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1, 2. (a) What command did three apostles receive from Jesus, and how did they react?
In a vision, Jehovah gave them the command that they should listen to Jesus, and by the way they lived they showed that they really listened to him and we want to follow their example.
The apostles Peter, James, and John received a mandate from Jehovah to "listen to his son Jesus." The reaction of the three to this command was evident, because their way of living showed that they really listened to Jesus.
Well, what we find in Matthew 17:5 there Jehovah told them this is my beloved son he has my approval listen to him and of course they showed that they listened to Jesus by their way of living.
The study note mentions that this is only the second time that humans heard Jehovah's voice so what an important message.
b) What will we see in this article?
We will look at two things that Jesus said we should do.
We are going to look at two things that Jesus said we should do.
3. According to Matthew 7:13, 14, what should we do?
According to this text, we must choose which path we are going to follow, since there are two, one spacious and the other narrow, and it should be noted that this decision is the most important that we will make, since our hope of living forever depends on it.
We must make the important decision to choose: which door to enter and which path to follow. There are only two options, the "narrow" path leads to eternal life and the "broad" path leads to destruction.
We must make a decision, these verses tell us about two paths, the narrow and the spacious, which represent two different behaviors, so we must choose which way we want to go if we want our behavior to please Jehovah or not.
Of course, and since our eternal life depends on it, it is a personal decision that no one can make for us.
It is clear to us that there are only two doors, that is, two options, the correct one and the incorrect one, we can say that there are no gray paths or alternative or personal ways of serving God as some affirm, since we cannot choose to serve God in our own way but there are only two directions.
4. How would you describe the “spacious” path?
The spacious path is an easy path, which is why most choose it, but unfortunately this path is the one that will lead to their destruction.
It is a wide and popular road that offers an "unreal freedom" but actually enslaves. Unfortunately, many of those who decide to continue in it do not realize that it is Satan who wants them to go down this road that leads to death.
Well, as its word itself indicates, it is great, it is easy to go for it and that is why many decide to go that way.
We can also describe it as a path that has been devised and designed each of its curves and straight lines by Satan himself precisely so that we move away from Jehovah and also that the companions that we are going to have on that path as First Corinthians 6 says: 9 and 10 are not good company, they are greedy people, drunken thieves, even people who do what Jehovah does not agree with, such as those who are immoral, idolaters or homosexuals.
It is interesting to compare the fact that many people go this wide way to what first John 5:19 says that it is mentioned that the whole world is under the power of the evil one so we can also understand why many people go this way because it is Satan himself is the one who is in charge of guiding them down this evil path.
5. What efforts have some made to find the narrow way and to begin to go there?
Many efforts since for this they have had to begin a deep study of the Bible and thus learn that Jehovah expects us to reject the teachings of false religions, and that we completely cut off our participation in celebrations and pagan customs, although they undoubtedly saw that they did not It is always easy to do what Jehovah asks of us, so it cost them a lot to make the changes they needed, but they made them to meet Jehovah's approval.
The first thing we have done is not tire of searching until we find the narrow path of truth, and then, when we find it, we have to make the necessary changes to stay on it. By studying the Bible in depth, we learned God's standards and listened to the teachings of Jesus. Furthermore, we had to reject false teachings and stop participating in celebrations and customs that have pagan origins. It is true that it is not easy for us to follow this path or make the changes that are asked of us, but the love of Jehovah and experiencing the benefits of walking in him make any effort or sacrifice worthwhile.
Well, some have had to make real efforts to find it because today the words of Jesus in Matthew 7:15 are being fulfilled that there would be false prophets and more than ever because it seems that there are thousands of religions and all of them claim to have the truth but thanks to a deep study of the word of God in the Bible because these people have been able to find the narrow path of truth.
It is also interesting that the word efforts is used at the end, as we can see, it meant not following the crowd, it was something that was difficult, it was something in which one could not give up, so it was like swimming against the current, if you stopped you would throw yourself back it was easier to get carried away so we know that these people really made great efforts to learn the truth and listen to Jesus.
And many have had to be very brave because, as Jesus said in Matthew 10 from 34 to 36, they would have enemies in their own house because they would choose to do the will of Jehovah and that could find them from what their family did, so it has required a lot Courage to stand on Jehovah's side.
