Tuesday, January 10, 2023

DAILY TEXT, Today Tuesday January 10, 2023, Faith is convincing proof that there are realities that are not seen (Heb. 11:1).

DAILY TEXT, Today Tuesday January 10, 2023 2023,  Taste and see that Jehovah is good (Ps. 34:8).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023

Tuesday January 10

Taste and see that Jehovah is good (Ps. 34:8).

We can gain insight into Jehovah's goodness by reading the Bible as well as by listening to others talk about how Jehovah has blessed them. But we can only truly understand how good Jehovah is if we “taste” his goodness for ourselves. Let's give an example. Let's imagine that we want to serve Jehovah full time, but to do so we have to simplify our life. We know of Jesus' promise that if we put Kingdom interests first, Jehovah will give us the things we need, but we may never have experienced the fulfillment of that promise in our case (Matt. 6:33). Even so, because we have faith in the promise of Jesus, we reduce our expenses and our working hours, and we focus on preaching. In doing so, we see with our own eyes that Jehovah really takes care of us. And thus we personally prove the goodness of Jehovah. w21.08 26 par. 2.

In harmony with Psalm 16:1, 2, who benefits from Jehovah's goodness?

Jehovah is “good to everyone,” even to those who do not know him (Ps. 145:9; Matt. 5:45). But he especially blesses those who love and serve him with all his soul (read Psalm 16: 1, 2). Let's look at some of the good things Jehovah has done for us.

How does Jehovah show his goodness to those who begin to draw close to him?

Every time we apply what we learn about Jehovah, we see the good effects in our lives. As we learned about him and came to love him, he helped us change ways of thinking and acting that kept us apart from him (Col. 1:21). And, when we dedicated our lives to him and were baptized, he further showed us his goodness by allowing us to have a good conscience and a close friendship with him (1 Pet. 3:21).

What evidence of Jehovah's goodness have we seen in our preaching?

In preaching, we see continuous evidence of Jehovah's goodness. Are you a shy person? Many of Jehovah's servants are. Perhaps before learning the truth he would never have imagined himself knocking on the door of a complete stranger to talk about the Bible. However, today he does it on a regular basis. What's more, with Jehovah's help, he has learned to enjoy preaching. You have felt Jehovah's support in other ways as well. For example, he has helped him stay calm when someone in the ministry has treated him badly. It has also helped him remember just the right text when he was talking to an interested person. And he has given him the strength he needed to carry on when he faced the indifference of the territory (Jer. 20: 7-9).

How is Jehovah's goodness seen in the training he gives us?

Jehovah has also shown us his goodness by training us for the ministry (John 6:45). At the midweek meeting, we are presented with thoughtful conversation ideas and encouraged to use them in our preaching work. When thinking about trying something new, we may be a little nervous at first. But, when we do, we find that these suggestions work very well in our territory. We are also encouraged in meetings and assemblies to engage in ways of preaching that we may never have tried before. This can also cause us to get out of our comfort zone. But if we do, we give Jehovah something to bless. Now let's look at some of the good things Jehovah gives us when we try new ways to give him the best, no matter our circumstances.

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