Tuesday, December 6, 2022

DAILY TEXT, From today Tuesday December 6, 2022, The king of the south will clash his horns with him (Dan. 11:40, note).

DAILY TEXT, Tuesday December 6, 2022, The king of the south will clash his horns with him (Dan. 11:40, note).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2022

Tuesday December 6

The king of the south will clash his horns with him (Dan. 11:40, note).

The king of the north and the king of the south continue to fight for control of the world. For example, consider what happened after World War II, when the Soviet Union and its allies began to dominate a large part of Europe. This forced the king of the south to form an international military alliance, known as NATO. Both kings continue to compete in a costly arms race. In addition, they have fought each other supporting opposing sides in wars and rebellions in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. In recent years, Russia and its allies have gained a lot of influence around the world. They have also become involved with the king of the south in a cyber war. The two kings have accused each other of using destructive software to harm their economies and political systems. And, just as Daniel predicted, the king of the north continues to attack God's people (Dan. 11:41). w20.05 13 pars. 5, 6.

What is “the Beautiful Land”?

Daniel 11:41 says that the king of the north would invade "the Beautiful Land." What is that land? In ancient times, Israel was said to be “the fairest of all lands” (Ezek. 20:6). In fact, what made it particularly beautiful was that Jehovah was worshiped there. But, since Pentecost of the year 33 of our era, that "Earth" is not a literal place in a geographical sense. And it cannot be, for Jehovah's servants are scattered all over the world. Rather, “the Beautiful Land” today is the symbolic place where God's people carry out activities such as their worship through meetings and preaching.

How has the king of the north invaded “the Beautiful Land”?

In recent days, the king of the north has invaded again and again "the Beautiful Land." For example, when Nazi Germany was king of the north, especially during World War II, he invaded "the Beautiful Land" by persecuting and killing God's servants. After World War II, when the Soviet Union became the king of the north, it invaded this land by persecuting those who worshiped Jehovah and sending them into exile.

In recent years, how have Russia and her allies invaded “the Beautiful Land”?

In recent years, Russia and its allies have also invaded "the Beautiful Land." How? In 2017, this modern-day king of the north banned the work of Jehovah's Witnesses and imprisoned some of our brothers. He also banned our publications, including the New World Translation. In addition, he seized the Russia branch, as well as Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls. Following these events, in 2018 the Governing Body identified Russia and its allies as the king of the north. Now, Jehovah's servants do not fight against any government or try to change it, even when it persecutes us harshly. Rather, we follow the biblical counsel to pray “for all who hold high office,” especially when they make decisions that could affect religious freedom (1 Tim. 2:1, 2).

What helps us to know if the king of the north will destroy the king of the south?

The prophecy of Daniel 11:40-45 focuses primarily on the king of the north. Does this mean that he will destroy the king of the south? No. The king of the south will still be alive when Jehovah and Jesus remove all human governments at Armageddon (Rev. 19:20). How do we know? Let's analyze what the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation say.

What does the prophecy of Daniel 2:43-45 indicate? (See cover drawing.)

(Read Daniel 2:43-45). The prophet Daniel speaks of a huge statue that is made of different metals. Each part of the statue represents a human government that has had an impact on God's people. The feet of iron and clay symbolize the last of these governments: the alliance of Great Britain and the United States. The prophecy indicates that this world power will still exist when the Kingdom of God destroys the governments of the Earth.

What does the seventh head of the wild beast represent, and why is this an important detail?

The apostle John also tells of a number of world powers that have had an effect on Jehovah's people. His prophecy represents them as a seven-headed wild beast. The seventh head of the beast is the world power of Great Britain and the United States. It is an important detail, because there are no more heads after this one. The seventh head will still be ruling when Christ and his heavenly armies destroy it along with the rest of the beast (Rev. 13:1, 2; 17:13, 14).

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