Tuesday, January 10, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of January 9-15, 2023, Return Visit Video Answers.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: January 9-15, 2023, Responses to the Video of the Return Visit.

Video of the return visit (5 min.): Discussion with the audience. Play the video Return Visit: Prayer (1Jn 5:14). Pause the video at each pause and ask the questions that appear in it.

How – can – you – use – this – text – to – reason – with – the – people – of – your territory?

After – reading – the – text – we – could – ask: In addition – to – praying – for our – own – affairs – Why – other – things – do you – think – that we – could – pray – that – are – inside – of – the – will –of God?. In this way - we - would - make - reason, for - example, that - God - wants - us to pray - for - his - name - to be - hallowed - and - for - to - come - soon his - Kingdom , - how – is – indicated – in – the – sentence –model – of – chapter – 6 – of the Gospel – of – Matthew.

Also - once - having - read - the - text - we - could - ask - Do you - believe - that - pray - to - God - to - win - the - lottery, a - play - a - football - games , to – a – war?, although – some –they are – not – bad things . Are they – within – the – will – of – God ? we would-let-them-answer - and - I - would - ask - him - why - in - this - way we would lead - the - person - to - reason - and - to - arrive-by – itself – to – a logical – conclusion – of the – key – point – that – we – want – to highlight.

Another – example – that – we – can – use – is that – of – a – person – who – premeditated – violates – the – norms – in – God – but – then – asks – him – in prayer – to – help – him – to – perform – successfully _ _– some – of – his misdeeds – then – ask – and – masters – believe – you – that – it – is – possible – that those prayers are compatible with the will of God in this way – the – person – reasons – day – that – no – you would – understand – better – the – point that – we – want –stand out.

We could also ask you if you believe that God would listen to the prayers of someone who is striving to serve him according to his will , logically . that – the – person answer – already –I would come - to - the - conclusion - that - yes.

And – finally – we – could – also – ask you – if – you – believe – that we – ask – God – in – prayer, to – give – us – strength – to – endure – an illness, or – a – test , that – us – give – wisdom – for –make – an important – decision , or – that – show – us – how – to – help – others, are – things – that – are – within – the – goodness – of – God?, we would let – the – person – answer – and – you – ask – we would – because– thus – it would – reach – its own – conclusion – and – we would – highlight – the – key – point – what – we want to teach.

If-the-person-has-a-few-more-minutes, which-publication-of-the-teaching-kit-could-they-use-to-start-a-Bible-Course? 

We can – show – the – person – the – “Hear – God” Booklet on – your – page – 24 , with – the – title – “ God – hear – our – prayers” – and – page – 25 – also – with – the title – «We can – talk – to –God – of – many things.” That way we could start the Bible course by guiding the person – with – questions – and – little – explanations – while – looking through – the – images.

Also – we – can – show – the – person – the – brochure – Enjoy – life – in – your – lesson – 1, there – we – would – show – him – that – the – Bible – can answer – us – the – question – about – what – things –can we – ask – God in – prayer – that – they – be – in accordance – with – his – will?. In – that – way we could – start – a – Biblical – Course .

Also – we – can – take – directly – the – person - to- the -book-Enjoy-life-in-your-lesson-9, there-we-would-demonstrate-the-lesson-9-entitled «Prayer-will-you -close-to-God», and-we-will-encourage-you-to-read-the-first-paragraph-and-that-we-could-start-the-Bible-Course.

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