Wednesday, January 11, 2023

DAILY TEXT, From today Wednesday January 11, 2023, They will not stand healthy teaching (2 Tim. 4:3).

DAILY TEXT, From today Wednesday January 11, 2023,  They will not stand healthy teaching (2 Tim. 4:3).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023

Wednesday January 11

They will not put up with sound teaching (2 Tim. 4:3).

Does the same happen today? Yes. Many religious leaders love to welcome parishioners who are wealthy, intellectual, and important in the community, regardless of whether their morality or lifestyle is inconsistent with what the Bible says. Those same religious leaders despise Jehovah's servants, who eagerly serve him and keep themselves morally clean, because they are not considered important by this world. As Paul said, God chose those who are despised (1 Cor. 1:26-29). But, to Jehovah, all of his faithful servants are valuable. What will help you not be fooled by the world's way of thinking? (Matt. 11:25, 26). Do not let his opinion of God's servants affect you. Accept that Jehovah only uses those who are humble to do his will (Ps. 138:6).nor intellectuals. w21.05 8 par. one; 9 paras. 5, 6.

What did a sociologist write in a certain book?  What will we analyze in this article?

TODAY millions of people say they believe in Jesus but do not accept what he taught (2 Tim. 4:3, 4). In fact, in a certain book, a sociologist wrote: “If there were another Jesus among us today who said things the way Jesus said them […], would we reject him the way people did two thousand years ago? […] The answer would be yes”.

In the first century, many heard what Jesus taught and saw him perform miracles but refused to put their faith in him. Why? In the previous article we saw four reasons, and in this one we will see four more. We will also see why some reject Jesus' disciples today and what will help us not to stumble.

Why did some people reject Jesus?

When Jesus was on earth, he associated with all kinds of people. He ate with the rich and the powerful, but he also spent much of his time with the poor and underprivileged. In addition, he showed compassion to what many called sinners. Some proud people stumbled because of what Jesus did. They asked his disciples: “Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?” Jesus told them: “Those who are healthy do not need a doctor, but those who are sick do. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, so that they may repent” (Luke 5:29-32).

According to what the prophet Isaiah said, what should not have surprised the Jews?

What does the Bible say? Long before the Messiah came to earth, Isaiah prophesied that the world would not accept him. He wrote: “He was a man despised and avoided by the people […]. It was as if his face was hidden from us. He was despised, and we counted him as of no value ”(Is. 53: 3). According to this prophecy, the Messiah would be "avoided by the people," so first-century Jews should not have been surprised that Jesus was rejected.

Why did Jesus call the Pharisees hypocrites, and how did they react?

Without any fear, Jesus denounced what the religious leaders of his time were doing. For example, he called the Pharisees hypocrites because they were more concerned with washing their hands than caring for their parents (Matt. 15:1-11). Apparently, Jesus' disciples were so surprised that they said to him: “Did you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard what you said?” Jesus answered them: “Every plant that has not been planted by my heavenly Father will be uprooted. So let them. Blind guides is what they are. And if a blind man leads a blind man, they will both fall into a ditch” (Matt. 15:12-14; note). Although the religious leaders were enraged with Jesus, he did not stop telling the truth.

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