Tuesday, January 10, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of January 9-15, 2023, Revisit, Begin a Bible course using lesson 01 of the booklet Enjoy Life, Lesson 19, Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: January 9-15, 2023, Return Visit, Lesson 19, Assignment Prepared.

Return visit (5 min.): Use the topic of ideas for conversation. Then start a Bible study using lesson 01 from the booklet Enjoy Life (th lec. 19).

POSTER: Good morning, how have you been?πŸ’­

HOME LOVE: Well, everything's fine, and you? πŸ’¬πŸ’­

PUBLISHER: πŸ’¬All good too, today we are going to see the answer to the question that remained pending, do you remember what it was about?πŸ’­

HOUSEHOLD: πŸ’¬ Yes, it was something that we can just say to God in prayer.

POSTER: That's right, many of us ask for daily food, others for health, but what will the Bible's response be? Would you like to see it? πŸ’¬πŸ’­

HOME LOVE:πŸ’¬ Sure, why not.πŸ’­

PUBLISHER: Well, let's see what 1 John 5:14 says, please read it.

HOUSEHOLD: πŸ’¬ Sure, he says…πŸ’­

POSTER: πŸ’¬Thank you for reading, what can we ask for according to this passage?πŸ’­

HOUSEHOLD:πŸ’¬ Well, we can ask for anything that is in accordance with your wishes.πŸ’­

PUBLISHER: That is the answer, but now we may wonder, what is that will? πŸ’¬πŸ’­

HOUSEHOLD: πŸ’¬ Do the things that God commands?πŸ’­

POSTER: That's right, mainly if we ask him for wisdom and knowledge about him, he will listen to us and help us so that we can enjoy our life, how do you think we can enjoy life forever? Would you like to know the answer? πŸ’¬πŸ’­

HOME LOVE: πŸ’¬ Of course.πŸ’­

PUBLISHER: Well, today I have a publication that helps us with that, is this, can you read the title? πŸ’¬ πŸ’­

HOME LOVE: Sure, Enjoy Life Forever!, Introduction to the teachings of the Bible.

PUBLISHER: Thank you, as you have just read, this brochure analyzes three lessons on the importance of studying the Bible, here is yours and what do you think if we see the first lesson, what is the title? πŸ’¬πŸ’­

STUDENT: πŸ’¬ Well, the title says, How Can the Bible Help You?πŸ’­

PUBLISHER: πŸ’¬Correct, under each title there is an instruction paragraph, you can read it please.πŸ’­

STUDENT:πŸ’¬ No problem, he says…πŸ’­

PUBLISHER:πŸ’¬ Thank you, as you mention here, what things do people think about?πŸ’­

STUDENT: πŸ’¬ Well, in questions such as about life, suffering, the future and also in everyday things like earning a living or about the family.πŸ’­

PUBLISHER: Exactly, in fact, we all ask ourselves those questions and in some cases there is a lot of information about each of the things you mentioned, but what do many people recognize? πŸ’¬πŸ’­

STUDENT: πŸ’¬ Many people have realized that the Bible answers those questions and gives good advice for life.πŸ’­

PUBLISHER: πŸ’¬That's right, people have recognized that the Bible is still valid today, do you think we continue to analyze this lesson and see what the Bible teaches?πŸ’­

STUDENT:πŸ’¬ Sure, that sounds like a good idea to me.

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