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Spiritual Gems (10 min.)
Ps 110:4. Explain the covenant mentioned in this verse (it-2 575 par. 2).
Psalm 110:4 describes a covenant that Jehovah makes only with Jesus Christ establishing him as a priest forever in the manner of Melchizedek. This covenant differs from the Levitical priesthood, since it is not based on human descent, but on an eternal Divine appointment.
This verse is a special reminder that Jehovah made only with Jesus. This covenant assured him that he would be a priest “after the manner of Melchizedek.” Melchizedek was a unique figure in the Bible because he was both king and priest, and this idea applies to Jesus here. But Jesus would not fill these roles on earth, but in heaven after his ascension following his death and resurrection.
The interesting thing about this covenant is that it has no end. Jesus will continue as king and high priest forever, helping all of humanity under Jehovah’s direction. Furthermore, this covenant also has to do with God’s Kingdom, because Jesus not only rules as King, but also helps us draw closer to Jehovah as our High Priest.
This covenant teaches me that we can trust that Jehovah has given Jesus everything necessary to rule justly and to help us spiritually. Knowing that his role is not temporary, but eternal, gives us hope and security for the future.
The covenant mentioned in Psalm 110:4 states that Jesus Christ would be a priest “after the manner of Melchizedek.” Just as Melchizedek was both king and priest on earth, Jesus occupies both roles in heaven. This highlights his authority to reign and his ability to intercede for us as High Priest before Jehovah.
Jehovah swore that Jesus' priesthood would be eternal, unlike the temporary priesthood of the Levites. As a heavenly priest, Jesus has a unique role: He brings us closer to God, guides us as King, and ensures that his Kingdom functions perfectly. This covenant secures our future under his righteous rule.
This everlasting covenant confirms that Jesus Christ is Jehovah’s only appointed priest and king. His role combines power and compassion as he intercedes for us while ruling justly. Trusting in this arrangement gives us hope for eternal blessings under his reign.
It is interesting that Luke chapter 22 verse 29 mentions it. There it is pointed out that unlike the other covenants, in which Jehovah is one of the parties, Jesus made a personal covenant with his Apostles when he said: “Just as my father has made a covenant with me.” Apparently Jesus was referring to the covenant that Jehovah had made with him to be a priest forever in the manner of Melchizedek. Furthermore, in Revelation 5 verses 9 and 10, it is pointed out that this covenant includes 144,000 Anointed Christians who will reign with Jesus in heaven.
Hebrews chapter 7 verses 1 to 3 and verses 15 to 17, clarifies that Melchizedek who was king and priest prefigures Jesus in his role as heavenly king and high priest, Jesus himself made reference to this covenant when he established the covenant for a Kingdom with his disciples, as mentioned in Luke chapter 22 verse 29 after he goes to heaven Jesus was installed in his heavenly position serving as king and high priest permanently and eternally, this covenant according to Hebrews chapter 6 verses 26 and 28 and chapter 8 verse 1 ensures that his government and priesthood will bring eternal blessings under the direction of Jehovah.
What spiritual pearls have you found in this week's Bible reading ?
Psalm 109:3 This verse teaches us how sometimes people can express hatred and opposition without any reason. However, we can reflect that our trust is in Jehovah, who is just and does not ignore slander.
Psalm 109:3-5. This passage reminds me that people are not always going to respond with gratitude when we do something good for them. Although this may hurt, we must remain calm and continue doing good, knowing that Jehovah sees our good intentions. It is a good reminder not to let the evil of others cause us to act the same way. Instead, we can trust that Jehovah will bring justice in his time.
Psalm 109:4. This verse shows how David, despite being attacked, responds with prayers and love. This teaches me that when we suffer some kind of attack, no matter where it comes from, we should pray for our enemies because it is a way of showing Jehovah that we have forgiven them out of love for him and our neighbor. In addition, it is a way of avoiding deepening or prolonging conflicts, since we want to be peaceful people and deserving of Jehovah's forgiveness and blessings.