And we also see that these people have not given up because as he says in proverbs 27:11 what they wanted to do is make the heart of Jehovah happy for love of his heavenly father to our father Jehovah they have not given up so that he is happy.
6. According to Psalm 119:9, 10, 45, 133, what can help us stay on the narrow path?
What can help us are Jehovah's rules set forth in his word the Bible, since these are like the protective or safety barriers found on narrow mountain roads, and the illustration gives us an idea of what these barriers are, then we must act according to what the bible says, only then will we walk through a safe place.
In these texts, the psalmist uses expressions such as: "do not let me go astray", "I will walk in a safe place" and "make my steps firm" in a way that reminds us that the narrow path contains Jehovah's rules that serve us. as barriers to protect us and help us stay and continue on the path of life. This is compared to the safety barriers that are on the literal roads, these serve to protect the driver and the vehicle from him, in the same way, Jehovah's standards are actually safe barriers for each of us.
As the verses say, it tells us that it helps us not to deviate, to be safe and to take firm steps on that path and then this fits very well with the illustration that comes in the paragraph that, like the barriers of a mountain on a very narrow path They protect us in the same way Jehovah's rules protect us so we don't go astray.
It is true that the Enlightenment helps us to understand very well the idea that none of us when we are driving down an unstable mountain road where our lives may be at stake think that these barriers because they bother us that they are there to make it more difficult for us to drive, everything the opposite is a guide that protects us because that is the point of view that the Bible transmits to us with respect to these norms or things that Jehovah gives us today to protect us.
And these barriers restrict the freedom of movement of any vehicle but just like Jehovah's regulations they also restrict us from certain freedom of movement but that freedom of movement is for our own good to protect us, in the image it looks very good if those weren't there barriers the result could be fatal in that curve and with Jehovah the same thing also happens if Jehovah's standards did not exist in any curve at any difficult moment of our life the results could be fatal.
Also if we were driving down one of those roads we would not get so close to those barriers that we would even put ourselves in danger but we would leave a distance, because we would not get too close to the limits of Jehovah's standards or look for loopholes in them, but if Jehovah sends us something we understand that protects us and helps us stay on the narrow path.
Psalm 119:45 is very nice because it says I will walk through a safe place because they seek your orders. Perhaps when we go at night along one of these roads we are aware of the reflective panels that these barriers have so as not to get too close to know if we are going through the center In a similar way, we also want to seek to be attentive to Jehovah's regulations so that we can follow them and be safe.
7. How should young people view the narrow way?
We must see it as the best option, we must never come to think that Jehovah's rules are very restrictive, because that is exactly what Satan wants to achieve, he wants us to think that those who go the wide way are enjoying themselves, having fun, but the reality is that Jehovah is the only one who has given us a clear picture of what will be received by those who keep on the path that leads to life.
Young people must see "the narrow way" for what it is: a way that is not easy to follow and, although it seems restrictive, it liberates in all important aspects of life, and at the end of it, Jehovah says that those who remain in him they will receive eternal life. Contrary to the "broad path" that Satan offers, which gives an image of freedom, fun and having a good time, but in reality enslaves, and in the end those who follow it lead to destruction.
And it is interesting that you found Satan with Jehovah because Satan tries to get them to notice but with a very biased limited vision but as we see Jehovah is quite the opposite Jehovah gives a very clear and very precise image for example if we go to Psalm 37:29 it says that the The righteous will inherit the earth and will live on it forever, so there is no limit to the path there, it is a very clear and hopeful vision for young people.
And today young people have more pressure than ever in history there are millions of other young people who expose their lives on the internet apparently showing the good things about their lives how happy they are but that's just an appearance behind a screen then if you turn off and we do not know anything else what is really good is mentioned in the Bible in Isaiah 35 those wonderful promises that Jehovah makes us for the future.
And it is true that sometimes it can be very difficult to resist that pressure that young people have. The video breaks the chains of group pressure, explaining that the easiest thing is to give in to that pressure and get carried away by what the majority does, but in the end, do that was only going to turn us into puppets in the hands of other people that is why it is so important that young people learn not to give in to this pressure from other colleagues and he gave 4 suggestions to fight against it stay alert think about what could happen prepare well and Act.
8. What can young people learn from Olaf's example?
What we can learn is that in order to resist peer pressure we must look for true friends in the congregation, take our bible study seriously, that way we will be convinced that this is the truth and we will be fully determined to serve Jehovah.
