Monday, January 9, 2023

DAILY TEXT, From today Monday January 9, 2023, Faith is convincing proof that there are realities that are not seen (Heb. 11:1).

DAILY TEXT, From today Monday January 9, 2023, Faith is convincing proof that there are realities that are not seen (Heb. 11:1).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023

Monday, January 9

Faith is convincing proof that there are unseen realities (Heb. 11:1).

Some people think that having faith means believing in something without any proof. But, according to the Bible, that is not faith. The Bible explains that faith in unseen realities, such as Jehovah, Jesus, and the heavenly Kingdom, is based on convincing evidence (Heb. 11:3). A biochemist who became a Witness says: “Our faith is not blind or blind to the discoveries of science.” So if there is compelling evidence for the existence of a Creator, why do many people believe that God did not create all living things? Because some have simply never analyzed the evidence for themselves. Robert, now a Jehovah's Witness, says: “Since creation was never discussed in school, I took it for granted that it wasn't true. It wasn't until I was 22 that I was shown the logical and compelling arguments the Bible gives for creation." w21.08 15 pars. Four. Five.


Why do some people deny the existence of a Creator?

Some people deny the existence of a Creator because they say they only believe what they can see. But the truth is that they do believe in things they cannot see. For example, they believe in gravity because they have proof that it is real. The kind of faith mentioned in the Bible is also based on evidence "that there are things not seen" (Heb. 11:1). Sure, it takes time and effort to examine those tests, and many people aren't willing to do that. That is why they come to the conclusion that God does not exist.

How do we know that not all highly educated people deny that God created the universe?

After examining the evidence, some scientists have become convinced that God created the universe.c Like Robert, mentioned in paragraph 5, some may have simply assumed that there is no Creator because creation is not discussed in the universities. But many scientists have come to know and love Jehovah. Just like they did, we all need to strengthen our faith in God, no matter what education we have received. No one can do it for us.

How will studying creation help us?

Let's study creation. If we carefully observe the animals, plants and stars, we will strengthen our faith in the Creator (Ps. 19:1; Is. 40:26). The more we study these things, the more convinced we will be that Jehovah is the Creator. Articles explaining some details of creation often appear in our publications. Even if they seem a little difficult to understand, let's make the effort to read them and learn what we can. And let's not forget that on our website,, we can replay the beautiful creation videos that were shown at recent regional conventions.

Give an example that shows that there is a Creator (Romans 1:20).

When we study creation, let's look at what it teaches us about our Creator (read Romans 1:20). For example, the Sun not only provides the light and heat necessary for life on Earth, but also emits ultraviolet rays, which are harmful. How are we human beings protected from them? The Earth has a layer of gas called ozone, which acts as a shield that prevents harmful radiation from reaching us. When the intensity of ultraviolet rays increases, the amount of ozone also increases. Is it not logical to believe that behind all this there is an intelligent and loving Creator?

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