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Let us examine the Scriptures every day 2024
Sunday, November 24, 2024
We urge you to warn the unruly, comfort the depressed, support the weak, and be patient with all (1 Thess. 5:14).
We show that we love our brothers when we do our best to get along with them. We try to forgive as Jehovah does. Consider this: If Jehovah allowed his Son to die for our sins, shouldn’t we be quick to forgive our brothers when they do something against us? We don’t want to be like the wicked slave in one of Jesus’ parables. His master had forgiven him a huge debt, but he would not forgive another slave a debt much smaller than his own. (Matt. 18:23-35) So if you have had a misunderstanding with a brother, why not try to take the initiative to make peace before the Memorial? (Matt. 5:23, 24) Doing so will show that you love Jehovah and Jesus very much. w23.01 29 §8, 9.
How can elders show that they love Jehovah and Jesus? (1 Peter 5:1, 2)
Elders can show their love for Jehovah and Jesus in a special way—by lovingly caring for Jesus’ sheep. (Read 1 Peter 5:1, 2.) God’s Son made this clear to the apostle Peter. Since Peter had denied knowing him three times, he probably longed to confirm his love for him. After Jesus was resurrected, Peter asked him: “Simon son of John, do you love me?” Surely Peter would have done anything to prove that he did. Jesus replied: “Feed my little sheep.” (John 21:15–17) From then on, Peter lovingly cared for the Lord’s sheep, showing that he loved him.
How can elders show during the Memorial season that they take seriously Jesus’ words to Peter? They can show how much they love Jehovah and Jesus by staying busy in their work as shepherds and making a special effort to help those who are inactive. (Ezek. 34:11, 12) They can also pay attention to Bible students and those who are coming to the Memorial for the first time. They see these people as future disciples and want to make them feel at ease.
Why does it help us to be courageous to think about what Jesus said the night before he died? (John 16:32, 33)
The night before he died, Jesus told his disciples: “You will have suffering in the world. But be courageous, for I have overcome the world.” (Read John 16:32, 33.) What helped Jesus to be courageous when his enemies threatened him and to be loyal to the point of death? His trust in Jehovah. Because Jesus knew his disciples would go through similar trials, he asked Jehovah to care for them. (John 17:11) How does this help us to be courageous? Because Jehovah is more powerful than any enemy we may have. (1 John 4:4) And he is very aware of everything. We are convinced that if we rely completely on Jehovah, we can overcome our fears and be courageous.
How did Joseph of Arimathea demonstrate courage?
Consider Joseph of Arimathea, a man who was highly respected in Jewish society. He was a member of the supreme Jewish court, the Sanhedrin. But he was not very courageous during Jesus’ ministry. John says that he “was a disciple of Jesus, but secretly, because he was afraid of the Jews” (John 19:38). Although he was interested in the message of the Kingdom, he hid his faith in the Son of God. He must have been afraid of losing the respect of the community. Whatever the case, the Bible tells us that after Jesus’ death, Joseph finally “plucked up courage, went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus” (Mark 15:42, 43). Joseph’s faith was no longer a secret.
What should we do if we are worried about what people will say?
Do you worry about what others will think, as Joseph of Arimathea did? Are you sometimes embarrassed to tell people at school or at work that you are one of Jehovah’s Witnesses? Are you putting off the decision to become a publisher or to get baptized? Don’t let fear of what others will think of you keep you from doing what is right. Pray to Jehovah for help and to give you courage to do his will. As he answers your prayers, you will grow stronger and more courageous. —Isa. 41:10, 13.
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