Monday, December 5, 2022

Congregation Book Study, December 5-11, 2022, Your loved ones can live again!, Lesson 30, Points 1 to 6, Answers.

Congregation Book Study, December 5-11, 2022, Your loved ones can live again!, Lesson 30, Points 1 to 6, Answers.

Study of the Book of the congregation, 5-11-December-2022, Lesson 30, Points 1 to 6, Answers.

Congregation Bible study (30 min.): lff lesson 30.

1. What does Jehovah want to do for our loved ones who have died?

Jehovah wishes to resurrect people who have died, that is why Job's words will be recorded where it is mentioned that he would wait and the grave until Jehovah brings them back to life.


The text of Job 14:13-15, is very clear there it shows us that Job was very sure that Jehovah was not going to forget him when he died. That is why he told God that he would answer him when Jehovah called him. Job's confidence teaches us that Jehovah longs to resurrect our loved ones who have died. And just like Job, we too must feel sure that Jehovah longs to see the people who are in his memory again.

And something interesting that the text mentions is that Jehovah Longs to raise the dead, since the Bible bluntly exposes how God feels about it. That is why Job was aware that when he died he would have to spend some time asleep in death and that was what he considered his obligatory work. Job knew that Jehovah would long to see his faithful servant again. And from this text we can learn that God has an intense desire to bring the righteous back to life and also to give other people the opportunity to live forever in paradise on earth, since there is no one who can stop them. 

2. How do we know that the dead can be raised?

Because when Jesus was on earth he gave proof that with the power of Jehovah he could raise the dead and it did not matter how much time had passed in death.


The resurrections that Jesus performed while on earth were a foretaste of what he will do in his heavenly rule on earth. He will bring back to life human beings who are asleep in death and who are in the memory of God. We can imagine how happy the relatives of the people that Jesus resurrected must have felt, well that is only a shadow of what Jehovah will do when he resurrects millions of people with his power, let us think about how happy we will be when we see each other again. to our loved ones and how happy those who are resurrected will feel.

We know this because when Jesus was on earth he raised many people who had died. For example, the daughter of Jairus, the son of a widow, and then his friend Lazarus. Which gives us the assurance that the dead will come back to life, since Jehovah and Jesus have the power and the desire to give life again to people who have died.

3. Will loved ones who have died live again?

Yes, they will come back to life since Jesus said that all those who are in the memorial tombs will resurrect and as the text of John 5:28-29 mentions, both those who did good things and those who did bad things will be part of the resurrection . Jesus will soon resurrect billions of people to enjoy life forever on Earth made a paradise.


All our loved ones who have died and are in the memory of God will rise again. and something interesting that the paragraph mentions is that even those whom no one else remembers or so to speak have forgotten their existence. Yet Jehovah has never forgotten them and longs to see them again.

Of course, because the Bible promises us that there is going to be a resurrection, and that is why we are sure that soon, Jesus is going to resurrect thousands of people so that they can live in a paradise here on earth, just as Psalm 37:29 is mentioned.

4. Jesus proved that he can raise the dead

How do we know that Lazarus was really dead? (See verse 39.)

We know this because the Bible records say that he had already been dead for 4 days. Many even thought that his body was already beginning to decompose, so they assured him that he could already smell bad, this shows that his body had actually been dead for a long time.

Just as it is possible to wake a sleeping person, the Bible shows that it is possible to wake someone from the dead, Jesus did just that for his friend Lazarus. 

If Lazarus had gone to heaven, do you think Jesus was doing him a favor by bringing him back to Earth?

Certainly not, something that shows us is that when Lazarus was resurrected he did not get up and perhaps angry thinking that they had brought him from another place, and I am not talking about him being somewhere else in a better place than earth. 


If Lazarus had continued to live after he died and if he had gone to heaven, would Jesus have taken him out of there by force to bring him back to earth?, not rather Lazarus was asleep in death in the grave Jesus brought him back to life and reunited them with their family. The Bible promises that the day will come when many people who have died will be resurrected as it happened with Lazarus.

Jesus spoke of this magnificent Hope when he said whoever shows faith in me even if he dies will come to life.

In no way would I have gone to heaven, because in Heaven there is peace and it is a great honor for those who go to live in heaven when they die, so this would not have been logical.

5. Many will live again!

Read Psalm 37:29 and discuss the following:

Where are the billions of people who will be resurrected going to live?

As the Bible says, they will not be taken anywhere else, rather it says that they will live on earth forever.


As the text of Psalms 37:29 says, they are going to live here on earth in a beautiful paradise.

