Monday, September 11, 2023

SPIRITUAL GEMS: Week of September 11 to 17, 2023, Esther 3 to 5, Answers.

SPIRITUAL GEMS: 11-17- September-2023, Esther 3 to 5, Answers.

Spiritual Gems (10 min.)

Est 4:12-16. Esther and Mordecai fought to serve Jehovah freely. How can we imitate them? (kr 160 para. 14).

We can imitate them by praying regularly for our fellow Christians who face legal injustices. As is well known, prayer can provide them with spiritual strength and support in times of persecution and difficulties, being there for them in difficult times.


James 5:16 says that after the righteous man it has a powerful effect. Consequently, our prayers can provide powerful help to our brothers when they suffer hardship and persecution. This is fully demonstrated by our victories in the courts, which indicate that Jehovah is hearing our prayers.

There are brothers in certain secular jobs that have allowed them to help legally establish the good news. As well as defending and helping the brotherhood, another way is to pray regularly for our Christian brothers who suffer due to legal injustices. Such prayers can give you powerful help when you suffer hardship and persecution.

Like Esther and Mordecai, we can regularly speak up for our fellow Christians who face legal injustices and persecution. Prayers can provide spiritual and emotional support to those who are suffering and can be a powerful source of strength during difficult times.

We, like Esther and Mordecai, can also maintain our faith and courage in times of adversity. The story of Esther and Mordecai teaches us that, despite challenges, trust in Jehovah and commitment to his principles are essential to persevere in the fight for religious freedom.

And we can be certain that Jehovah hears our prayers, as we see it reflected in our legal victories in the courts, which demonstrate that Jehovah is aware of all the brothers who are experiencing legal injustices because of their beliefs.

What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?

Esther 3:1. It reminds us of the words of 2 Timothy 3:13, in these last days evil men and impostors will advance from bad to worse, this has been fulfilled as evil people with double lives advance and establish themselves in positions of authority over the masses, It even seems that they receive rewards for being who they are, but this does not change the fact that they are bad and impostors in the sight of Jehovah, which encourages us to continue being faithful and loyal to our God .

Esther 5:14. We see that Haman's advisors suggested an extreme action, How to hang Mordecai on a killer whale. This lesson warns us about the need to seek wise counsel and not give in to violent or destructive impulses, since the danger of revenge can lead to extreme and destructive actions. Hence the importance of considering more peaceful and compassionate alternatives to resolve conflicts.

Esther 5:11. We see that Haman takes pride in his wealth, his descendants, and his position in the court of King Ahasuerus. His attitude of superiority and pride leads him to commit unjust and evil actions later in the story. This verse reminds us that arrogance and vanity can be harmful both to oneself and to others, therefore we must be careful with vanity and arrogance.

Esther 5:9-10. Despite his fury, Haman restrained himself and did not act impulsively against the Mordecai. This lesson urges us to remain calm and prudent, even when faced with provocations or anger, as we must not allow anger to govern our actions.

Esther 4:15-17. Although Esther is willing to risk her life by saying that, if she must die, she will die, it reflects her faith in Jehovah and her recognition that the outcome is in God's hands. This teaches us that in difficult times we must leave everything in the hands of Jehovah, and only have full faith and trust in him, in this way we can be brave like Esther in the face of any difficult circumstance that comes our way.

Esther 4:13. In this text we can see that Marlochai tells Esther not to think that because he is in the royal palace he has a chance of escaping alive than the other Jews. We can see how he encourages Esther not to think that her privileged position will automatically save her. This gives us a great lesson that highlights that, in critical moments, we cannot rely on the comfort of our circumstances and that sometimes we must be brave to help others.

Esther 4:5. Ester, upon learning of the situation, shows concern and seeks to understand what is happening. The lesson that this text teaches us is that in times of crisis, it is essential to seek information and understanding before making hasty decisions.

Esther 4:1. Mordecai's reaction upon learning of an imminent threat against his people is lament and mourning. The lesson here is the importance of recognizing and expressing our emotions in times of crisis. It is healthy to express pain and worry rather than suppress it. 

