Saturday, July 8, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of July 10 to 16, 2023, Revisit, Present and analyze the video Why study the Bible?, Lesson 4 Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: July 10-16-2023, Return Visit, Lesson 4, Assignment Prepared.

Return Visit (3 min.): Use the topic of ideas for conversation. Then present and discuss the video Why Study the Bible?, but don't play it (th lec. 4).

Publisher: Good afternoon Ishmael, I'm glad we finally got to meet up and talk for a while.

Assistant: Good afternoon Alberto, the truth is that last week was interesting.

Publisher: Yes, and we leave a very interesting question, which is, why do we suffer? what would you say?

Helper: Well, I would tell you many things, for certain problems such as illnesses I really can't find an explanation... but others, such as wars or social and economic problems, the truth is that it is what we have sought for ourselves due to our selfishness and arrogance, among other things. things…

Publisher: Ok, very good, you are right… So, we are going to focus on those problems to which you cannot find a solution… and we are going to give an example before reading a biblical text to give it context and that you can understand it…

Helper: Great, sounds good to me…

Publisher: I know you like cars or mobiles, for example, right?

Assistant: Yes, really, cars and technology could be said to be my passion... you see how I have the car, I changed the tires, the interior upholstery and I put those led lights on it...

Publisher: I have noticed, parked there it looks different from any other, and even more so if we put the same model but the standard version... you made all those modifications, it was up to you to make them or improve the car... as it wears out, Well, you change the oil, etc.,... to always keep it healthy, right?

Assistant: Exactly, you have to take care of it so that it lasts...

Publisher: And if the factory had come with a defect in the engine, could you do something?

Helper: Mmmm hardly, it would have to be changed and put back... you said it... it's a defect that already came from the factory...

Publisher: Do you mind reading 1 John 5:19? I have it here for you, look...

Helper: It says... "We know that we come from God, but the whole world is under the power of the Evil One."

Publisher: To put you in circumstance, the Evil One refers to Satan or the devil... of course, God created us, being perfect, I mean the beginning of everything... but the first inhabitants did not make good use of their lives, they were not healthy and they did not listen to the indications of their Creator... therefore, there were a series of defects promoted under the influence of the devil that spread throughout their descendants...

Helper: And one of those defects are the many diseases?

Publisher: And death, among others... I want to show you this video... it's very short... (... we put it...)... what do you think?

Helper: It's very interesting, and you're showing me that the Bible has answers to questions that I hadn't answered before... like today's...

Publisher: You have seen that the world is in the hands of Satan, and therefore, there is all the pain and suffering that we suffer... What more questions do you have? Well, if you want, as we saw in the video... A Bible course is nothing more than a conversation like the one we have now, a little more extensive and without any commitment... let you think about it, and next week you tell me and we'll see how God feels to see us like this, suffering every day.

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