Monday, August 12, 2024

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week August 12 to 18, 2024, Explain your beliefs: Speech, Title: Are all religions good? Lesson 14, Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: August 12-18, 2024, Explain your beliefs: Speech, Title: Are all religions good? Lesson 14, Prepared Assignment.

Explain your beliefs (5 mins.) Speech. ijwbq 89. Title: Are all religions good? (th lesson 14).

Today, many people wonder if all religions are equally valid and if they all lead us to God. We often encounter that opinion when we preach. The Bible offers a clear answer on this issue, showing us that not all forms of worship are acceptable to Jehovah. 

Let's explore what Scripture says on this matter, dividing forms of worship into two main categories. The Bible is clear about the worship of false gods. In Jeremiah 16:19, 20, we are told…  


19 O Lord, my strength and my fortress, my place to flee to in the day of trouble, the nations will come to you from the ends of the earth and say: “Our ancestors inherited pure falsehood, useless and empty things that are of no use for nothing". 20 Can a man make his own gods, if in reality they are not gods?

and an example when the Israelites worshiped other gods, Jehovah's anger was kindled so he punished them. This shows that the worship of false gods is not acceptable in the eyes of God. This shows us that if a religion worships false gods it is not acceptable

The apostle Paul also reminds us that worship of “those who are called 'gods'” is worthless (Galatians 4:8 says… ).


8 However, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those who are not really gods.

Jehovah demands that those who wish to serve him separate themselves from false worship: If all religions were equally valid, why would God give such a command?

The Bible also shows us that worship that is mixed with incorrect practices is not acceptable. Jehovah rejected the Israelites when they adopted false worship practices and mixed true and false worship (see Deuteronomy 12:2-4).


2 You must completely destroy all the places where the nations you will conquer have served their gods, whether they are on high mountains, on hills, or under any leafy tree. 3 They must destroy their altars, smash their sacred pillars, burn their sacred poles in the fire and tear down the graven images of their gods, thus erasing their names from that place.  4 “Do not worship the Lord your God as they worship their gods.

Another example is when Jesus condemned the religious leaders of his time, pointing out that their devotion was superficial and that they had neglected “the weightier matters of the Law: justice, mercy and faithfulness.”

Today, the only form of worship that truly brings us closer to God is that which is based on the truth of the Bible. Religions that teach concepts that contradict the Scriptures, such as the Trinity, the immortality of the soul, or eternal torment, They are based on beliefs that come from the worship of false gods and, therefore, are useless

In conclusion, the Bible clearly teaches us that not all religions are the same. Only those that are based on the truth of the Scriptures and reflected in a life of sincerity and obedience are acceptable to Jehovah. It is essential to examine the beliefs and practices of any religion in light of God's Word to determine if they truly bring us closer to Him.

But the lesson is not limited to simply turning away from false religions. It is also crucial to evaluate our personal lives, our hobbies, and our actions to ensure that there is nothing that could make our worship of Jehovah in vain.

Sincerity in our worship must be accompanied by a life consistent with biblical principles, ensuring that our devotion is not just superficial, but is reflected in our daily actions and the way we live.

This reflection prompts us to maintain an attitude of constant self-examination, always seeking a genuine and authentic relationship with Jehovah.

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