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“We hold fast to the beginning of our confidence until the end” (HEB. 3:14).
1, 2. (a) How were things in Judea when the apostle Paul wrote the Letter to the Hebrews?
The Christians of Hebrew origin faced difficult years after the death of Jesus, with persecutions and serious economic problems due to a period of famine. By the year 61, they enjoyed a period of relative peace, but a great tribulation was near.
Acts 8:1 describes how a great persecution scattered the Christians after Stephen's martyrdom. Later, the famine described in Acts 11:27-30 accentuated the economic problems. This situation underlines how Jehovah allowed a time of peace to strengthen them before greater trials.
Although they faced many difficulties, the temporary peace they experienced upon receiving the letter was an opportunity for spiritual growth. Today, we can also take advantage of periods of tranquility to prepare ourselves for future trials.
1, 2. b) Why did this inspired letter come at just the right time?
The letter came before a great tribulation, to strengthen the faith of Christians and prepare them for the challenges they would face, such as the destruction of the Jewish system that Jesus foretold in Luke 21:20.
In Hebrews 10:25, Paul exhorted Christians not to stop meeting together to encourage one another. This would be crucial, as it would help them withstand the persecution and uncertainties that lay ahead.
Today, like Christians in the first century, we need to take advantage of biblical meetings and counseling to strengthen our faith and endurance as we face difficult times.
3. Why do we do well to analyze the Letter to the Hebrews today?
It helps us strengthen our faith and endurance to face the great tribulation, which will be more intense than the trials faced by the Hebrew Christians (Matthew 24:21).
In Hebrews 12:1, 2, we are encouraged to persevere and keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, who endured suffering with faith. This reminds us of the importance of imitating his example in critical times.
The letter to the Hebrews reinforces that, as in the past, Jehovah prepares us through his Word to remain faithful in times of crisis.
4. What challenges did Christians of Jewish origin have to face? (See also image.)
The Hebrew Christians faced rejection from Jewish religious leaders, who considered them apostates. They also had to leave behind the Law of Moses, which was difficult even for mature Christians like Peter. Hebrews 10:1, 4 explains that the sacrifices of the Law were a “shadow” of what was to come with Jesus. Recognizing this truth helped the Hebrew Christians to leave behind traditions and accept Christ’s sacrifice as the only valid one.
Today, abandoning false religious practices or ideas can also generate opposition, but relying on the Scriptures helps us remain firm and faithful.
At the temple, Jewish religious leaders are upset because Christians are preaching in the area. In order not to be led away from the truth, the Christians had to reject the false teachings of the Jewish religious leaders. (See paragraphs 4 and 5.)
5. Which two groups did those Christians face?
They confronted Jewish religious leaders and those who attempted to impose rules of the Law of Moses within the congregation, often to avoid persecution.
Galatians 6:12 mentions how some wanted to enforce circumcision to avoid persecution. This shows that even in the congregation, there was pressure to follow Jewish traditions.
To resist these influences, it was crucial for Christians to strengthen their knowledge of the Scriptures and rely fully on apostolic teaching.
6. What did Paul encourage the Hebrews to do? (Hebrews 5:14-6:1)
Paul encouraged them to mature spiritually by delving into the Scriptures and rejecting false teachings (Hebrews 5:14-6:1).
In Hebrews 6:1, Paul urges Christians to move toward spiritual maturity by leaving behind “basic teachings.” This highlights the importance of growing in knowledge and understanding to face challenges.
Moving toward spiritual maturity today also involves reflecting on how we can better imitate Jehovah and not be satisfied with the basics.Books of Jehovah
7. What challenges do we face today?
We are confronted with ideas that go against Jehovah's standards, and many accuse us of being intolerant for following Bible principles.
In Hebrews 13:9, Paul warns against false teachings that could lead Christians astray. This underscores the need to strengthen our faith to resist ideas contrary to the truth.
