Saturday, December 10, 2022

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of December 12-18, First Conversation, Lesson 4, Assignment Prepared.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: December 12-18, 2022, First conversation, Lesson 4, Assignment Prepared. 

First Conversation (3 min.): Use the topic of ideas for conversation. Tell the person about our website and give them a contact card (th lesson 4).

PUBLISHER: Good morning, my name is () and today we are talking to everyone and asking them an interesting question. May I ask you too?

HOME LOVE: Yes, tell me, what is it about?

PUBLISHER: There is a question I want to ask you, have you ever wondered if it is realistic to think that we will live in a world without wars or violence?

HOUSEHOLD: Well, I would say yes, especially if that is a promise from God.

PUBLISHER: And it is precisely a promise from him, listen to what the Bible says in Psalm 37:10, 11, it says... First of all, what will happen to the wicked?

HOME LOVE: Well, it says here that they will no longer exist.

POSTER: Correct, this is a promise from God where he ensures that evil people will disappear and therefore there will be no more violence, and instead, what will good people or the meek enjoy?

HOME LOVE: They will enjoy abundant peace.

POSTER: Indeed, what a good promise God has for all of us, but now we may wonder, what other good promise does God have for us?

HOME LOVE: I would really like to know.

PUBLISHER: In the meantime, I would like to give you this contact card, here it directs you to an internet page,, to find more information about us and also answers common questions like the one we are analyzing today through the Bible, for example, Why do we die?

HOME LOVE: Well, the truth is, I never asked why.

PUBLISHER: Well, on that website you will find the answer, and you can also find publications based on the Bible, videos that cover various topics and information about who we are, here I give you the card.

HOUSEHOLDER: Thank you very much, when I have time I will review the site.

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