Sunday, August 13, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of August 14 to 20, 2023, Bible Course, Lesson 11, point 5 and "What some say", Lesson 8, Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: August 14-20-2023, Bible Course, lesson 11, point 5 and "What some say", Lesson 8, Prepared Assignment.

Bible course (5 min.): lff lesson 11 point 5 and "What some say" (th lec. 8).

Publisher: Now we are going to analyze the topic "Prepare for each Bible class", but first I would like you to read the text of Psalm 119:34.

Student: Okay, it goes like this…..

Publisher: Thanks for reading, Now based on what you read, why is it good to pray before reading the Bible or preparing for classes?

Student: Well because I guess it's the word of God.

Publisher: Yes, that is a very important reason, and what can we ask God for when we pray to him on these occasions?

Student: As the text says, we can ask for understanding. 

Publisher: That's true. And we can see that for example when there are people who read the Bible but many do it routinely, but they don't really understand it, but when we study, do you understand the texts we read?

Student: Yes, I understand many things.

Publisher: Well, understanding comes from God, that is why with his help we can understand it clearly, now what do you think if we are now going to see a method to be able to get the most out of the Bible in this study. What is the first thing we should do? 

Student: Good. To get the most out of the Bible we have to read all the paragraphs of each lesson. 

Publisher: Alright, take a look at the image, if you notice that the first step is in a different scenario than the next one. 

Student: Yes, you're right, I hadn't noticed in the first one, it seems that he is reading on a bus.

Publisher: That can be an advantage if we read it beforehand, we can be meditating on what we have read and when we prepare we can investigate further. 

Student: Sounds like a good idea to me. It also seems that this way it would not be so tiring 

Publisher: and now what is the next step?. 

Student: The next step is to look up the Biblical texts, read them, and try to relate them to information that we are analyzing.

Publisher: Very good, and how you see in the image already requires a calmer environment. And now what is the third step? 

Student: It says there that we must mark the words or phrases that answer the questions. 

Publisher: Very well, so how do we see? You have to mark with a highlighter what the answer could possibly be, now let's see what you would answer when someone, for example, says that studying the Bible is too much for me, I don't have the time or desire. What would you answer? 

Student: Well, what I can tell you is that I thought the same thing before trying it, but after seeing what one learns and the benefits one obtains, the desire to continue studying increases. 

Publisher: Very good. Let's now answer the review questions.

Student: It's okay.

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