Even when we face opposition, remembering that Jehovah’s standards are for our good motivates us to remain steadfast and confident in Him.
8. How can we move towards spiritual maturity?
Deepening our knowledge of the truth and striving to think like Jehovah (Psalm 1:2).
Hebrews 11:6 reminds us that it is impossible to please God without faith. Studying regularly strengthens our confidence in Jehovah and his promises, helping us to advance spiritually.
Establishing a good personal study program allows us to strengthen our relationship with Jehovah and be better prepared for future challenges.
9. Why did Christians need to have a strong faith?
Christians needed strong faith to obey the command to flee Jerusalem when they saw the indicated sign, something that seemed illogical, but was crucial to saving their lives (Luke 21:20-24).
Hebrews 10:37-39 reminded them to trust in Jehovah and act without hesitation because “the one who is coming will surely come.” This text strengthened their resolve to act based on faith, not on what seemed logical according to human standards.
This example teaches us that strong faith helps us obey God’s instructions even if we don’t fully understand why at the time. Today, we need similar faith to continue trusting in Jehovah in the face of unexpected challenges.
10. What would Christians with strong faith do? (Hebrews 13:17)
Christians with strong faith would obey the instructions of the elders without question, convinced that these directives were for their benefit (Hebrews 13:17).
The Greek word for “obey” in Hebrews 13:17 implies trust based on faith. This kind of obedience was vital for Christians to act quickly and unitedly when the signal to flee came.
Our willingness to obey today, even in small matters, strengthens our confidence in divine direction. This will prepare us to follow with faith any future instructions Jehovah gives us through his organization.
11. Why do we need to have a strong faith?
We live in a world filled with ridicule and skepticism. Strong faith allows us to trust that Jehovah will fulfill his promises in due time, just as Habakkuk 2:3 assures us.
2 Peter 3:3, 4 mentions that people will mock and say, “Where is that promised presence?” Faith helps us to ignore such criticism and stand firm, knowing that the end will come as Jehovah has planned.
Strong faith not only protects us from doubts, but also allows us to face trials with confidence in Jehovah, confident that he will take care of us at all times.
12. What will help us survive the great tribulation?
Strengthening our trust in the “faithful and wise slave” and obeying his instructions will prepare us for the great tribulation (Matthew 24:45).
Hebrews 13:17 encourages us to obey because we trust those who lead us. Now is the time to develop that trust, which will be crucial when vital instructions arrive to save our lives.
Obedience and trust in the organization will enable us to maintain unity in critical times, which will be essential to receiving Jehovah’s protection.
13. Why was the advice in Hebrews 13:5 so timely?
The advice to avoid the “love of money” was timely because Christians had to be willing to abandon their possessions and flee Jerusalem.
Hebrews 13:5 emphasizes that Jehovah would be their helper. This reminder strengthened their confidence that they would not need riches to survive, but rather Jehovah’s blessing.
This advice teaches us the importance of living a simple life, trusting that Jehovah will provide what is needed, especially in times of crisis.
14. What kind of decisions will we make if we have a strong faith?
If we have a strong faith, we will make choices that reflect a simple life, avoiding materialism and focusing on spiritual things (Matthew 6:19, 24).
Ezekiel 7:19 shows that money will be worthless on the day of Jehovah’s fury. This reminder helps us focus on what really matters: our relationship with Him.
Today, living simply and avoiding unnecessary debt prepares us for future challenges and demonstrates that our trust is in Jehovah, not in material things.
15. Why was it so important for Christians to have endurance?
Christians needed endurance to remain faithful despite the intense persecution they faced (Hebrews 10:36).
Hebrews 12:4 reminded them that they had not struggled “to the point of shedding blood.” This encouraged them to persevere and to remember that Jesus endured even more for them.
Endurance not only helped them endure trials, but it strengthened their faith, preparing them for future challenges. This same endurance is essential for us in difficult times.