And we see that in the case of this young man the pressure was very great, since as the paragraph comments, when explaining to his classmates that Jehovah's Witnesses are guided by the high moral standards of the Bible, some girls in his class took it as a challenge and they tried to convince him to have intimate relations with them, and in addition his teachers insisted that he go to university.
Olaf is a young man who faced strong pressure from his peers and, at the same time, pressure from his teachers to go against Jehovah's rules, but he managed to resist because he sought out Christian friends and deepened his study of the Bible. He convinced himself that he was in the truth and that the best thing is to serve Jehovah. From this example young people can learn that Jehovah's counsels and regulations, no matter how restrictive they may appear, keep them safe and secure from the evils of the broad way.
Well, being under so much pressure, he did not want to face the pressure alone. He says that he was looking for good friends in the congregation, this became his family. He also took refuge in Jehovah, taking the study of the Bible more seriously, that is why he says that every time he went deeper more and more he realized that the truth was in his heart he never tried to overcome this pressure alone.
When we read about his experience, we could come to think, well, regarding sexual immorality, it is something that would distance us from Jehovah, but university studies, after all, obtaining knowledge is something that is advised to us, it is a good thing, but the truth is that yes we reflected on this going to university represents more dangers than advantages among bad company among also the time and energy that will be dedicated to it that we should also dedicate to Jehovah and apart from all this the danger that studies come to have a prominent place in our life that eclipses Jehovah all those dangers in the end would also distance us from Jehovah that is why this brother also considered that it was a potential danger and he moved away from them.
And for this time in which confinement has become something quite normal, well, how important it is to make the congregation our family, even though it is through a screen or now that we have a little more time because perhaps some activities It has therefore limited us from going deeper into our study of the Bible, perhaps it is something that can help young people to become even stronger and determined to serve Jehovah.
Yes, that also makes young people reflect on what an individual job is for each one, because it says that you have to look for new friends, not perhaps wait for them to come, but rather you have to take the initiative and also in terms of studying the Bible, so not settle for just what perhaps our parents give us at home, but we also have quality time to see because those rules are the best thing in life.
A security barrier protects a vehicle traveling on a narrow mountain road. Series of images: 1. A young man reads the Bible. 2. A brother looks away from his smartphone screen. 3. A sister rejects friendship with a young man from her school. 4. A sister is presented with some brochures with information to study at the university.
God's advice and standards help us stay on the "narrow" path. (See paragraphs 6 to 8). *
Well, this brother saw the word of Jehovah, the Bible, as that barrier that protected him from the path, that is why he sees himself in this first circle, since he was reading the Bible, and that helped him and, in general, it will help us all, to reject certain temptations.
9. What must we do if we want to stay on the narrow path?
What we must do is continue listening to Jesus and see the narrow path as a protection, not as a restriction, only then will we not get out of it.
We must continue to listen to Jesus and convince ourselves that the narrow path is proof of Jehovah's love and protection.
Do what Jehovah told the apostles during the transfiguration listen to his son if we listen to Jesus Christ we take into account his advice we see that they are a protection for us for our good and that will help us to continue on the right path.
10. According to Matthew 5:23, 24, what did Jesus say we should do?
Jesus said that if someone was in the temple to offer a sacrifice about to give an animal to a priest for sacrifice, and just at that moment he remembered that his brother had something against him, he should leave the animal and go away, because he couldn't offer that sacrifice without first making peace with his brother.
In these verses, Jesus said that the most important thing, what to offer a sacrifice to Jehovah, is: to make peace with our brother.
Well, give priority to making peace with our brothers.
Yes Jesus clearly said that it is more important to make peace with our brothers more important than preaching a lot than offering comments or making assignments in the meeting the first thing is to be at peace with our brothers if we have a good relationship with the brothers in the congregation then we can have a good relationship with Jehovah.
I really like the study note that came from this text said that it was most likely that the brother who was there among thousands of people traveled to Jerusalem for the periodic festivals to offer sacrifices to the temple and just as he was he could be among so many people the other brother that he had to apologize to so it would not be easy being there now to go and look for his brother to ask for forgiveness but still Jesus stressed that we must do it.
Well, the most important thing at that time was to offer that sacrifice to Jehovah his own personal relationship with Jehovah, but Jesus made it very, very clear in the text Matthew 5 only with the opening word when he says first make peace and then the offering.
