Saturday, July 8, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of July 10-16, 2023, Return Visit Video Answers.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: July 10-16-2023, Answers to the Video of the first conversation.

Video of the return visit (5 min.): Discussion with the audience. Play the video Return Visit: Suffering (1Jn 5:19). Pause the video at each pause and ask the questions that appear in it.

Why do we say that the publisher used the questions well?

Because when it comes to asking who controls the world, there are different interpretations and beliefs, and asking questions lets us know what is the way of thinking of the person to whom we are preaching.


The publisher used the questions well, because he was effective in raising them in conversation. The questions helped promote dialogue and reflection on topics such as suffering and spiritual influence in the world. The proper use of questions can facilitate a meaningful conversation and help people reason and seek an answer from what they are hearing.

The publisher used the questions well when reasoning with the person, because he first asked: According to what we have read, who would say that controls the world? Then he added another question: Would you say that God controls you? In this way, the publisher used a series of questions to lead his listener to a logical conclusion. We know this because the householder responded that, since according to what they had read, he said that the one who ruled this world was the evil one or Satan.

We can also see that the publisher used the questions well when reasoning with a person because he kept the plot going with a new question: Isn't it true that we realize when we observe what happens around us? With this question, he motivated the person to think that indeed Satan is the one who controls the world. This was noted in the response given by the householder when he said: It is true, there is a lot of hatred and violence.

The publisher continued to use reasoning questions well, for he made an important point by saying: The Bible also shows that Satan is to blame for the sin and death that plague mankind. With this, he led the person to reason that the Biblical teaching he was showing him made a lot of sense. Then he asked, right? And then he concluded with two affirmations: God is not to blame for suffering. He does not want us to suffer. 

How would you offer the person one of the teaching kit publications?

I could tell you that we are very happy to have the opportunity to talk about the suffering in the world. Since really, it is understandable that you want the suffering to come to an end. I would like to offer you a treatise that addresses this subject and has the title: "Who is the ruler of this world?" This treatise helps us understand the root of the world's problems and gives us reason to hope for a better world. It examines the Biblical teachings about the ruler of the world and how this has deep meaning for us and our desire to see the world. end of suffering 


We could also say that we are glad that we had this deep conversation about suffering, since it is a subject that affects many people and I am here to offer you a tool that could help you find comfort and hope. You've heard of the “Enjoy Life” booklet. Then we might tell you that this booklet is a practical, Bible-based guide on how we can find joy and fulfillment in the midst of suffering. It offers practical advice and principles that will help us face life's challenges and enjoy life to the full.

I would tell him that I would like to leave him this treatise entitled Who Really Controls the World? based precisely on the biblical text of 1 John 5:19 which we have just read. And then we can invite you to search the Bible for the other biblical texts that are cited in the treatise and in this way you will better understand the root of the world's problems and you will also know the reasons that Jehovah God gives us to hope for a new, better world.

We could also tell him that we bring with us the treaty "We will stop suffering one day". And we will encourage you to read the biblical texts quoted in the treaty And that way the person could meditate on the information, And thus he will discover solid reasons to think that God is not to blame for suffering, nor for our problems. On the contrary, he promises to put an end to everything that makes us suffer very soon and gives us hope for a better world.

Another way in which we can offer the person one of the publications in the teaching kit is by telling him that we would like to give him the booklet called "Enjoy Life". If you accept, we could make you look at the back cover that presents us with a question: Is it possible to enjoy life forever? And if the householder accepts, we could leave him and tell him that in a future conversation we could analyze the answer that the Bible gives.

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