Sunday, August 13, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of August 14 to 20, 2023, Revisit, Invite the person to a meeting. Then present and discuss the video What Are Our Meetings Like?, Lesson 11, Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: August 14-20-2023, Return Visit, Lesson 11, Assignment Prepared.

Return Visit (4 min.): Use the topic of ideas for conversation. Invite the person to a meeting. Then present and discuss the video How are our meetings?, but do not play it (th lec. 11).

Publisher: Good morning. 

Assistant: Good morning.

Publisher: Nice to see you again, I came because last time we were talking with you about a subject of suffering and how we find in the Bible that God is not to blame. 

Assistant: Ah yes, I remember, come sit down. 

Publisher: Thank you for your kindness, and we agree to answer the question why we suffer, have you asked yourself, what would be the answer to this question?

Helper: Well, I don't really know, but I think that we bring suffering on ourselves. 

Publisher: Thank you very much for reading this text, as you have read it. Did you notice who has the world in his power?

Helper: Well, the iniquitous one says there, but I don't understand what it means, that someone bad is ruling us.

Publisher: You are correct, that is what the Bible wants us to understand, and this person or being who governs us, influences things so that things are not good as the Bible says, he is the evil one, that is, he likes to do bad things .

Helper: Well, that makes me think a lot. Now I understand why we are suffering, since this being is guilty of the suffering of all humanity.

Publisher: Yes, you are absolutely right, but what do you think? Will this suffering end one day?

Helper: I really don't know.

Publisher: Thank you for your sincerity, well the Bible speaks of a promise for the future, where we will no longer have to suffer, and I would just like to invite you to a meeting where we will talk about this topic.

Assistant: A meeting, the truth is that I never went to one, but what do these meetings consist of? 

Publisher: I precisely have a video that explains how our meetings are and I would like us to watch it together, do you agree? 

Helper: It's ok.

Publisher: And what did you think of the video?

Helper: Well, I imagined something different, but it seems that it is very encouraging to attend one of these meetings.

Publisher: Yes it is true, you can leave very encouraged, you can even find friends who are also learning from the Bible, that is why they attend the meetings, also as mentioned, it is without any commitment. 

Helper: I find it interesting. 

Publisher: What do you think then if we make arrangements for you to attend.

Helper: It's okay.

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