Monday, August 12, 2024

FAÇA SEU MELHOR NO MINISTERIO: Week August 12 to 18, 2024, Make return visits: PUBLIC PREACHING. (Making disciples: a work of love, Lesson 8 point 3). Prepared Assignment.

FAÇA SEU MELHOR NO MINISTERIO: August 12-18, 2024, Make return visits: PUBLIC PREACHING. (Making disciples: a work of love, Lesson 8 point 3). Prepared Assignment.

Make return visits (4 mins.) PUBLIC PREACHING. Offer the person a Bible course and show them what our classes are like (lmd lesson 8 point 3).

Publisher: Hello, how have you been?

Helper: Hello, good, thank you. And you?

Publisher: Also good, thank you. Now at this time, since for many people knowing what the Bible says seems like a rather difficult task, we are offering a free Bible course so that people can understand what the Bible says and how this can affect their life.

Helper: I'm not sure if I have time for that right now.

Publisher: I understand. I just wanted to show you a short video explaining what our classes are like and what you might learn. Would you like to see it? It will only take you a few minutes.

Helper: Well, if it's just a minute, that's fine. What do you have to show me?

Publisher: Perfect. Here are these videos that show some of the topics we cover and how the course is structured. (You show the videos or provide the links.)

(After watching the videos)

Helper: Wow, that seems pretty interesting. I liked the way they explain things and how they answer questions.

Publisher: I'm glad you think so. The videos give you just an idea of ​​what we cover. If you decide to start the course, you could explore these topics in more depth and ask any questions you have.

Helper: Yes, I think I would like to try it. How can we start?

Publisher: Great! We just need to coordinate a time that suits you. We can start with a first introductory class and see how it goes. When would it be good for you to start?

Helper: How about next week?

Publisher: Perfect, next week works well. I will contact you to confirm the exact day and time. I am sure that you will find the course very enriching.

Helper: Thank you very much. I'm looking forward to getting started.

Publisher: You're welcome, [Name]. I'm excited to get started with you. See you soon!

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