When the resurrection comes, who would you like to see?

Well, personally, I would like to see again the Biblical characters who were a great example for each one of us. For example: Moses, Abraham, Daniel, Noah and Abel himself, and of course also many relatives who, due to imperfection, are sleeping death.


Surely we also long to see our Dear brothers and friends from different congregations throughout the earth who are asleep in death due to this pandemic, but it makes us feel happy to know that very soon we will see them again and hug them again and tell them how much we we love them for all they did for Jehovah throughout their lives.

6. The resurrection can give you comfort and hope

The Biblical account of the daughter of Jairus has comforted and encouraged many who are grieving. Read this real life story in Luke 8:40-42 and 49-56.

Before resurrecting his daughter, Jesus told Jairus, "Don't be afraid, just have faith" (see verse 50). How might the hope of the resurrection help you…

when a loved one dies?

It can give us a lot of comfort to know that we still have the opportunity to see loved ones who have died and although suffering a loss hurts a lot. The hope of the resurrection helps us to be strong and perhaps we can even comfort our relatives.


This hope helps us a lot when we go through such a difficult situation, because it will give us comfort, since we know that we will see him again in the near future.

when your life is in danger?

In this situation it helps us a lot because we are not afraid of death, since we know that if we die faithful, Jehovah will undoubtedly resurrect us.


Sometimes our life is in danger because we serve Jehovah, and for example when our life is threatened why do we put our Biblical principles first, because the hope of the resurrection helps us to keep our faith strong and not let's betray our principles perhaps to get a few more years of life.

Watch the VIDEO and talk about the following:

VIDEO: The hope of the resurrection gives us courage (3:21)

How have the hope of the resurrection comforted and encouraged Phelicity's parents?

According to the video, I help them because it has not let them sink into depression or sadness and although the pain may not disappear completely, as they say, but the hope of the resurrection helped them to be what Jehovah wants.


The story of Jairus's daughter helped them a lot to strengthen their hope in the resurrection, since they understood how Jairus felt when they told him that his daughter had died, but Jesus told him not to be afraid that his daughter was not dead. if not he was sleeping. That text comforted them greatly because they understood that his daughter is only sleeping and very soon Jehovah with his great power his daughter will live again. 

When Phelicity died they went to the next meeting and many of their friends in the congregation didn't know what to tell them, but they gave them what they needed most their warm hugs. The brothers in the congregation were like their family at that time and made them feel protected.

WHAT SOME SAY: "I find it hard to believe that the dead will live on Earth again."

What do you think?

Well, I think that it is easier to give life to someone who has already existed than to create a new life, since Jehovah has proven to us that he has the power to create a new being from nothing, and proof of this is that we exist, and we also He has given proof that he can give life to those who have fallen asleep in death.

What biblical text would you use to prove that there will be a resurrection on Earth?

For example we have the text of Psalms 37:29, that the righteous will inherit the earth and live forever on earth.


Job 14:13-15. Where he mentions that Jehovah is eager to see the works of his hands again. Also the text of Acts 24:15, where he assures us that there will be a resurrection of both the just and the unjust. And what can we say about the text of John 5:28,29. that the hour is coming when all who are in the graves will hear his voice and come out. We actually have many texts that we can use to show that there is going to be a resurrection. 


The Bible promises that millions and millions of people will be resurrected. Jehovah wants them to live again and has given Jesus the power to resurrect them.


How do we know that Jehovah and Jesus are willing to bring those who have died back to life?

Because in verse 15 of chapter 14 of Job. It says that Jehovah longs to give life to dead people and proof of this is that when Jesus was also here on earth with the power of Jehovah, he showed that he could give life to the dead and we see that he did not have to beg. Even in some accounts it is shown that he took the initiative to give life to people who had died.


We know this because God's servants of the past, like Job, were sure that God longed to bring him back to life if he died. And when Jesus was here on earth he demonstrated that he could bring the dead back to life.

Where will the billions of people who are resurrected live: in heaven, or on Earth? Why do you think so?

Billions of people will be resurrected on earth and one of the reasons is found in Psalm 37:29, where it says that the just will live forever on earth.


On earth because the Bible itself says so in Psalms 37:29, that they will live in a terrestrial paradise.

What convinces you that your loved ones can live again?

Because there have already been resurrections in the past and Jehovah is not a God who tells lies, everything he has promised has been fulfilled and he has not promised himself, because there will be a resurrection of people.


The fact that there were already resurrections when Jesus was on earth gives us the assurance that he will also resurrect people in the future.

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