Tuesday, December 6, 2022

TREASURES OF THE BIBLE, Week of December 5 to 11, 2022, "Jehovah will give us many blessings if we do our best", Prepared Speech.

TREASURES OF THE BIBLE, 5-11-December-2022, "Jehovah will give us many blessings if we do our best", Prepared Speech.

“Jehovah will give us many blessings if we do our best” (10 min.)

It is said that what is good costs, that is, it involves a lot of sacrifice, a lot of effort. And that's how it is when you want to achieve something good. For example, many who want to have a good job may have to force themselves to get up very early in the morning or work until very late, at times when others are resting and one, instead, is doing their normal activity.

What about people who want to have their own home? They must work a lot, set aside a large amount from their salary to pay monthly installments to buy a house. Good things really cost. We need to try our best, but it's a pity that instead many people have the common tendency to be lazy. And that is heard in advice that says, For example: "Take it easy, Do not put burdens on yourself."

What at first may be words that can become a way of life, of doing things without the greatest effort. That is what we are going to talk about in this section on treasures of the Bible. Titled "Jehovah Won't Be Many Blessings And We're Trying Our Best". But we might think that as Christians we are so busy that it is difficult for us to become lazy. But that's not true.

When one is surrounded by people who do things just to comply, that spirit can infect us. That attitude of the world is very powerful and penetrating and one can take things calmly in a spiritual sense. Even that happened with a king and that when one reviews the history of the Bible, the Kings had the obligation to read the word of God that until then he had written everything every day. It was an obligation both for the king and for the rest of the people.

Even so, This King entrusted himself with situations that could have shown more joy and more determination and greater effort. We talked about King Jehoash, We talked about King Joash when Elisha talked to him about the situation, if Syria would take them down and defeat them. He gave him some good news, but he had to show how much you wanted to push yourself to get that victory. Please read 2 Kings 13:15-18.


Elisha then said to him: "Bring a bow and some arrows." So he brought a bow and arrows. 16 Elisha said to the king of Israel, “Grab the bow.” So he grabbed it, and Elisha put his hands on the king's hands. 17 Then Elisha said, “Open the window that faces east.” So he opened it. And Elisha told him: “Shoot!” So he fired. Elisha now said: “The arrow of victory* of Jehovah, the arrow of victory over* Syria! You will beat Syria in Afec until you finish her off."

18 he Then he added, “Grab the arrows,” and the king grabbed them. Then he said to the king of Israel: "Strike the ground." So he hit the ground three times and stopped.

Here we have the king receiving excellent news from Jehovah's prophet Elisha. Ivan to beat Syria and when asked to show enthusiasm for such news. Receiving those arrows and hitting the Earth. Well, he was expected to be enthusiastically doing it. But he only did it three times. He was showing that he suffered had not been just for moments, what is over. In other words, it is as if he were saying what is true that Jehovah was going to give him victory. But how good is fine I accept it.

And what can we say about ourselves, how is our enthusiasm now compared to when we started knowing Jehovah? Possibly when they recommended me the word of God every day, you enthusiastically did it and more and more learned and shared it with others. Keep doing the same? o How about the effort you used to make to go to meetings? If someone opposed that, you saw a way to get it and be present receiving information from Jehovah. Are you still trying in the same way? Or maybe we are falling like Jehovah losing enthusiasm? What happens if one loses that enthusiasm? Let's see what happened to Jehoash and Elisha in the next verse. Please read 2 Kings 13:19.


The man of the true God was indignant with him and said: “You should have hit the ground five or six times! Then you would have beaten Syria to death, but now you will only hit Syria three times."

This lack of enthusiasm from Del Rey would prevent him from achieving a total victory. Only three wins. As if an animal were left half alive. Therefore, Jehovah's blessing would not be total, but proportional to what he demonstrated. Now, why do we need to try our best? because I bless yous of Jehovah are complete.

If you were told that he has a very serious illness and that if he does not do one thing or another that the doctor recommends, he could lose his life, what would you be willing to do? Many people who, although they have not had enough money to face a very expensive surgery or treatment, have done the impossible to get that money and save themselves. What are we willing to do so that Jehovah gives us eternal life?

Is it not true that Jehovah's offer is too good and therefore does he have every right to expect the best from us? How much effort are you currently putting in or has your enthusiasm subsided? Remember, in the proportion that we strive, is the proportion in which we will receive blessings. Jehovah is willing to give them in giving us abundantly. Now please read Hebrews 11:6 and please accompany me with the reading.


Also, without faith it is impossible to please God, because whoever approaches God has to believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him with determination.

This expression that mentions the final part of the verse. Doing it with determination has to do with enthusiasm, with zeal, with our maximum effort. It is that we cannot think that as Christians we are going to do something simply by doing Christian tasks, as if to say taking it easy. That is why each one of us needs to undergo a balanced examination of conscience.

We don't want to see ourselves like in the drawing of this section of treasures of the Bible, there we see how Elisha gets upset with King Jehoash, because he does things softly, like he takes it easy, we don't want Jehovah to tell us, because he doesn't get excited, he's little more, because you do not maintain the same zeal as when you started to get to know me.

When we go out to preach, do we do it just to fulfill a time, nothing more, or do we make an effort to find people who want to hear a little more of the truth? o Do we let fatigue not allow us to read the word of God daily as we did before or our attendance at meetings? Are we looking for any reason or pretext for not attending them?

For this reason, dear brothers and sisters, we want to do our best. Let us remember that Jehovah will give his blessings in proportion to our effort, to our enthusiasm. Of course, what we do will not be all the same among all Christians. Each one will give his maximum effort according to his circumstances.

Like the poor widow that Jesus mentioned. "She did everything she could. And that is what we want Jehovah to see as well for us who are trying our best according to what we can give. He knows our heart and according to our effort. He will pour out the blessings that he believes we deserve.

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