine that allows us to be active and focused on Jehovah always will take care of us.
9. What do you learn from what happened to a marriage?
This couple recounts how, on two different occasions, the hand of Jehovah was with them and attended to their material needs. In one, Jehovah gave them the food they needed and in another, he allowed them to solve a problem they had with their car that they used for the ministry. When we meditate on this example, we realize that Jehovah is aware of our needs and provides us with help from him, if we continue to put spiritual matters first. So, we should not doubt his support and his ability to help us.
They knew how to keep material things in their place and put their spiritual life first because they said that they served full time and that they had gone to the meeting so they did not let material things take the first place from the spiritual ones, perhaps they were a little worried but not overly worried.
I liked them a lot when they ended up saying we knew that everything that happened to them had not been a coincidence, it had been the hand of Jehovah, that also teaches me to be very vigilant and always recognize that it is the hand of Jehovah that is behind everything what happens to us.
And her economic situation was difficult because she mentions the experience that they had traveled more than an hour by car to pick up some sisters who lived in a refugee camp and take them to the meeting,an effort for someone who lacks the basics even to eat but they didn't notice or didn't say we can't go get her we don't even have to eat it's incredible that they made that effort to go pick up two sisters who already had a very difficult situation because they lived in a refugee camp even so they did not realize it and they invited them to dinner then they fell that they had nothing showing the spiritual and human quality that they had then Jehovah has obviously rewarded them because seeing their good heart their good intention their spirit of sacrifice when they get home there are two big bags full of food to give to the sisters and eat them,so being in the worst situation, a not easy situation, they always thought of others in these sisters who had to be picked up to take them to the meeting, a great spirit of sacrifice of course.
And we see that the thing did not end there because that is the car that he needed so much for the ministry, perhaps also to do this work so gratefully necessary to look for these sisters in the refugee camp because that car that they needed so much to have their theocratic work broke down and they didn't have enough money to repair it either so the brother took it to a garage to see how much the repair would cost and we see that just at that moment and a man walked in looking for exactly the same car and that same model and so he bought it and the money they gave them was enough to buy another car that was in good condition, so we certainly see how Jehovah really helped these dear brothers when they needed him most.
10. How do the words of Psalm 37:5 help us not to worry about material needs?
This Psalm helps us to be certain that Jehovah will give us what is necessary in a material sense, «He assures us that he will act in our favor». Therefore, if our family has the problem of not being able to bring bread home, we have lost our jobs, Jehovah knows this situation and will take care of providing what we need in some way.
Well, there Jehovah guarantees us that he will act in our favor, so we see that we can have the certainty and confidence that Jehovah will use the necessary means or the necessary people to provide what we need.
Once as human beings we do what is within our power, as much as possible, then let Jehovah take care of it, he is capable of doing the impossible, as the paragraph says, Jehovah will take care of providing in some other way, in the previous experience the brother could perhaps having thought if perhaps someone could buy me the car but how would someone want to buy it if it is pending repair, that is precisely the way he had the money to buy another, then let us not worry that Jehovah is going to take care of solving it.
First Peter 5:7 also highlights the idea of that trust in Jehovah when he says while they cast all their concerns on him, it is the first action that we must take into account knowing what is a matter of faith of trust that he will not fail and now we have to be sure that he cares about us and if we do his will we have to be completely convinced that we will never lack for anything.
In the first letter to Timothy 5:8 it says that the head who does not provide for his house is worse than a person without faith and we think here, for example, if a head can no longer provide, the one in charge is Jehovah, of course if Jehovah thinks or he hates a head who does not provide for those of his house and Jehovah says that when the head cannot he takes care of it if he did not do it he would be like someone he hates and Jehovah will never allow that so Jehovah will provide when the head cannot .
11. According to Matthew 7:1, 2, what did Jesus say we should stop doing, and why might it be difficult?
We must “Stop judging”. This can be difficult for us to obey because we are imperfect if we have a tendency to notice the faults of others, but Jesus encourages us to make an effort to “stop doing it”.
Yes at the beginning of the text it says stop judging that is what we do not have to do and it is difficult for us because our imperfection makes us that the first thing we see of those in front of us are the failures and defects.
12, 13. How does Jehovah's example help us stop judging others?
Jehovah's example helps us to see that he does not judge people for their mistakes and quickly concludes that they are hopeless cases, rather, "he sees the good in them." We can see it in the case of David who made serious mistakes and caused harm to his family and the people of Israel, but despite this, Jehovah was merciful and focused on the fact that David had been faithful and that he was repentant from the heart. He knew that his servant loved him and was striving to do what was right. So we must imitate Jehovah: stop judging and "look at the good things in others."
Because Jehovah is the only one who has absolutely the whole picture and who also has the knowledge to know whether to judge or not, but even so, he is the one who sets the example for us of looking only at the good.
