Sunday, January 8, 2023

DAILY TEXT, From today Sunday January 8, 2023, Children are an inheritance from Jehovah (Salt. 127:3).

DAILY TEXT, Sunday January 8, 2023,  I planted, Children are an inheritance from Jehovah (Ps. 127:3).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023

Sunday January 8

Children are an inheritance from Jehovah (Ps. 127:3).

Jehovah has given us humans the ability to have children and the responsibility to teach them to love and serve him. Although Jehovah has given angels power to do impressive things, he has not given them the ability to have children. With that in mind, parents should be grateful for such a beautiful privilege. They have been entrusted with the sacred responsibility of raising their children “according to the discipline and counsel of Jehovah” (Eph. 6:4; Deut. 6:5-7). In order to help them, God's organization provides many Bible-based tools such as publications, videos, songs, and online articles. It is clear that our heavenly Father and his Son love our children (Luke 18: 15-17). Jehovah is pleased to see that parents trust him and do their best to care for his children. Parents who do this give their children the chance to become part of Jehovah's family forever. w21.08 5 par. 9.

How do we show our gratitude to God for making us in his image?

Jehovah honored us by creating us in his image (Gen. 1:26, 27). Because we are made in the image of God, we can cultivate and demonstrate many of his precious qualities, such as love, compassion, loyalty, and justice (Ps. 86:15; 145:17). When we strive to do so, we honor Jehovah and show gratitude to him (1 Pet. 1:14-16). If we do what pleases our heavenly Father, we feel happy and satisfied. Also, because Jehovah made us in his image, we can become the kind of people he wants to have in his family.

How did Jehovah honor humans when he prepared the Earth?

Jehovah prepared a special home for us. Long before creating the first man, God prepared the Earth for human beings (Job 38:4-6; Jer. 10:12). Because he is so good and generous, he made endless things for us to enjoy (Ps. 104: 14, 15, 24). He from time to time took time to think about what he had created, and "saw that it was good" (Gen. 1:10, 12, 31). He honored human beings by giving them “dominion” over all the beautiful things he had made on Earth (Ps. 8:6). God wants perfect human beings to feel the joy of caring for his beautiful creations forever. Are we in the habit of thanking Jehovah for this wonderful promise?

How does Joshua 24:15 show that human beings have freedom of choice?

Jehovah has given us the freedom of decision. Thanks to this gift, we can decide what we will do with our lives (read Joshua 24:15). Our loving God rejoices when we choose to serve Him (Ps. 84:11; Prov. 27:11). There are many fields in which we can make good use of our freedom of decision. Let's see the example that Jesus left us.

Name one way in which Jesus used his freedom of decision.

Jesus decided to put the interests of others first, and we can follow his example. On a certain occasion, Jesus and his apostles were very tired, so they went to a quiet place to rest. But they did not succeed, because a large crowd of people came to where they were to listen to the teachings of Jesus. Far from being upset, he was moved by those people and "began to teach them many things" (Mark 6:30-34). When we imitate Jesus by using our time and energy to help others, we bring glory to our heavenly Father (Matt. 5:14-16). And so we show him that we want to be part of his family.

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