11. What steps did Jacob take to make peace with Esau?
For example, the first thing he did was pray from his heart to Jehovah, then he sent Esau a very large gift and finally, when they finally saw each other, Jacob took the initiative and honored Esau, the story says that he bowed to him seven times.
First, he prayed from his heart to Jehovah. Second, he sent Esau a generous gift. And third, when he finally saw his brother face to face, Jacob took the initiative and honored Esau, the Bible says "as he got closer he bowed to the ground seven times, before reaching him". This was a great show of humility and respect, and that he really wanted to make it up to his brother.
Yes, well, first I sincerely pray to Jehovah for help, then I send him a generous gift and finally, when Jacob saw himself, he took the initiative in honoring Esau, the story says that he came to bow down to him up to 7 times, so we see how humility and respect that led him to seek peace.
Jacob had been away from his family's homeland for about 20 years but at that time now an angel tells him to go back to where he lived so clearly he began to think well there where Esau is who held a great grudge against me and who wanted to kill me like that that it was not easy to follow that command of the angel but he obeyed and went there but he went there knowing that he had to fix things with his brother and then he did the steps that we have studied.
Well, it was surprisingly good in Genesis 33:4 it says that I hugged him and kissed him and they both started crying so he achieved his goal he got to the heart of his brother and solve that problem that had been rooted there for so long.
Reading what Genesis 32:9 says, you can see the faith and trust that Jacob had in Jehovah. The Bible says that he was very afraid of having to go and take the step that Jehovah was telling him, but Genesis 32:9 shows how he opened his heart to Jehovah and Jehovah told him you are commanding me to do this I am going to do it but I need your help, then we can also pass that if we have a complicated situation with a fellow Christian pray to Jehovah be sincere and tell Jehovah you command me to make peace I ask for your help and we can have the same good results that Jacob had.
12. What do we learn from Jacob's example?
From this example we learn that we must always first ask Jehovah for help, and also that we must act according to what we have asked him, because in the case of Jacob, he did everything in his power so that the encounter with Esau it was as pleasant as possible, also when trying to make peace with someone we must be humble enough not to argue about who is right.
What we can learn is: "the way Jacob prepared himself to make peace with his brother." So he teaches us that if we want to make amends, we must first humbly pray to Jehovah for help. Then, act in harmony with our prayer by doing everything in our power to have the most pleasant meeting possible. And when talking to our brother, avoid arguing about who is right, rather, heal any problem that has been had.
We see that the first thing that Jacob did was pray from the heart to Jehovah with humility he asked him to help him and this is the first thing we have to do if we have a problem with a brother the first thing we have to do is pray to Jehovah and ask him with humility help us.
It is also another thing to act in harmony with what we have asked Jehovah in prayer, so now that we have asked for his help to do everything possible to make peace with this brother, just as Jacob did with Esau, he went further, he did everything everything possible to receive your forgiveness.
Will we follow the example of Jacob, who was humble and made peace with his brother? (See paragraphs 11 and 12). *
The two expressions are interesting because perhaps we can think that Esau's heart was too closed and that it could happen to us with another person, he is very closed in on himself and it will not be possible but no, we see that here the two expressions are pleasant, both are of reconciliation and they make us not prejudge at the beginning of what may happen, having good qualities with Jehovah can always result in success.
Also all those steps that he took is interesting to see here how his whole family is behind it so they also saw the good example of his father of his children his wives of how he did the parts and how they set a good example.
And also, as we saw in the image, the attitude with which he went when he went to speak with Esau, he says that he did not start arguing, we do not see him with an attitude as if asking him to apply why he had acted that way, if he was right, he knew that his goal was to make peace and so he went with a humble attitude.
And thinking also about this second point that he did everything in his power, we also think about the personal and material cost that it had for him on this occasion we learn a lot, if we really want to make peace with our brothers there will be nothing that is more important that peace with our brothers this may perhaps involve material aspects or as in this case lowering our pride to nothing and being totally humble to now be able to make peace with our brothers.
13, 14. What should we do if we have offended another Christian?
What we should do is sincerely pray to Jehovah and ask him to bless our efforts to make peace with our brother, and we should also take time to examine ourselves, we could ask ourselves: “Am I willing to swallow my pride, apologize humbly and do peace"? “How will Jehovah and Jesus feel if I take the initiative and make peace with my brother or sister”? This can certainly make us get closer to the brother and make peace.
