Monday, May 1, 2023

DAILY TEXT, From today Monday May 1, 2023, Man has dominated man for his own evil (Ecl. 8:9).

DAILY TEXT, From Monday May 1, 2023,  Think carefully about Jesus (Heb. 12:3).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023

Monday May 1

Think carefully about Jesus (Heb. 12:3).

Jehovah loves us so much that, to help us know his Son, he included the four Gospels in his Word. These are historical accounts of the life and ministry of Jesus. They tell us what he said, did and felt. These four books help us think through his example. So to speak, in them we see the footsteps of Jesus. If we analyze the Gospels, we can get to know him better and better and thus follow in his footsteps faithfully. It is not enough to read the Gospels to get the most out of them. We need to take time to study them carefully and meditate on what we read (compare Joshua 1:8). Let us bring the Gospel stories to life. Let's use our imagination to see, hear and feel what was happening at that moment. Let's look for information in the publications that Jehovah's organization gives us.

What do we have to do to apply the Gospel accounts?

Second, apply the Gospel accounts (John 13:17). After having carefully studied a story from the Gospels, let us ask ourselves: “What does this story teach me? How can I use it to help others?” Let's think of someone in particular who could help; then, when the time is right, let us tactfully and lovingly tell him the lesson we have learned.

Let's see an example of how to put these two suggestions into practice. We will analyze the story of the poor widow that Jesus observed in the temple.

Describe the scene recounted in Mark 12:41.

Bring the story to life (read Mark 12:41). Let's visualize the scene. It is Nisan 11, 33 AD. There is less than a week to go before Jesus' death, and he has spent much of the day teaching in the temple. Religious leaders who oppose him have been putting him to the test. Some have questioned his authority and others have tried to corner him by asking questions to trap him (Mark 11:27-33; 12:13-34). Then Jesus goes to another part of the temple, possibly to the area known as the court of the women. He can see the treasure chests along the courtyard walls. He sits down and begins to watch the people putting in his contributions. He sees many rich people throw in a lot of coins. He maybe he is close enough to hear the noise of the coins when they fall into the coffers.

What did the poor widow mentioned in Mark 12:42 do?

(Read Mark 12:42.) Soon after, Jesus notices a poor woman, "a needy widow" (Luke 21:2). Her life is not easy for her; she is almost certain that her money does not reach her even to live. Still, he walks over to one of the chests and, trying not to draw her attention, he tosses in two little coins, which may hardly make a sound when they fall. But Jesus does know what he has just cast: two leptons, the lowest value coin of that time. That was not enough to buy a sparrow, which was among the cheapest birds sold for food.

According to Mark 12:43, 44, what did Jesus say about the widow's contribution?

(Read Mark 12:43, 44.) Jesus is very impressed by what this widow does. So he calls her disciples, he makes them notice her and he says, "This poor widow put into the treasury more than all the rest." He then explains: “All of them [especially the rich] give from their surplus; but she, who is so poor, she threw in everything, everything she had to live on ”. That day, by throwing every last coin out of it, this faithful woman showed that she trusted Jehovah to take care of her (Ps. 26:3).

What important lesson can we learn from what Jesus said about the poor widow?

Apply the story. Let's ask ourselves: “What can I learn from what Jesus said about the poor widow?” Let's think about her. No doubt she would have liked to give more to Jehovah. Even so, he did everything he could; she gave Jehovah her best. And Jesus knew that what she contributed was of great value to her Father. This teaches us an important lesson: that Jehovah is pleased that we give him the best, that we serve him with all our hearts and with all our souls (Matt. 22:37; Col. 3:23). He makes him happy that we do all we can. And that includes the amount of time and energy we spend worshiping him, such as when we preach and when we go to meetings.

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