Sunday, August 13, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of August 14-20, 2023, First Conversation, Offer a Teaching Kit Post, Lesson 13, Assignment Prepared.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: August 14-20-2023, First conversation, Lesson 13, Assignment Prepared.

First Conversation (3 min.): Use the topic of ideas for conversation. Then offer a teaching kit post (th lec. 13).

Publisher: Good morning. 

Assistant: Good morning.

Publisher: We were visiting people and I would like you to lend me a few minutes of your time.

Assistant: Yes, it's fine, if it's brief, I'll listen to it.

Publisher: Gladly, I was just asking your neighbors a question and I also wanted to know your opinion on this question. 

Helper: So, what is the question.

Publisher: The question is if suffering is a punishment from God, what do you think?

Helper: Well, to tell the truth, many of us do think that it is a punishment from God.

Publisher: What you say is true, so when we are suffering we always tell God why he is punishing us, but in reality, is it that God punishes us?

Helper: Well I don't really know.

Publisher: Don't worry, but what do you think if we let the Bible help us answer that question, please see what James Chapter 1 of verse 13 says, I would like you to read it.

Helper: Ok, the text says…

Publisher: Thank you for reading, it's true that those words are what we often hear when we are suffering. Many of us say, Why is God testing me? What bad things have I done, but as the Bible mentions in the verse, it says that we should not say these things Why doesn't God use suffering to send us tests?

Helper: I didn't know about this text, but it is interesting to know that God is not to blame for suffering.

Publisher: Yet many people still wonder if we will ever stop suffering.

Helper: I don't think so, that suffering is part of the life of the human being.

Publisher: I would like to leave you a treatise where it says, We will stop suffering one day, and this answers the question we are asking ourselves.

Helper: I find it interesting.

Publisher: Yes, the treatise is short and one can get the answer, it also brings quoted biblical texts that can help you compare with your own Bible. 

Assistant: So I see, that caught my attention a lot.

Publisher: How about I come back in a little while and we discuss the responses to this question.

Assistant: It's okay, I'll be waiting for you.

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