16. How does the Letter to the Hebrews help us to see persecution from the right perspective? (Hebrews 12:7)
Persecution can be seen as Jehovah's way of training us to be better Christians. (Hebrews 12:7)
Hebrews 12:11 acknowledges that no discipline seems pleasant at the time, but it produces fruits of righteousness. This encouraged them to endure trials with a positive attitude.
Viewing trials as an opportunity to grow spiritually helps us maintain a balanced perspective, trusting that Jehovah is molding us for his purpose.
17. What did Paul know about enduring persecution?
Paul knew how to endure persecution because he had faced it personally and trusted completely in Jehovah (Hebrews 13:6).
2 Corinthians 11:23-25 details the trials Paul endured, including beatings and shipwrecks. This showed that he was not just preaching endurance, but giving a living example.
Paul's experience encourages us to trust in Jehovah in any circumstance, remembering that he will strengthen us as he did Paul.
18. What should we be clear about, and what should we do from now on?
We must prepare for difficult times by strengthening our faith, supporting suffering brothers and sisters, and trusting in Jehovah (2 Timothy 3:12).
Hebrews 10:33 highlights that we can help persecuted brothers and sisters by sharing in their sufferings. This brings us closer together as an organization and prepares us for when we face our own trials.
Preparing ourselves now through study, prayer, and obedience will ensure we have the spiritual strength to endure to the end.
19. What things can we do to prepare for the great tribulation? (See also image.)
Increasing our biblical knowledge, strengthening our faith, and obeying the organization are keys to preparing for the great tribulation (Hebrews 3:14).
Matthew 24:45 reminds us that the “faithful and wise slave” is Jehovah’s channel of guidance. Relying on his instructions now will be essential to surviving the great tribulation.
Preparing ourselves spiritually also means developing qualities such as humility and obedience, which will allow us to act quickly and with faith in times of crisis.
A group of first-century Christians at an outdoor meeting. Jehovah blessed the faithful Christians for their endurance. After they fled Judea, they continued to meet together. What do we learn? (See paragraph 19.)
What will help us move towards maturity?
Moving toward spiritual maturity requires increasing our knowledge of the Scriptures, strengthening our faith, and obeying the instructions we receive through the faithful and wise slave.
Hebrews 5:14 mentions that “solid food is for the mature.” This teaches us that we should strive to delve deeper into Bible knowledge and apply it in our daily lives. By doing so, we develop spiritual discernment and strengthen our relationship with Jehovah, which helps us face trials with maturity.
Spiritual maturity is also reflected in our willingness to accept correction and learn from trials. By viewing them as opportunities to grow (Heb. 12:7, 11), we cultivate qualities that make us more useful in Jehovah’s service and prepare us for future challenges.
Why do we need to have a strong faith?
We need strong faith to trust that Jehovah will fulfill his promises, especially when we face trials or uncertainties during the great tribulation.
Hebrews 10:38-39 emphasizes that “the righteous shall live by his faith.” This scripture reminds us that strong faith keeps us firm and protects us from backsliding when we face pressure. Just as the early Christians needed faith to follow Jesus’ instructions, we need to rely on Jehovah to overcome today’s challenges.
Strong faith not only helps us obey instructions, but it also gives us peace of mind knowing that Jehovah is in control. Relying on him allows us to act boldly, knowing that there is no need to look for human solutions when we face challenges.
Why is it important for us to have endurance?
Endurance enables us to remain faithful in the midst of trials and difficulties, proving that our love and loyalty to Jehovah are genuine.
Hebrews 10:36 says: “You need endurance so that after you have done the will of God you may receive what has been promised to you.” This text shows us that endurance does not only involve enduring trials, but continuing to fulfill our worship of Jehovah while we await the fulfillment of his promises.
Endurance does not come overnight. It is developed through prayer, personal study, and meditation on the example of Jesus and other faithful servants. In this way, we learn to view trials as opportunities to strengthen our faith and draw closer to Jehovah.
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