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Let us examine the Scriptures every day 2024
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Many of those who are asleep in the dust of the earth will awake, some to everlasting life (Dan. 12:2).
This prophecy speaks of a resurrection. But it is not a symbolic or spiritual resurrection of God’s servants that occurs during the last days, as we previously understood it. Rather, it refers to the resurrection that will take place in the new world. Why might we conclude this? Job 17:16 also speaks of “dust,” and it is used there as a synonym for “the Grave.” This tells us that Daniel 12:2 speaks of a literal resurrection that will occur after the end of the last days and after the battle of Armageddon. Now, what does Daniel 12:2 mean when it says that some will be resurrected “to everlasting life”? It means that those who are resurrected and come to know, or continue to know, and obey Jehovah and Jesus during the 1,000 years will eventually receive everlasting life. (John 17:3) w22.09 21, 22 pars. 6, 7.
In what sense will some be resurrected “to humiliation and eternal contempt”?
But not all those resurrected will benefit from Jehovah’s education program. Daniel’s prophecy says that some will be resurrected “to humiliation and everlasting contempt.” Because of their rebellious attitude, their names will not be in the book of life and they will not receive eternal life. They will suffer “everlasting contempt” or destruction. So Daniel 12:2 is speaking of the final outcome for all those resurrected, based on what they do after their resurrection. (Rev. 20:12) Some will gain eternal life, others will not.
According to Daniel 12:3, what else will happen after the Great Tribulation? And who will “shine as bright as the sky”?
What else will happen after the “time of trouble” that is near? In addition to what we have seen in Daniel 12:2, verse 3 mentions another thing that will happen after the great tribulation.
Who are those who will “shine as bright as the sky”? Jesus’ words in Matthew 13:43 help us to know. He said, “At that time the righteous will shine as brightly as the sun in their Father’s kingdom.” When he said those words, Jesus was speaking of “the sons of the kingdom,” that is, his anointed brothers, who will rule with him in the heavenly kingdom (Matt. 13:38). So Daniel 12:3 must be referring to the anointed ones and the work they will do during the Thousand Year Reign.
What work will the 144,000 do during the 1,000 years?
The anointed will “bring many to righteousness.” How will they do this? By working closely with Jesus Christ in directing the educational program that will be carried out here on earth during the 1,000 years. The 144,000 will not only be kings but also priests (Rev. 1:6; 5:10; 20:6). So they will help “heal the nations” by gradually bringing humanity to perfection (Rev. 22:1, 2; Ezek. 47:12). What joy the anointed will have in being able to do this!
Who will be among the “many” who will be brought “to justice”? Those who are resurrected, those who survive Armageddon, and the children born in the new world. At the end of the 1,000 years, everyone living on Earth will be perfect. So when will their names be written in ink and not pencil in the book of life?
What will all perfect people living on Earth have to prove before they receive eternal life?
Remember, just because someone is perfect does not automatically mean that they will receive eternal life. Consider the case of Adam and Eve. They were perfect, but they had to prove their obedience to Jehovah in order to receive eternal life. Unfortunately, they were disobedient. (Rom. 5:12)
As we have seen, at the end of the 1,000 years, everyone living on earth will have attained perfection. Will all of these perfect people give their full support to Jehovah’s rule forever? Or will some be like Adam and Eve, who, although perfect, did not remain faithful? How will this issue be resolved?
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