Tuesday, January 10, 2023

SPIRITUAL GEMS: , Week of January 9 to 15, 2023, 2 Kings 24 to 25, Answers.

SPIRITUAL GEMS: , 9-15-January 2023, 2 Kings 24 to 25, Answers.

Spiritual Gems 2022 (10 min.)

2Ki 24:3, 4. What do 💬these verses teach us about Jehovah? 💭(w05 8/1 12 ¶1)

They teach us that since Jehovah respects and avenges the shedding of innocent blood by destroying the guilty, 💬he did not consent to grant forgiveness to Judah, 💭due to the blood guilt incurred by their King Manasseh.💭

As we know for Jehovah they are very important in people's lives and that is why what Manasseh did shed innocent blood, then Jehovah did not consent to grant forgiveness to Judah, so that guarantees us that Jehovah will do justice by destroying the guilty.

Another application that we can give to this text is that if we commit a sin, we must seek the support and advice of the elders as quickly as possible to help us reestablish our relationship and friendship with Jehovah as soon as possible and not leave. lengthen as it happened with Manasseh.

The text at the end mentions that Jehovah was not willing to forgive, we may think well but because if Jehovah commands us to forgive, what happened was that Jehovah can see in the hearts and if Jehovah had seen that they did not they were willing to change and that teaches me that when someone innocent dies because of someone because Jehovah does not turn a blind eye to this, but rather that it hurts him when these acts are committed and Jehovah will give what they deserve to those who practice such acts of injustices that are not repented.

Interesting what the psalm mentions here that Jehovah gives us hope that criminals will no longer exist, just a little more time and they will end and in the psalm he also mentions that he gives us the inheritance that Jehovah promises us on earth that we will fully enjoy with her, so that hope is what we have so that we can endure that the criminals will not live forever.

💭What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, 💭the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?💬

2 💭Kings 💭24:3. It shows that Judah had to suffer the consequences of the sins that King Manasseh committed in his time 💬. One application that we can give to this text is that if we commit serious sins we should not delay the matter, 💭on the contrary we should quickly seek the support and advice of the elders to help us re-establish our friendship with Jehovah as soon as possible.💭

2 💬Kings 💬24:3. It shows that Judah had to suffer the consequences of the sins that Manasseh committed in the past. 💭An important lesson emerges from this and that is that we must settle matters with Jehovah quickly in order to avoid worse consequences.💭

2 💬Kings 💭24:3. It shows that Judah had to suffer the consequences of the sins that King Manasseh committed in his time. 💬One application that we can give to this text is that if we commit serious sins we should not delay the matter, 💬on the contrary we should quickly seek the support and advice of the elders to help us re-establish our friendship with Jehovah as soon as possible.💭

2 💬Kings 💭25:1. He shows that the City of Jerusalem was besieged by Babylon, beginning the prophecy given by Jehovah many years in advance. 💬Therefore, its inhabitants must have been terrified because they knew what was happening. 💬Today we also live in prophetic times, 💬but unlike the Israelites we are not afraid because we go to Jehovah in prayer to give us strength, courage and endurance.💬

2 💬Kings 💭24:2-4. He shows that Jehovah sent bands of plunderers against Jehovah to destroy Judah, 💬for the sins of Manasseh and for the shedding of innocent blood, 💬since he was not willing to forgive them. This teaches me that although Jehovah is a God of love, forgiveness and great patience. 💭He is also a God who receives justice at the due time.💭

2 💬Kings 💭24:2-4. It shows what happened to Judah at Jehovah's command, 💬although many Israelites believed that God's will was to deliver them from their enemies and preserve an independent Judah, 💭Jehovah's will was to bring Judah to judgment, 💭because it does not genuinely repent. 💬This teaches me that you don't play with Jehovah, if we confess a serious sin and repent it must be with all our hearts, otherwise we will suffer the consequences sooner or later.💬

2 💭Kings 💭24:18-20 . It shows that Ezekiel not only acted contrary to the warnings given by the prophets Ezekiel and Jeremiah, but also broke the covenant that he had made under oath before God, 💬as a consequence the anger of Jehovah came against Jerusalem and Judah, this is a Warning for those who take the lead in the people of God, 💭if they act contrary to the will of Jehovah, their actions could affect many other people.💬

2 💬Kings 💭24:2-3. It shows that Jehovah spent years warning the people of Judah that if they did not stop acting wickedly he would reject them. At present Jehovah has also been giving a warning message to the people of this world through his witnesses for a long time, but this time is running out. Those who do not take advantage of this opportunity when the time comes will also be rejected by Jehovah, then no one will be able to say that Jehovah was an unjust God who did not have patience with them.