Psalm 109:5. This text motivates us to continue doing good to those people who do not show any kind of gratitude for the help we give them. We know well that Jehovah is aware of our good works and in due time He will reward us greatly, so the ingratitude of these people does not have to hold us back from doing good.
Psalm 109:21-22. I love how David opens his heart to Jehovah. Here is an example that we can speak to Jehovah without fear just as we are, even when we are hurt or weak. Jehovah understands our emotions and wants to help us no matter how bad we feel. This teaches me to trust him more and to seek him in the most difficult moments.
Psalm 109:17. This verse teaches me that people who promote evil with their words or actions are sowing what they will later reap. Hence, the importance of repaying with good all those who do bad things to us, because unlike the wicked, we will reap the blessings of Jehovah.
Psalm 109:16. This verse teaches me that Jehovah expects us to be instruments of his compassion. Therefore, according to our possibilities and abilities, we should do everything we can to help those who suffer some kind of need and show them love instead of taking advantage of their difficulties.
Psalm 109:16-20. These verses show how those who live selfishly and wickedly move away from Jehovah by their own decision, which leads them to destruction. This teaches me that I must reflect and examine myself to see if I manifest any of these traits, since that will allow me to know if I am close to Jehovah or if, on the contrary, I am moving away from him.
Psalm 109:25. This verse shows that even though it hurts us to be despised, offended, or attacked, we must keep in mind that the insults, contempt, or attacks of others do not determine our value before Jehovah. Consequently, we must not let these things affect us too much or distract us. In the end, it will be Jehovah who will do us justice.
Psalm 110:1. This verse is prophetic about Jesus as king. It encourages me a lot to think that He has given Jesus all the authority and that soon all of Jehovah's enemies will be eliminated. This reinforces my confidence in the kingdom of God and that everything wrong will be corrected in due time.
Psalm 110:3. This verse makes me reflect on the importance of serving Jehovah with my heart and enthusiasm, especially in these end times. I want to be like those people who volunteer to support the kingdom, demonstrating my loyalty with actions, not just words.
Psalm 111 :2-4. This text motivates me to study more of Jehovah's works, whether in nature or in the Bible. Reflecting on what he has done helps me feel closer to him and appreciate his love. It also encourages me to imitate his compassion and mercy in my dealings with others.
Psalm 112:4. This text reminds me that even though the world is full of darkness, people who follow Jehovah's ways are like a light to others. It inspires me to be a person who reflects compassion and justice so that others can see something different in my way of living.
Psalm 112:7,8. This text teaches me that even if we face problems or receive bad news, we can remain calm if we trust in Jehovah. This trust gives us a peace that the world cannot offer. This encourages me to strengthen my faith so as not to let myself be dominated by fear.
Psalm 109:4. This teaches us not to be overcome by resentment. Praying for direction and strength helps us maintain a spiritual attitude and trust that Jehovah will bring about justice.
Psalm 110:1. This verse highlights Jesus' authority as heavenly King. Knowing that Jesus reigns strengthens our confidence in the fulfillment of God's purpose and encourages us to promote his Kingdom.
Psalm 109:21. The psalmist asks to be rescued not only for his own benefit, but to honor Jehovah’s name. This reminds us that when we face challenges, our prayers should reflect a sincere desire to glorify Jehovah. In our ministry, we can apply this principle by asking for strength to continue forward, knowing that our work honors God and shows that we fully trust in Him.
Psalm 109:26-27. This verse underscores that our spiritual victories are made possible by Jehovah. In service, we can rely on Him to enable us to overcome obstacles, such as fear of rejection or lack of confidence, thereby demonstrating that Jehovah is with us.
Psalm 109:31. This verse shows that Jehovah is always near to defend us when we face difficulties. In our service, this assurance motivates us to continue forward even when we encounter opposition.
Psalm 110:3. This verse shows how God's people volunteer to serve in the congregation, reflecting a willing and joyful heart. This teaches me that as Christians we should be willing to volunteer and gladly offer ourselves to serve Jehovah where there is a need, even if that means leaving our comfort zone and adapting to living in conditions very different from those we are used to.