We must imitate the good example of Jacob. This means that we are going to pray to Jehovah and ask him to bless our efforts to take the initiative to make peace with our brother, which means that we have to swallow our pride, humbly apologize and make peace with our brother or sister .
Well, we must get down to work, that is, we have to make an effort and something we can do is imagine or think about how it is going to be done, it is an approach that I am going to tell you what words I can use, also imagine in possible reactions and consequently to stay and be able to maintain the Calm down and then ask Jehovah that all this that we have organized very well in our heads, that he bless it and that it really came to a good end.
And again, how important is the objective? For example, when we want to pray to Jehovah, we want to ask him to help us so that we can make peace with that brother. We do not want to ask that the brother agree with us, that the brother understand that we are right. that is not what Jehovah wants, what Jehovah wants is to see that motivation in our hearts, what we want is to maintain peace.
That question is very interesting how Jehovah and Jesus will feel, that is to say, to put Jehovah and Jesus into this problem in this great problem between 2 imperfect people, to the issue of sovereignty, how will this influence, many times when one is facing a problem, He knows what the way out is, he doesn't know how he has to act, but if he thinks about what effect it will have on Jehovah, how Jehovah can feel, surely this will encourage him to listen to what Jesus says.
And we also have another question first that said if I was willing to swallow my pride and apologize with humility and make amends because we really may know that we have offended a brother but we do not believe that he is right but that we probably think that the we have how important humility would be here the same as we had seen in the example of Jacob the important thing is not who is right but what Jehovah wants that we promote peace always making peace that is our main objective.
15. How does the principle found at Ephesians 4:2, 3 help us to make peace with our brother?
It helps us a lot because it makes us see the correct attitude that we must have if we really want to make peace with someone, and it is with a humble attitude, since as proverbs say, someone offended is more inaccessible than a fortified city, but a humble apology can be the take to get into it.
This principle helps us understand that "complete humility" is required to make peace with our brother, so a humble and sincere apology can be the key to solving problems.
Verse 3 shows what our objective is, it mentions that we should do everything possible so that unity and peace are maintained among the congregation, not our own interests, nor reason, nor pride, nor anything, but to be humble and seek peace in the congregation.
Before we have seen in the example of Jacob the image the faces that they had were happy both for making peace and in these verses that we have read mentions a quality that has to be in that set support each other with love if there is no love of through if we did not want to make peace if it is not something that comes from us it is our wish it is because we love our brother we will not succeed in our objective that is why it is so important that in addition to doing it with a humble attitude we want to do it.
And thinking about this example of the fortress and the key, no one would think of going to open that fortress with a bunch of keys and start looking for it there at the door because possibly they would not find it because the same thing happens with this, the paragraph says that if we go to speak with a brother we have to be humble so this will require that before going to speak with the brother we think very seriously under prayer about our own feelings that are involved and what we also feel about this situation that has been formed with the brother yes we see that there is some remnant that we want to get away with it or that there is some pride so let's keep cultivating humility until we find the key to unlock the fortress.
16. What should we think, and why?
We must think beforehand and very carefully what we are going to say to the offended brother and how we are going to say it, and once we are ready, we must approach with the aim of healing any wound in his heart, and although At the beginning, he may tell us unpleasant things so we don't fall into anger or justification.
We must think carefully beforehand what we are going to say to the offended brother and how we are going to say it, because our objective is to heal any wound in his heart. Also, we must resist talking about who acts right or wrong, remember that the main thing is: make peace and restore peace with our brother.
Well, we want to think carefully about what we are going to say and how we are going to say it and maybe we will think about it because that is how I prepare an irrefutable argument that the other person has nothing to say, no, the objective says that it is to heal any wound in their heart, so We want to think about what we are going to tell him and how we are going to tell him so that the wound that our brother has is closing.
And proving that we are right is not the objective even if they will not treat us well or they did not recognize that we are right in certain discrepancies, what the apostle Paul says in the first Corinthians asks, is it not better that they commit injustices against you? Even if that happens, the important thing is to achieve peace and not vindicate oneself.
And we must also resist the influence of this world in this world reason is much more important than peace but we must think as we spoke at the beginning we are going to go the wide way where the rest of the world goes or we are going to go the narrow way more complicated and seek peace.
