Thursday, December 1, 2022

DAILY TEXT, From today Thursday December 1, 2022, He who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven by the wind and carried from one side to another (Sant. 1:6).

DAILY TEXT, Thursday December 1, 2022, He who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven by the wind and carried from one side to another (Sant. 1:6).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2022

Thursday December 1

The one who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven by the wind and carried from one side to another (James 1:6).

Sometimes we may find it difficult to understand something we read in God's Word. Or maybe Jehovah doesn't answer our prayers the way we expected. This can cause doubts to arise. If we ignore them, they will weaken our faith and damage our friendship with Jehovah.—James 1:7, 8. They may even make us lose our hope for the future. The apostle Paul compared our hope to an anchor (Heb. 6:19). This gives stability to the boat during the storm and prevents it from going against the rocks. But it's only worth anything if the chain that binds it to the ship doesn't break. Just as rust weakens an anchor chain, unresolved doubts weaken our faith. When a person with doubts faces opposition, he may lose faith that Jehovah will keep his promises. And without faith, there is no hope. Who could be happy in that situation? w21.02 30 pars. 14, 15.

What should we do if we have doubts?

The solution: face doubts and strengthen faith. Let's not be indecisive. In the days of the prophet Elijah, Jehovah's people had become indecisive. Elijah said to them: “How long will you be limping between two opinions? If Jehovah is the true God, follow him! But if Baal is, follow him!" (1 Kings 18:21). This could happen today. Therefore, we need to investigate to prove to ourselves that Jehovah is the true God, that the Bible is his Word, and that Jehovah's Witnesses are his people (1 Thess. 5:21). By doing this, we will end our doubts and strengthen our faith. If we need help solving them, we can ask the elders for it. To continue to be happy serving Jehovah, we need to get down to business decisively.

What will happen if we lose value?

The problem: being discouraged. The Bible says: "If you get discouraged in difficult times, you will lack strength" (Prov. 24:10). The Hebrew word here translated "get discouraged" can mean "to lose courage." If we lose courage, we will soon lose joy.

What does it mean to hold on?

The solution: trust that Jehovah will give us the courage to endure the tests. We need courage to endure trials (James 5:11). The word that Santiago used and which is translated “endure” conveys the idea of someone who stands firm in his position. Perhaps a brave soldier who resists the violent attacks of the enemy without backing down an inch comes to mind.

What can we learn from the example of the Apostle Paul?

The Apostle Paul was a fine example of courage and endurance. He sometimes felt weak, but he was able to endure because he trusted that Jehovah would give him the strength he needed (2 Cor. 12: 8-10; Philip. 4:13). We, too, can have that kind of strength and courage if we humbly admit that we need Jehovah's help.—James 4:10.

What can we be sure of?

We can be sure that the tests are not a punishment from Jehovah. Santiago assures us: "Let no one say during a test: 'God is testing me.' Because, with bad things, no one can test God nor does he test anyone ′′ (James 1:13). If we are convinced of that, we will draw closer to our loving heavenly Father (James 4:8).

Jehovah “does not vary or change” (James 1:17). Just as he helped first-century Christians endure trials, so he will help each of us today. Let us pray to Jehovah to give us wisdom, faith and courage. He will answer our prayers. Let us be sure that he will help us to remain happy despite the trials.

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