Psalm 110:4. This verse teaches me that the priesthood of Christ compared to that of Melchizedek symbolizes a new covenant that transcends the ancient Levitical priesthood. This teaching is important because it is a guarantee that Jehovah offers us by firmly establishing the unique position of Jesus Christ as mediator between him and humanity and as king of the Kingdom of God.
Psalm 110:1. This verse highlights Jesus' authority as heavenly King. Knowing that Jesus reigns strengthens our confidence in the fulfillment of God's purpose and encourages us to promote his Kingdom.
Psalm 110:3. This verse shows the willingness of God's people to serve under the leadership of the Messiah, since the phrase, "They offer themselves willingly" highlights devotion and enthusiasm. To put this teaching into practice, we can offer to collaborate in the cleaning and maintenance of the Kingdom Hall, to help our elderly or sick brothers prepare their meetings or attend them, as well as to perform some household chores that they can no longer do due to their age or health, among many other things.
Psalm 110:5. This verse teaches me that even though it may seem that evil prevails in the world, Jehovah's justice will triumph, putting an end to oppression and all the evil that exists. Therefore, we must maintain our hope, faith and trust in Jehovah. We must also be persevering and patient, because the end of evil is very near.
Psalm 110:5-6. This passage highlights that the Messiah, backed by Jehovah, will bring perfect justice. Even though we see injustice today, we know that Jehovah and his Son will act at the appointed time. This knowledge strengthens our faith and motivates us to continue preaching, assuring people that God has a just purpose for humanity.
Psalm 110:7. The image of the Messiah being refreshed along the way reflects his endurance and humility. Similarly, we can recharge our spiritual energies through prayer, personal study, and Christian association. This prepares us to successfully meet any challenge in our service or daily life.
Psalm 110:3. Jehovah's servants enthusiastically support Kingdom work. This spirit of willingness is an example we should cultivate in our ministry, viewing service as an honor.
Psalm 110:4. Jesus is a priest in the manner of Melchizedek, combining kingship and priesthood. Reflecting on his role inspires us to trust in his perfect leadership and to value his sacrifice on our behalf.
Psalm 111 :2. Contemplating God’s creation and mighty acts can strengthen our faith. This encourages us to share with others how Jehovah demonstrates his wisdom and power, strengthening our preaching.
Psalm 112:4. Jehovah lights the path of those who trust in Him, even in the most challenging circumstances. When we face trials, we can trust that He will guide us with His wisdom and give us needed comfort. This comfort compels us to be a light to others by sharing these truths in ministry.
Psalm 111:10. Fearing Jehovah does not involve paralyzing fear, but rather deep respect and reverence. This healthy fear prompts us to make wise decisions, such as avoiding situations that could lead us away from Him. In ministry, we can help people see that fearing God is the first step toward a happy and fulfilling life.
Psalm 111:4. Jehovah encourages us to meditate on his great works, such as the creation and liberation of his people in the past. Doing so strengthens our confidence that he always keeps his promises. By sharing these truths in ministry, we show others that God is still active and that they can trust him for a better future.
Psalm 112:1. Fearing God implies respecting Him deeply. This healthy fear protects us from wrong decisions and leads us to live according to His principles, reflecting them in our daily conduct.
Psalm 112:7. Jehovah's servants trust that He will always give them the strength they need. This verse encourages us to face challenges with faith and calmness, even in times of uncertainty.
Psalm 112:9. Generosity is a quality that pleases Jehovah. By being generous, we not only show love to our neighbor, but we also reflect the example of our Creator, who provides abundantly.
Psalm 111:9. Jehovah delivered the Israelites and offers us redemption through Jesus. This gift reminds us of his love and motivates us to express gratitude with loyalty and obedience.
Psalm 109:4. Even if other people treat us badly or hurt us, we must continue to pray to Jehovah with persistence. This verse highlights the importance of maintaining constant communication with God, even when we face opposition for our faith or love for him. The lesson we can learn here is that by praying continuously we find strength and comfort in the midst of the injustices we may suffer. Prayer not only connects us with Jehovah, but it helps us maintain our inner peace and trust in his support.