And he has left a record in the Bible of how he saw an imperfect man but who loved him and repented of his sins, perhaps from a human point of view David, all the things he did wrong were many and perhaps we would not have seen him with the same eyes but Jehovah has left us that he did see that he had a complete heart towards Jehovah.
And it is interesting because in the case of David it is not that Jehovah had not noticed David's mistakes, he noticed but he also saw what he did with these mistakes as the paragraph comments, Jehovah saw that he really was truly repentant in heart and saw a change in his heart so that's why he focused or decided to keep all the positive that was much greater than the negative.
And we also see it in first Kings chapter 9 verse 4 when Jehovah tells Solomon son of David he says look, follow the ways like your father who had an upright heart and focused on good with righteousness.
And in the case of David, the publications have sometimes commented that the sin he committed deserved bone death that if human judges had judged him he would have died, but nevertheless in this case it was Jehovah who took the judgment, so to speak, who took the reins and he saw his heart he saw his long path of fidelity as well and that compensated to the point that Jehovah will forgive his life and so we can learn from his mistakes but also to avoid them but also from the good things he did.
14. What has helped some brothers stop judging others?
What it has helped us to do is imitate Jehovah and Jesus, who teach us that we should look beyond appearances and focus on the good qualities of people. As the paragraph says, we must try to see others as a diamond, perhaps at first we do not like its appearance but when it is cut and polished we see what it really is worth, in the same way, if we look beyond the appearance of a brother we will realize the beautiful qualities you have and appreciate you more.
Be understanding and look beyond appearances.
The example of Jehovah and Jesus they know that we are not perfect and it will take many many years to get there but still sees what we can become and they focus on that despite our imperfections.
There is also the example of a rough diamond that apparently seems ugly but the person who knows that he understands sees the final result when it is polished how beautiful it is going to make us an example that shows how our case can be.
What it has helped us to do is imitate Jehovah and Jesus, who teach us that we should look beyond appearances and focus on the good qualities of people. As the paragraph says, we must try to see others as a diamond, perhaps at first we do not like its appearance but when it is cut and polished we see what it really is worth, in the same way, if we look beyond the appearance of a brother we will realize the beautiful qualities you have and appreciate you more.
15. Why will thinking about the circumstances of others help us not to judge them harshly?
Because thinking about the circumstances of the other person will make us aware of why he acts in a certain way and we will realize the effort he makes to serve Jehovah. We will also be inviting Jesus, who praises the poor widow who put two small coins in the treasury because she took into account his circumstances and motives and she knew that she had given what she could. So thinking about the circumstances of others will help us not to judge them harshly.
Because if we think about the circumstances, it is a sign that we are thinking about something beyond, which is what is seen at that moment, apparently here the widow is mentioned, who threw the two coins in reality, it was a little but Jesus imagined something beyond, he saw how it was that person and that what he had thrown was therefore in relation to his motives to his heart not only to what could be seen.
And looking at this case of the widow gives me this example it can be an exercise for us to examine ourselves well the situation is if we had been there next to Jesus with what eyes would we have seen the widow we would have thought about her circumstances because if it had been then we would have missed one of the great lessons that Jesus taught.
Just as Jesus did, knowing the circumstances of the brothers will help us praise them instead of judging them.
16. What does Veronica's experience teach you?
Veronica was a sister who had a poor opinion of another sister who attended the meeting with her son, but as she got to know her more, she realized the hard life she led and the effort she made to attend to the physical and spiritual needs of her son. autistic son. This made her change her mind and she now values and respects her sister very much for everything she does to serve Jehovah. This teaches us how important it is to "imagine what the lives of others are like", we must have a lot of empathy, so we will realize the effort that our brothers make to serve Jehovah.
It makes us see the importance of getting to know the brothers by imagining their circumstances. At first, this sister did not have a good opinion of this mother alone with her son and it only took her one day to preach with her so that she would tell her what her life was like and that's it He commented that his son was autistic, he went out of his way to attend to his needs and sometimes because of his health he could not attend that congregation he has to attend another and now we see in Veronica that the not good opinion he had of this sister now changed completely and he said now I value and respect her a lot for everything she does, so knowing the brothers well can help us see them as Jehovah sees them and even our service in the congregation loves each other joyfully.
Well, it taught me to know the brothers very well about any problem they may have, any circumstance they may have, so try to make an effort to see them with a complete picture of how Jehovah sees it, try thoroughly to be with them and make an effort to get to know him.
So in the moments of preaching are moments that if we take advantage of them we can get to know the brothers the other part of their lives that perhaps is not so well known and now that we are here and preach by videoconference and sometimes we have the opportunity to be with the brothers too and have conversations with them because how nice it is that we take the initiative to have uplifting conversations that allow us to get to know each other better and strengthen our bonds of affection because they are very valuable occasions.
