Thursday, December 1, 2022

DAILY TEXT, From today Viernes 2 de diciembre, Abrahán put su fe en Jehová (Sant. 2:23).

DAILY TEXT, On December 2, Abraham put his faith in Jehovah (Sant. 2:23).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2022

Friday, December 2nd

Abraham put his faith in Jehovah (Sant. 2:23).

Abraham was probably over 70 years old when he and his family left Ur (Gen. 11:31-12:4). And for a few years he lived in tents and traveled around the land of Canaan. He died at 175 years of age (Gen. 25: 7). However, he did not see how Jehovah fulfilled his promise to give his descendants the land through which he traveled. Nor did he see the city established that he expected, the Kingdom of God. Also, the Bible says that he died “satisfied after a long life” (Gen. 25:8). While he suffered many problems, he maintained a solid faith and was willing to wait for Jehovah to act. Why can he stand it? Because throughout his life he counted with the protection and the friendship of Jehovah (Gen. 15: 1; Is. 41: 8; Sant. 2:22). Like Abraham, we hope for the city that has true foundations (Heb. 11:10). Of course, we didn't wait for this to be built, because the Kingdom of God was established in 1914 and already had absolute control over the sky (Rev. 12:7-10). But if we are waiting for the one that starts to govern all the Earth. w20.08 4 pars. 11, 12.

What do you learn from the story of her brother Walden?

We are willing to make sacrifices. If we want to put in first place in our life the city of God, it is to decir, the Kingdom, we must be like Abraham and be willing to sacrifice ourselves to please God (Mat. 6:33; Mar. 10:28-30). We saw the example of her brother Bill Walden.b In 1942, when he was about to become a structural engineer in the United States, he started to study with the testigos of Jehovah. One of his professors had gotten him a job when he graduated from the university, but Bill turned him down. He explained that he had decided not to pursue his promising career because he wanted to serve God less. Shortly after, the army called him in line. He with respect he negotiated, and as a result they fined him with 10,000 dollars and sentenced him to five years in jail. A los tres años, he was put into freedom. With time, they invited him to attend the Escuela de Galaad and sent him as a missionary to Africa. Bill married Eva and served together in Africa, where they had to make many sacrifices. Years later, they had to return to the United States to take care of Bill's mother. Thinking about what his life has been like, he says: “My eyes filled with tears when I thought of the honor of having been used by Jehovah for more than seventy years. A menudo le doy las gracias por haberme permitted to do his service at the center of my life”. Can you also convert the full-time service into his life career?

What does it teach about the experience of the Apostolidis brothers?

Let's not expect a life without problems. The example of Abraham teaches us that even those who dedicate their lives to Jehovah will have difficulties (Sant. 1:2; 1 Ped. 5:9). This was the case of a brother named Aristotelis Apostolidis.c he was baptised in Greece in 1946, and in 1952 he committed himself to Eleni, a sister who had the same goals as she is. But then Eleni got sick and the doctors discovered a brain tumor. If they quit, but a few years after being married this one reappeared. They returned to operate on her, but she was partially paralyzed and had serious difficulties speaking. Despite her illness and the one that the government persecuted the Testigos at that time, Eleni continued preaching with enthusiasm.

Aristotelis took care of his wife for thirty years. During all that time, he was an elder, collaborated with assembly committees and helped build an Assembly Hall. Then, in 1987, Eleni had a serious accident while he preached. He was in a coma for three years, and then died. Aristotelis sums up his experiences and says: “Over the years, distressing circumstances, difficult problems and unforeseen events have demanded that you demonstrate muchísima tenacity and perseverance. However, Jehovah has always provided me with the necessary strength to overcome these difficulties” (Ps. 94:18, 19). Without a doubt, Jehovah deeply loves those who do everything possible to serve him despite their problems.

What good advice did her brother Knorr give to his wife?

We focus on the future. As Abraham focused on the rewards that Jehovah would give him in the future, he was able to endure the problems that presented themselves. Her sister Audrey Hyde tried to maintain that positive attitude, even though her first husband, Nathan Knorr, died of cancer, and her second husband, Glenn Hyde, died of Alzheimer's disease. what her brother Knorr said a few weeks before he died. She tells him: “After dying, our hope is assured, and we will never again have to suffer pain”. Luego, she read this advice: “Aim haci adelante, al futuro, pues allí es donde está tu galardón”. And he added: “Keep busy, try to use your life doing something for others. That will fill you up”. What good advice is it to keep ourselves busy doing good things for others and to rejoice in the hope we have (Rom. 12:12).

Why do we have good reasons to focus on the future? y How will you help us enjoy future blessings by doing what Micah 7:7 says?

Today more than ever, we have reasons to focus on the future. The world's successes made it clear that we are in the final part of the last days of this system. That's it, now we won't have to wait for the city to have true foundations in order to govern the whole of Tierra. Among the many blessings we will have will be seeing that our loved ones live again. Then, Jehovah will reward Abraham for his faith and patience by returning his life and his family here on Earth. Will you be usted there to receive them? You can achieve it if, like Abraham, you are willing to sacrifice yourself for the Kingdom of God, keep your faith despite the problems and wait patiently for Jehovah to act (read Micah 7:7).

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