Psalm 109:5. This verse highlights the ingratitude and hatred with which good is sometimes responded to when we do it. Nevertheless, our attitude must remain straight, reflecting the patience and love that Jehovah teaches us.
Psalm 109:21. Here we can see how the psalmist trusts that Jehovah will act in his favor. This teaches us that we can leave our burdens in Jehovah's hands, trusting in his loyal love and justice.
Psalm 109:22. This passage encourages us to be humble and acknowledge our weaknesses, because by doing so we open the door for Jehovah to act in our lives as a loving father who cares for those who feel downcast and ensures that his comfort and love are a safe refuge in times of trial. This is an invitation to pour out our hearts in prayer, knowing that Jehovah listens and responds to those who fully trust in him.
Psalm 111 :1. This verse teaches us that praise to Jehovah must be sincere and complete from the depths of the heart. It is not something we do privately, but with joy and gratitude, especially when we are gathered together as other servants of God. This highlights the importance of public worship and the value of being united as a congregation.
Psalm 111:4 shows us that Jehovah not only performs mighty acts, but also makes sure that they are remembered for generations through his word and our personal experiences. This underscores his desire for us to know him and trust him. In addition, his compassion and mercy show his unconditional love for us.
Psalm 111:6. Jehovah shows his power by fulfilling his promises in the past. He gave the promised land to Israel in keeping with his covenant. Today we can see his power in guiding us toward a sure hope, showing that everything he promises will be fulfilled at the appointed time.
Psalm 111:2. This verse teaches me that Jehovah's works reflect his qualities. Among them, his love, power, and wisdom. Therefore, one way to show Jehovah that I am not indifferent to his wonderful creation is by preaching and teaching about it. In this way, other people will also feel motivated to praise him and show gratitude for everything he has done for humans to enjoy.
Psalm 111:5. This verse shows how Jehovah continues to remember the covenant he made with Abraham and the blessings he promised at that time. That is why today he provides abundant spiritual food in many languages to meet the needs of his servants throughout the world as a sign that he has not forgotten this covenant.
Psalm 111:4. This verse highlights that Jehovah, through his spiritual light, is a guide and source of hope for those who are righteous, especially in times of difficulty. This motivates us to want to reflect that spiritual light through preaching and teaching the good news of the Kingdom, in order to rescue as many people as possible who today live immersed in the spiritual darkness of this world.
Psalm 111:10. This verse teaches me that one benefit of obedience to Jehovah is true wisdom. That is, the ability to use knowledge properly to solve problems, prevent dangers, achieve goals, and cultivate good judgment. Therefore, the beginning of wisdom is the fear of Jehovah. Knowing this motivates me to desire to be more obedient to biblical principles every day.
Psalm 111:10 This verse teaches us that it is not a paralyzing fear, but a deep respect and reverence for His authority and His rules. Such reverent fear motivates us to seek His guidance and act according to His will, which in turn allows us to make wise decisions in our daily lives.
Psalm 112:1. This verse teaches us that the fear of Jehovah is not fear, but a deep respect and love for him accompanied by delight in his law. This reminds us that true happiness and satisfaction in life come from obeying Jehovah with joy and not as a burden. It is a reminder of how the relationship with Jehovah enriches the lives of those who sincerely seek him.
Psalm 112:6 Faithfulness to Jehovah brings spiritual stability and a lasting legacy. By being consistent in our faith and service, we can positively influence our family and friends, leaving an example of devotion to Jehovah that can motivate them to draw closer to Him.
Psalm 112:9. This verse refers to Jehovah giving generously to the poor. This teaches me that one way to imitate Jehovah in this sense is to materially help my spiritual brothers and anyone else who is in need, as long as it is within my means. It also teaches me that I should contribute to the expenses of the congregation, support relief efforts and the worldwide work with my voluntary donations, especially when there are natural disasters or famines.
Psalm 112:8. Absolute trust in Jehovah enables us to face life with peace and assurance. Even when circumstances seem adverse, we know that Jehovah is in control. This calm, confident spirit is also reflected in our ministry, where we show others the importance of relying on God in times of uncertainty.
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