Thursday, January 12, 2023

DAILY TEXT, From today Friday January 13, 2023, For that compassion, the light of a dawn will visit us from above (Luc. 1:78).

DAILY TEXT, From today Friday January 13, 2023,  For that compassion, the light of a dawn will visit us from above (Luc. 1:78).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023

Friday January 13

Because of that compassion, the light of a sunrise will visit us from on high (Luke 1:78).

Jehovah loves our brothers. But it may not always be easy for us to feel love for them and express it to them. Sometimes it's because we have different cultures or because we grew up in very different circumstances. And we all make mistakes that can disappoint or upset others. Even so, we can contribute to the love in our spiritual family by loving our brothers, just as Jehovah does (Eph. 5:1, 2; 1 John 4:19). The compassionate person looks for ways to give help and comfort. The way Jesus treated people was a reflection of Jehovah's concern for them (John 5:19). The Bible says that “when he saw the crowds, he was deeply moved, because they were mistreated and abandoned like sheep without a shepherd” (Matt. 9:36). Jesus' compassion was not limited to good feelings. He healed the sick and helped those who worked hard and were overburdened (Matt. 11:28-30; 14:14). w21.09 22 pars. 10, 11.

In what practical ways can we show compassion?

If we want to show concern and compassion to our brothers, we must think about the problems they are facing. For example, a sister may have a serious health problem. She never complains, but she might appreciate a little help. Is it possible for you to care for the physical needs of her family? Would you appreciate us helping you prepare meals or clean the house? Or suppose a brother has lost his job. We could give her a little financial help, perhaps anonymously, to help him until she finds a job.

How can we follow Jehovah's example of generosity?

Jehovah is generous (Matt. 5:45). If we want to be compassionate, we shouldn't wait for our brothers to ask us for help. We can take the initiative, just as Jehovah does. Every day, he makes the sun rise without our asking, and his warmth benefits everyone, not just the grateful. Doesn't Jehovah show us that he loves us by giving us what we need? How good and generous he is, and how much we love him for it!

Many of our brothers follow the example of our heavenly Father by taking the initiative and being generous. Let's see what happened in 2013 when Super Typhoon Haiyan ripped through a part of the Philippines. A good number of brothers lost their houses and everything they had. But his spiritual family from around the world immediately came to his aid. Thanks to the donations and the work of many, it was possible to carry out a colossal project that allowed almost 750 houses to be repaired or rebuilt in less than a year. And during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Witnesses strove to give their brothers the help they needed. When we are ready to help our spiritual family right away, we show them that we love them.

In harmony with Luke 6:36, what should we do if we want to imitate our heavenly Father?

Jehovah is merciful and forgives us (read Luke 6:36). Every day, our heavenly Father shows us mercy (Ps. 103:10-14). Similarly, although Jesus' disciples were imperfect, he showed them mercy and forgave them. He went so far as to lay down his life so that our sins could be forgiven (1 John 2:1, 2). Isn't it true that the mercy and forgiveness of Jehovah and Jesus bring us closer to them?

When we forgive generously, we strengthen the love in our spiritual family (Eph. 4:32). Sure, sometimes it's not easy to forgive, but we have to make an effort to do so. A sister says that she found the Watchtower article “Forgive One Another Liberally” very helpful. She writes: “Studying this article has helped me see the issue in a different, more positive light. He explained that being willing to forgive someone does not mean condoning her bad behavior or downplaying the harm it causes. But it does mean banishing resentment for that person's wrongdoing and not losing peace." When we generously forgive our brothers, we show that we love them and that we imitate our Father, Jehovah.

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