Esther 3:4. These verses illustrate how Haman's anger and hatred toward Mordecai led him to make extreme and destructive decisions. His disproportionate reaction shows how intense emotions can cloud judgment and lead to impulsive and harmful actions. This is a warning about the dangers of allowing negative emotions to control our decisions. Hence the importance of never giving way to anger.

Esther 3:4. We can also give this text another application, since we see that Mordecai resists social pressure and does not submit to the expectations of others, even though he was told to do so every day. This lesson reminds us of the importance of not giving in to peer pressure when we believe something is wrong or goes against our values.

Esther 3:4. Mordecai faced constant criticism and pressure from the king's servants to bow to Haman, but he would not give in. This attitude reflects his perseverance in his convictions and principles. This teaches us the importance of standing firm in our beliefs, as having a strong conviction will help us even when we face his constant position.

Esther 3:2,3. We can also give this text another application, since we see that Mordecai disobeys the king's order, he does so in a respectful manner and without causing public disturbances. This teaches us that it is possible that when we are asked for an explanation regarding our Christian position, we will have to respond and the example of Mordecai shows that we can express our opinions and beliefs without disrespecting the authorities. 

Esther 3:2,3. This text shows Mordecai refusing to bow and prostrate before Haman, despite the King's order, demonstrating his loyalty to Jehovah God. This teaches us that it is important to keep our beliefs and principles firmly established, even when we face social or political pressures to do things that go against Jehovah's sovereignty.

Esther 3:1. In this verse, we see how King Ahasuerus grants a superior position to Haman, not necessarily because of his abilities, but possibly because of his relationship with the king or his influence at court. This does not teach that power can corrupt people and lead them to arrogance and intolerance. Fortunately, Jehovah has chosen a good ruler Jesus Christ who has shown that he has all the qualities needed to lead, and under his rule everything will be different.

Esther 4:12-14. This text shows the faith and trust in God that Mordecai had. In the same way we have confidence that Jehovah will soon bring peace and security for all obedient humanity. 

Esther 4:16. From this reading we can learn that we must be willing to give our lives for our brothers, just as Esther did.

Esther 3:2. This reading shows us that we must have the same determination that Mordecai had when revising to bow down to Haman, since this implied worship. We must do the same and give exclusive devotion only to Jehovah and not to man.

Esther 4:8. In the text we can see that Esther was patient and waited to present his request to the king. This teaches us that we must have a waiting attitude. Because when we leave things in God's hands, we may find that His solutions to our problems are much better than anything we could have come up with. 

Esther 4:14. We see that when Mordecai says the Jews will receive help and deliverance from somewhere else, we notice the absolute trust that marked that I had in Jehovah and is worthy of imitation. This teaches us the importance of depending on Jehovah in our daily lives, because if we do so we will see the results of doing so, which will make our trust in him even greater. 

Esther 4:3. In the verse we observe that the Jews were mourning, fasting, crying and screaming in pain because they were going through difficult trials. Like them, we can go through trials or difficulties that discourage us, but we must ask Jehovah to give us strength and wisdom.

Esther 5:4. He highlights the importance of communication and relationship in marriage. In this part of the story, Esther approaches King Ahasuerus to make an important request, but before doing so, she seeks the opinion and advice of her husband, seeking the advice and opinion of the spouse before making important decisions, can, which in turn can contribute to a happier marriage.

Esther 4:16. We can also give this text another application, since we see that the people fasted as an expression of support and solidarity towards Esther, who was in a dangerous situation when interceding for his people. Today, although fasting is not a common practice, prayer remains a powerful way to express support and solidarity towards brothers who are going through difficult times. Just as the people supported Esther by fasting, people can offer prayers to Jehovah for help, strength, and protection for those facing challenges that could jeopardize their faith or well-being.

Esther 4:16. It is an example of courage and determination for Esther to decide to intercede for the Jews, his people, despite the risk. This lesson is used to highlight the importance of courage and willingness to carry out Jehovah's commandments even if it means sacrificing your own safety or comfort.

