Saturday, December 10, 2022

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY 2022: Week of December 12 to 18, Return Visit, Lesson 20, Assignment Prepared.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY 2022: December 12-18, 2022, Return Visit, Lesson 20, Assignment Prepared. 

Return Visit (4 min.): Use the topic of ideas for conversation. Introduce and discuss the video Why Study the Bible, but do not play it (th lec. 20).

PUBLISHER: Good morning, it's good to meet you again, how have you been doing?

HOUSEHOLD: Well, all good, and you?

PUBLISHER: All good anyway, as we had agreed, today we will see the answer to the question about the promises that the Bible has that can give us hope, is it a good time?

HOME LOVE: Of course I did, in fact, I was thinking about that question a lot.

PUBLISHER: Well, when someone finds out that the Bible contains many promises, they want to know what they are, and although it is true that there are many, most people have been struck by this particular promise, it is found in Revelation 21:3, 4, I would like you to read it.


POSTER: Thank you, from what I can see, what is one of the causes of sadness and pain?  

HOME LOVE: Well, death.

PUBLISHER: Exactly, this cruel enemy, so to speak, is the main cause of pain for humanity, no one can get rid of it, but despite that, what promise does the word of God give us here?

HOUSEHOLD: That death will no longer exist.

PUBLISHER: Indeed, the greatest cause of suffering in the world will disappear, and if death disappears, that is the promise of Jehovah God, as you have just seen, the Bible contains many promises, but now someone may wonder, what are we Will it help you understand the Bible? Can I also show you the answer to that question another time?

HOUSEHOLD: Sounds good to me, at this same time it could be.

POSTER: I'll be here then, before leaving, I would like to show you this short video we will see the importance and benefits of studying the Bible, (Show the video Why study the Bible?, but don't play it), What appealed to you the most? care of this video?

HOUSEHOLD: I found it very interesting, I see that the Bible answers many questions.

PUBLISHER: Exactly, questions like the ones mentioned in the video have always attracted attention and although it was thought that a lot of research should be done, they are found in the Bible, which is easily accessible. If you want to know the answers and the promises of God, what should you do? do?

HOUSEHOLD: Well, study the Bible.

POSTER: That's right, so you can benefit from the teachings of the Bible, is it okay if next time I also bring you a booklet with which you can study the Bible?

HOME LOVE: Of course, I would love to.

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