Saturday, December 10, 2022

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of December 12 to 18, Bible Course, Lesson 08, Point 5, Lesson 9, Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: December 12-18, 2022, Bible Course, Lesson 9, Prepared Assignment.

Bible course (5 min.): lff lesson 08 point 5 (th lec. 9).

PUBLISHER: Well, Josefina, we come to point 5 "What Jehovah asks of his friends." At this point we are going to see that normally we always expect something from our friends and how we are studying the topic "You can be a friend of Jehovah", so when analyzing this point it will also help us to understand what Jehovah expects of us, but first, Let's find out what do you expect from your friends?

STUDENT: I ​​hope that my friends are honest and always tell me the truth, that they are there for me in difficult moments and that they listen to me when I want to vent, and not that they are only there in good or happy moments. 

POSTER: That's true, we all want friends like that. If someone has those qualities, they are undoubtedly the ideal friend for anyone. Now can you please read 1 John 5:3. 

STUDENT: Yes, that's right, it goes like this:…….

PUBLISHER: Very good Josefina, thanks for reading. Now, according to the text read, the question arises, what does Jehovah expect from his friends? 

STUDENT: Well, what I understood is that Jehovah expects us to obey his commandments.

PUBLISHER: That is true, you are quite right, Jehovah asks us to obey his commandments. However, could it be that among his commandments there are things that are impossible for us to do or that are beyond our capabilities? Before answering, let's review part b of the verse you just read please.

STUDENT: The part of 1 John 5:3 says, "And his commandments are not a burden."

PUBLISHER: Thank you very much, Sofia, and how do you understand that part of the verse?

STUDENT: Well, I understand that they're not so heavy that we'd even think of them as a burden or something crushing. 

PUBLISHER: Exactly, you're quite right. Now let's look at this first image, SofĂ­a. What do we see there?

STUDENT: I ​​see two people who are working, maybe on a construction site. The older person is reminding the young person that he forgot his helmet and that he must put it on so that he is protected and avoids an accident.

PUBLISHER: Excellent, that's right! The older man has much more experience and knowledge than the young man. Because of his way of acting, he is demonstrating inexperience and even recklessness. For this reason, the older man reminds him to put on his helmet, not only so that he complies with safety regulations, but also because he wants him to be protected and do well in his work. Jehovah does the same with his friends. For this reason, he gives us commandments that protect us from the bad and guide us so that we can do well in life. How about?.

STUDENT: Very instructive, this example is very interesting.

PUBLISHER: I'm glad you liked it. Now let's look at the second image. What do you see there?

STUDENT: I ​​see two men carrying a table between them, two women talking, and a man helping another man who is on crutches so he can walk and move somewhere.

PUBLICATOR: Remembering what we talked about a moment ago, you mentioned that for you a friend is a person who is there in difficult times and is always by your side when you need it, for example when you need to let off steam. In the image we see a man helping his friend to move a heavy table. Just maybe he couldn't or he would have found it very difficult and heavy. But between the two of them, the burden became more bearable. Does this image coincide a lot with what you really think? 

STUDENT: Yes, that's exactly what I think.

PUBLICATOR: Very good, now something similar is happening with the young man who is injured. By himself it might have been very difficult for him to move, but with the help of his friend he was able to do it. And in the case of the two women, perhaps the young woman has a problem and her friend is processing her or is simply already listening carefully for her to vent, which will surely make her feel better and show her that she is not. are you alone. For Jehovah does the same for his friends. He helps them wear their chains as long as they are obedient to his commandments. Therefore, none of these burdens is impossible, heavy or very difficult to obey. Jehovah is the best friend anyone can have because he has all the qualities of a true friend. Now another question arises: What can we do to obey Jehovah?

STUDENT: I ​​think that in order to obey Jehovah we have to make some changes in our lives.

PUBLISHER: Exactly, to see this, what do you think if you please read Isaiah 48:17,18? 

STUDENT: Okay, it goes like this:…

PUBLISHER: Very well Josefina, according to what we have read, why does Jehovah ask his friends to make changes? 

STUDENT: Because he is our God, our father and our creator. With his rules and commandments, he teaches us and guides us so that we walk on the right path and thus do well in life. And if we are obedient, then it also rewards us, the verse says that our Well should be like a river and our justice like the waves of the sea, In other words it means that our justice will be eternal. 

PUBLICATOR: That's how Josefina is. Through his commandments and his righteous regulations, Jehovah shows us his sincere desire that we avoid calamities and enjoy life. He knows how we are made and what our limitations are. So he knows just what we need to achieve true happiness, peace of mind, and a clear conscience. In that same sense, he does not give us anything that is too heavy or difficult to obey. Now we can go to point 6 number six blocks and base for his friends.

STUDENT: Sounds good to me.

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