Esther 4:14. It reminds us that we must be willing to do God's will when presented with an opportunity, since we do not always know what the Divine purpose is behind those circumstances. Obedience to God and timely action can have a significant impact on our lives and the fulfillment of Jehovah's purpose.

Esther 3:3-4. We can see that Mordecai shows his fidelity to his Jewish faith by refusing to bow down to a man, since that would be an act of worship and he was only to worship God. This teaches us the importance of maintaining our faith and principles, even when we face extreme situations that pressure us to be disloyal to Jehovah. 

Esther 3:8. We see that Haman uses false testimony and accusations to try to destroy the Jews. Similarly, some people defame Jehovah's Witnesses with false accusations to hinder their work in preaching the Kingdom message and prevent others from coming closer to Jehovah.

Esther 3:1,2. These verses refer to Haman, a figure who received a high position in the government of King Ahasuerus. However, instead of using his position for the good of all, he became proud and abused his power, we must remember the importance of humility when receiving privileges or responsibilities within a congregation. It is emphasized that privileges should be used to help others and not to satisfy the ego or seek personal benefits.

Esther 5:9-14. He shows that Haman's joy at being invited to the banquet he is preparing for the king is marred by his resentment toward Mordecai. This does not teach that when faced with a negative feeling such as the desire for revenge, we must seek solutions, peace and reconciliation.

Esther 5:14. He shows how Haman is badly advised by his wife and friends. They want Aman to have a huge tree made and get the king's authorization to hang Mordecai. This is a clear example of what bad company can cause in a person not dominated by his emotions. Hence, analyzing this story can help us extract many valuable lessons in this regard.

Esther 5:6-8. He shows that when Esther delays informing the king, she does not do so due to lack of courage. Since she had risked her life. Rather she is showing that she wants to earn a good name with the king, so she invites him to a second banquet. This teaches us the importance of earning a good reputation with others in order to have credibility.

Esther 5:4. It shows that Esther chose the time wisely to talk to the king. She respected the dignity of her husband, so she planned the right moment to express her concern to him. In this way she demonstrated wisdom, prudence and respect. This makes Esther an excellent example for all Christian wives today to emulate.

Esther 5:4. It shows that Esther chose the time wisely to talk to the king. She respected the dignity of her husband, so she planned the right moment to express her concern to him. In this way she demonstrated wisdom, prudence and respect. This makes Esther an excellent example for all Christian wives today to emulate.

Esther 5:12. In this text we can see Esther's bravery, since she appeared before the king without him requesting it, and that could have caused her death. There is no doubt that Esther must have prayed fervently to Jehovah for help and trusted him completely. This teaches us the importance of praying incessantly, especially in times of trouble.

Esther 4:3. It shows that the Jews were facing a national threat or calamity. So Mordecai understood that they urgently needed Divine guidance. By fasting, they indicated that they were turning to Jehovah to ask for the strength and wisdom that they lacked. Today, Jehovah's servants do not fast literally, but in the face of trials we can turn to Jehovah in prayer to ask him to grant us what we need to be able to face the challenges that arise before us.

Esther 4:11. It shows that when Esther received the message she faced the greatest test of his life, without hesitation she admitted that he felt afraid, since Persian law ordered the execution of whoever would appear before the king without being summoned. Considering that the king had not shown mercy to Queen Vashti, Esther's fear was very justified. Today, many servants of Jehovah have to face authorities to bear witness or to defend their spiritual brothers. Hence, Esther's example teaches us that we must be brave and have a firm faith so that fear does not paralyze us and prevent us from acting.

Esther 4:14-16. This text also shows how Mordecai assures Esther that Jehovah will deliver the Jews from attack, whether through her or any other means. With these words, Mordecai wants to strengthen Esther's faith. Mordecai trusted that Jehovah would keep his promise and would never allow his people to be wiped out. From this we learn that the more convinced we are of Jehovah's promises, the stronger our faith will be. 