2 💬Kings 💭24:12. It shows that King Jehoiachin of Judah surrendered himself to the king of Babylon along with his mother, 💬servants, princes, and court officials. 💭This teaches me that positions of power do not matter when Jehovah's blessing is lost, 💬that was what happened to Joaquín and it can also mean ruin for Jehovah's servants today, if they do what is contrary to the will of God.💬

2 💭Kings 💬24:18 to 25:1. He shows that in the ninth year of him as a Vassal King. 💭Zedekiah rebelled and turned to the military force of Egypt against Babylon for help. 💭Again an Israelite king placed his trust in the man of power instead of trusting in Jehovah. 💬We know the consequences, that teaches us that our absolute trust must be encrypted in Jehovah God and not in human governments.💭

2 💭Kings 💬25:1-26. It shows that Egypt failed the Jews without faith, but the word of God did not fail. 💬This teaches us that we should not ignore Jehovah's warnings or prophecies because they never fail.💬

2 Kings 💬25:1-11. It shows that when Jerusalem was razed to the ground and its temple torn to pieces, 💭both its princes and its common people were agonizingly slain or enslaved alike. 💭This teaches me that since we are now very close to the end of this world, 💬we should not be focused on reaching positions of power or wealth, but rather on cultivating and strengthening our spirituality and friendship with Jehovah.💬

Second Kings 25:27 we can read that King Evil Merodach of Babylon took King Joaquin of Judah out of prison and was kind to him, took off his prisoner clothes, did he do it because he liked him? It wasn't because of that, it was because Jehovah was already organizing for the offspring of the messiah because Joachim says that he was the grandfather of Zerubbabel and became ruler of Jerusalem and through Jesus Christ came, so Jehovah uses whoever he wants whenever he wants so that its purpose is fulfilled.

In Second Kings 24: 3 and 4 that also teaches me that Jehovah is the one who does justice. I just have to obey and respect his law and leave all my trust that Jehovah will cleanse the Earth.

2 Kings 25 from 14 onwards talks about all the utensils the things that were destroyed the things that were taken were things from the temple that had been done with so much zeal with so much love at that time but that of course Jehovah blesses all those things when the people are also faithful, but in this case Jehovah does not care how big the temple has been but if he was not worshiped as he wished then it did not make sense and that also makes us think and meditate too, it is true Jehovah has done many things in the organization today we are glad for many good things that there are especially material things to be able to take the kingdom everywhere but Jehovah's blessing does not depend on that if it does not depend on loyal service to him.

The text of second Kings 25:8 says that on the 7th of the 19th year of Nebuchadnezzar then this Nebuzaradan arrived in Jerusalem, but in another text it says that it was the 10th, there is a difference of 3 days and the explanation is how it was said in the speech also that he was looking for a strategy and then entered the city and burned it, so the two texts are right and the Bible does not contradict itself as some critics claim.

The end of second Kings chapter 24 the end of 2 says that according to the words that Jehovah had spoken through his servants the prophets, however the end of 4 mentions that Jehovah was not willing to forgive Manasseh, from that we can learn why we should not ignore the rules of Jehovah because when Jehovah says that it is so it will be so.

The account of 25 verse 7 says that when they caught Zedekiah that they killed his sons before his very eyes, Zedekiah says that he was no more than 32 years old and that his children would have to be only boys or boys, and if he had been obedient and the oath that he took before Jehovah would have fulfilled it, he would not have had to go through that of wanting to kill his children, for that reason the important thing is not to rebel against Jehovah.

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