17. What do you learn from Gilbert's example?
I learn that to seek and promote peace we must make efforts and it may be that making peace does not happen overnight, it may even take years, so we must have a lot of patience, we must also pray a lot to Jehovah on the subject and be ready to forgive if the person says something hurtful to us.
Gilbert made sincere and constant efforts to make amends with a relative. He says that Jehovah lasted a long time, he was ready to forgive and understood that he should not fight for his rights, but rather promote peace. His example teaches us that there are often obstacles that stand in the way of peace, but we must strive to patiently apply the teachings of Jesus to make peace and recover our relationship with our brother.
Well, there the brother says that he had many problems with a close relative and that he spent more than 2 years making an effort to speak calmly and frankly, so this teaches me the perseverance of the brother that problems do not understand time and that maybe there is to try more than that at once and not give up for making peace sometimes years as he said but how beautiful the result at the end of the paragraph that the brother says today I am at peace because I get along with all the members of my family .
And it is also interesting that he did not say whether the relative was a witness or not, but here we see how the brother still tried to make peace and put his efforts because, as he said, he understood that his obligation above all was to promote peace.
18, 19. If we have offended someone, what should we do, and why?
We must obey the command to make peace, seek Jehovah's help and seek his holy spirit to help us solve the problem, and we must do this because only then will we be happy and show that we are really listening to Jesus.
We must obey Jesus' commands to make peace with our brother and humbly ask his forgiveness. For that, we have to discuss it with Jehovah and seek his holy spirit to help us solve the problem. In addition, we must do it because in this way we show that we are listening to Jesus and we want to stay on the narrow path that life leads.
We have to obey Jesus' mandate to make peace with our brothers and sisters, doing everything in our power to achieve it should be our goal and because that way we will be happy and above all we will show that we are listening to Jesus.
Well and really as it says at the beginning 19 how much we appreciate this love that Jehovah and Jesus teach us to show because it is totally different from the selfishness that we see in this world where what they want is to always win their arguments to be right however Jehovah and Jesus they make us have that peace and that love that comfort us so much in this beautiful town.
Why should we listen to Jesus and stay on the "narrow" path?
Because we have seen that the only thing that can lead us to the broad road is destruction, and if we continue to listen to Jesus and see the narrow road as a protection, we will not get out of it.
Because Jesus said that there are only two ways, "the narrow" that leads to life and "the broad" to destruction. So each one of us must decide which one to go for, because our lives depend on it. If we listen to Jesus we will stay on the narrow path and see Jehovah's standards as "safe barriers" that frees and protects us in every important aspect of life.
Because as seen in that vision of the mountain Jehovah himself asks us to listen to him and that path in which Jesus asks us to walk is for our benefit and has a happy ending eternal life.
And also, as we saw, although it seems easier to go the broad way, the wide way, but if we go through the narrow one, in the end, it will be for protection for us now and, as has been mentioned, also to give us eternal life in the future.
If we offend someone, why is it important that we make it up to them?
Because only in this way will we be promoting peace in the congregation and also because in this way we are earning the smile of approval of God and Jesus.
Because if we do, we show that we are obedient to the command of Jesus, who asks us to "make peace with our brother." So, if we have already offended someone, we must take the initiative in making amends and promoting peace. This means that we are going to pray to Jehovah and ask for his help, in addition, we have to swallow our pride, humbly apologize, and strive to restore the good relationship with our brother or sister.
Because peace and unity are more important than seeing who was right, and Jehovah and Jesus expect us to do so. We cannot have a good friendship with them if we are not at peace with our brothers.
How does listening to Jesus benefit us?
It benefits us a lot since only then will we be happy, and we will also stay on the narrow path that leads to life and we will receive many blessings now and in the very near future.
It benefits us to listen to him because his advice and commands foster in us good qualities that result in happiness and true freedom. As we have learned in this study, listening to Jesus results in our own eternal well-being.
By listening to Jesus, we also understand Jehovah more, Jehovah's way of thinking, what pleases him, and in this process, we also improve qualities that benefit us in our day-to-day life in the congregation with the family.
In addition to doing so, it assures us that it will bring us many blessings right now, but not only that, but as it says at the end of paragraph 19, we will be happy for all eternity.
It benefits us because it protects us. We remember this perfect illustration of the barriers near a highway on a precipice. No one questions why they are there. Rather, we thank Jehovah for protecting us in this way thanks to his benefit.
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