Esther 4:14-16. He shows that Mordecai's words to Esther indicate that he trusts in Jehovah for the salvation of the Jews. Likewise, Esther's fasting before presenting herself to the king to make his first request and her invitation to a banquet demonstrate that he turned to Jehovah for help. However, each one took action instead of just waiting to see how Jehovah would act. This teaches us the importance of putting matters in Jehovah's hands and praying, but demonstrating our faith with actions.

Esther 4:12-16. It shows how you decide to take a risk and go in to see the king even though it violated the law. Esther, with full confidence, faithfully and bravely faced a situation that could have led to her death. This teaches us that it is vitally important that we learn to trust in Jehovah and not in ourselves.

Esther 3:5,6. It shows that upon hearing the terrible news, Mordecai could not help but think about his people as well as his own relatives and friends who lived in Susa and as a sign of sadness he tore his clothes, dressed in rough fabrics, and put ashes on his head. and he went through the city lamenting loudly. While Haman on the contrary, he sat drinking with the king without being moved in the least by all the suffering he was causing. From this we learn that it is not wrong to express our sadness and worries or our pain. We also learn a valuable lesson in solidarity and empathy, especially towards our brothers in faith who are going through difficulties. 

Esther 3:5-10. These verses show how Haman, carried away by the anger he feels towards Mordecai, abuses his position of power and fame to take revenge not only on Mordecai but also on all the Jews. This teaches us that persecution can occur in many forms and can be motivated by various reasons, but also by personal reasons. But still, we must not give in to pressure. Since this could lead us to give men the honor that only belongs to Jehovah.

Esther 3:12. This verse shows how Haman issues a decree in the name of the king and seals it with the royal ring ordering the extermination of all the Jews in the kingdom. This persecution that begins against an entire people based on false accusations that deceive the king reminds us that today, Jehovah's people are also persecuted for being falsely accused of being an extremist organization. Therefore, persecution is a weapon used since ancient times by Jehovah's enemies. From this we learn the importance of remaining firm and courageous in the face of persecution in order to remain loyal to Jehovah even at the risk of losing our freedom and our lives.

Esther 3:3. This verse shows that although it was a command from the king, Mordecai out of loyalty to Jehovah did not bow down or prostrate before his lover or give in to the pressure of the king's servants. Mordecai refuses to do this not because he is a rebel, but because this command goes against Biblical principles and Jehovah's standards. He therefore teaches us that even in the most difficult circumstances we must maintain our integrity, fidelity and loyalty to Jehovah and his righteous standards.

Esther 3:2. It shows Mordecai's refusal to bow down and stand before Haman despite King Ahasuerus' command. This is due to his faith and loyalty to Jehovah. From this text we learned that if we have a strong faith AND the firm determination not to violate biblical principles, even under the strongest of pressures or under the risk of losing our lives, we will break our loyalty and fidelity to Jehovah.

Esther 3:17. It reminds us of the words of Matthew 23:12, that he who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted, without a doubt, we want to always remain humble when serving in the congregation.

Esther 3:2. He is an example of the enmity between the offspring of Genesis 3:15, Although Mordecai is loyal to the king, he considers that obeying that command would be disrespectful to God. Since he knows that they are Amalekite, which probably indicates that he is a descendant of Agag the Amalekite King, executed by the faithful prophet Samuel. As if that were not enough, the nation of Amalek acted with great evil, and Jehovah ended up condemning him for his hostility against him and his people.

Esther 3:3. It reminds us of situations in which others miss us and complain or ask us why we do not participate in celebrations such as saluting the flag, birthdays, Christmas, or singing a national anthem. These are situations that in some way prepare us and forge our character, since without a doubt, not everyone is capable of remaining faithful under pressure.

Esther 3:4. In some cases it may be wise not to reveal our identity, like Esther. However, when we need to take a firm stand on important issues such as Jehovah's sovereignty and our integrity, we should not be afraid to make it known that we are Jehovah's Witnesses.

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