Beneath the featured image of an uncut diamond, a young brother walks into the Kingdom Hall late while an older brother shoots him an angry look. Image series: Below the featured image of a cut diamond, three scenes of the young brother. 1. You hand a contact card to a man sitting on a park bench. 2. The young man helps to carry the grocery shopping to an older woman. 3. He Helps with yard work at the Kingdom Hall.
Seeing beyond appearances will help us stop judging others. (See paragraphs 11, 14 to 16). *
In the image that accompanies these paragraphs you can see an older brother looking at the young man who may be a little late for the meeting and how he looks up above it seems that I see him as a diamond in the rough he still doesn't see him very pretty he sees him a little ugly but instead it is seen that the young man with training time or already the qualities that he is demonstrating that perhaps the brother still does not see is actually a diamond since he is being polished by the qualities and gestures that he has in favor of true worship and also for the brothers.
And that is to avoid forming a judgment quickly because perhaps for an act we cannot play a person there are many things that we do not see that are beyond perhaps this brother has not seen that he cares about helping the elderly that he preaches informally that he does many other things than just being late for the meeting.
And I really liked the phrase in the paragraph that says that those who imitate Jehovah get along with others even if they know their defects, Jehovah knows all our defects and even so, what a good relationship we can have with him because he overlooks it and looking at the image the same thing we can ask ourselves how we would get along with this young man would we stay with the part on the left or would we stay with the many positive things that he has as a young man who helps the congregation without a doubt that this will show us if we imitate Jehovah.
17. What command does James 2:8 give us, and how can we obey it?
The mandate is: “love our neighbor as we love ourselves”. We can obey this command if we take the initiative and look for opportunities to get to know our brothers better, maybe we can invite them to preach or eat, and strive to see the good things in them, thus showing that we listen to the voice of our excellent pastor who commands us to stop judging others.
The mandate given to us is to love our neighbor, in this case we apply it to our brothers.
And if in the previous paragraph we said, well, we have to imagine the situation so as not to think badly of the brother, imagine what problem he may have, in this paragraph we are helped to think about let's try to get to know the brother, how? Well, trying to talk to him, taking the initiative to be together, perhaps preaching for some time together, inviting him home to eat, doing something to get to know him and thus avoid judging and think well as Jehovah thinks.
18. How do we show that we hear the voice of the fine shepherd?
We have learned in this article that we listen to the voice of our excellent shepherd Jesus, if we strive to stop being preoccupied with material things and stop judging others.
Well, by making an effort because the tendency, for example, if you lose your job or are sick, is to worry but you have to stop doing it or if we see a defect in a brother, the tendency is to judge but you have to stop doing it, a constant effort is needed.
What can we do to stop worrying about material things?
We must keep our eyes fixed on Jehovah and his promises. We have to remember that whatever storms do not come, if we put spiritual matters first, our Loving Father will take care of giving us what we need materially.
Well, replace that concern with trust in Jehovah.
And we can do this by pondering past and present examples that show that Jehovah cares for his servants.
And if after making all this effort we feel that we still have excessive concern for the problems we have as we saw in Philippians 4:6 and 7 rather we should turn all these problems on Jehovah in prayer and we know how it is there that the peace of God that They will be beyond what any human being can understand to protect our hearts and also our minds.
What will help us stop judging others?
What it will help us to do is imitate Jehovah and Jesus, who teach us to see beyond appearances and notice the good qualities of people. Also, thinking about the circumstances of our brothers will help us stop judging them harshly, because we will realize the effort they make to serve Jehovah.
In striving to follow the example of Jehovah and Jesus, we must look beyond appearances and notice the good qualities of the brothers.
How has the analysis of this article benefited you?
It has taught me that listening to and obeying the voice of our fine shepherd Jesus is to our benefit, because his teachings are a practical remedy for life's stresses and problems. So we must strive to follow them and apply them in our lives.
I like it a lot, for example personally, in paragraph 8 when he spoke of the love that drives our heavenly father to meet our needs, it touched my heart because in the end Jehovah has created those feelings and has placed them in human parents but the same one that has created those feelings has feelings much greater than us so that we are in any other economic problem is going to be there because love drives him to be.
I have also learned that although Pedro was a man of faith, a spiritual man, having to face fear in the face of doubt, by ceasing to be focused on what he had to be, that destabilized him,it can happen to us we all have to face storms at some point in our lives and difficulties and the lesson or what Jehovah encourages us to be is that although it is impossible not to worry to some extent Jehovah encourages us to leave those worries to one side that we focus on spiritual things because he is going to help us he is there and as in the experiences we have seen in the Atalaya even those who lacked what they needed to eat transportation everything we need Jehovah will give it to us to give in the most unimaginable way so we must learn to focus on spiritual things even if we feel like we are worried.
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