Friday, January 13, 2023

TREASURES FROM GODS WORD: Week of January 16-22, 2023, The Bible is not a book of fiction, Prepared Speech.

TREASURES FROM GODS WORD: January 16-22, 2023, The Bible is not a book of fiction, Prepared Speech.  

“The Bible Is Not a Book of Fiction” (10 min.)  

[Play Information on 1 Chronicles video].

"Fiction" is described as facts, feigned or invented events or that is the product of the imagination. Is the Bible a fictional book? Although some people affirm that yes, the history, the archaeological data and the same Bible, do not give convincing evidence that its existence, as well as its content, is at no time fiction.

Let's take Adam as an example, the Bible talks about the existence of Adam, as well as a genealogy, let's read 1 Chronicles 1:1, It says:


Adam, Seth, Enos,

In chapters 1 to 9 1 Chronicles and in Chapter 3 of the Gospel of Luke, we find genealogical lists of the Jewish people, these detailed records cover 48 and 75 generations respectively. On the one hand, the book of Chronicles presents the lineage of the kings and priests of the Nation of Israel and on the other Luke focuses on the genealogy of Jesus Christ, both lists mention Adam along with historical figures such as Solomon David Jacob Isaac Abraham and Noah.

Since everyone on these lists existed in real life. No, is it logical to think that Adam was also a real person? Let's think now and read in 1 Chronicles 1:4 It says:


Noah, Sem, Cam and Jafet.

It is possible to corroborate that Noah was a real person, consulting two genealogical lists that appear in the scriptures, who made these records Ezra and Luke, were conscientious researchers, and the latter even traced the line of descent from Noah to Jesus.

Without a doubt, Noah was also a historical figure. Understanding that the characters in the biblical stories are not imaginary, but real, helps us to appreciate more the lessons they teach us, that is why as true Christians we put our trust in the sure promises of God but why can we be so sure because the word of God has taught us that this hope does not lead to disappointment because God cannot lie in fact it is impossible for God to lie

As Joshua a servant of God said a long time ago, not a single word of all the good words that Jehovah his God has spoken to them has failed. They have all been realized for you, not a single word of them has failed. Much of science fiction reflects the ideologies of this wicked old system.

Science fiction began in a time of supposed enlightenment, when many people rejected traditional authority and believed they could shape their own future. With good reason they blamed religion for many of society's problems. They also cast aside the truth about the creator's existence and purposes, disillusioned with the results they saw, they searched for new ideas.

That is why, dear Brothers, human ideas, regardless of how well thought out they are, have limitations. The creator tells us that just as the heavens are above the Earth, so his ways are above our ways and his thoughts our thoughts.

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