Thursday, July 4, 2024

DAILY TEXT, Saturday, August 3, 2024, I will speak of Jehovah's acts of loyal love (Is. 63:7).

DAILY TEXT, Today Saturday, August 3, 2024, I will speak of Jehovah's acts of loyal love (Is. 63:7).

Let us examine the scriptures every day 2024

Saturday August 3, 2024

I will speak of Jehovah's acts of loyal love (Isa. 63:7).

Parents, look for opportunities to teach your children about Jehovah and tell them about all the good things he has done for you.​—Deut. 6:6, 7. This is especially important if you cannot study with your children at home because your husband is not a Witness. A sister named Christine says, “Because I had so few opportunities to talk about spiritual things with my children, I took advantage of any time I could.” Also, speak well of Jehovah's organization and the brothers. Don't criticize the elderly. What you say about them can give your children the confidence to come to you when they need it. Promote peace at home. Make a habit of expressing your affection to your husband and children. Speak about your husband with kindness and respect, and teach your children to do the same. This will help create a peaceful environment where it will be easier to learn from Jehovah.​—James 3:18. w22.04 18 paras. 10, 11.


Considering what 2 Timothy 1:5 says, what effect did Eunice's example have on Timothy?

(Read 2 Timothy 1:5). Eunice set a good example for Timothy. She surely taught him that true faith is demonstrated by works (James 2:26). There is no doubt that Timothy saw that his mother's actions were the result of his deep love for Jehovah. He must have also noticed that serving Jehovah made her happy. What effect did Eunice's example have on him? As the apostle Paul mentioned, Timothy had a faith like his mother's. And it wasn't by chance. He had noticed her example and wanted to copy it. Similarly, many mothers have touched the hearts of their family members “without a word” (1 Pet. 3:1, 2). You can do it too. As?

Why should a mother put her friendship with Jehovah first?

Put your friendship with Jehovah first (Deut. 6:5, 6). Like most mothers, you surely give up many things to care for your children's physical needs. For example, she is willing to sacrifice her time, money and rest. But you should never be so busy that you neglect your friendship with Jehovah. Make time for private prayer, personal Bible study, and going to meetings. In this way, you will strengthen your friendship with Jehovah and set a good example for your family and others.

What do you learn from the examples of Leanne, María and João?

Let's look at the case of some young people who learned to love Jehovah and trust in him by following the example of their mothers. Leanne, one of Christine's daughters, says: “We couldn't study the Bible when Dad was home. But Mom never missed meetings. Although we did not have much knowledge of the Bible, his example and determination helped us have a strong faith. “We realized this was the truth long before we started going to meetings.”

In Maria's case, her father sometimes punished the family for going to meetings. She says: “My mom is one of the bravest sisters I know. When I was a child, she would sometimes refuse me to do certain things for fear of what others would say. But seeing that mom was so brave and that she always put Jehovah first helped me overcome my fear of others.” João and his family could not talk about spiritual topics at home because his father forbade it. He explains: “I think what impressed me most was that, in order to please Dad, Mom was willing to sacrifice anything, except her love for Jehovah.”

What effect can a mother's example have on others?

Remember that your example can influence others. How? Think about the effect Eunice's example had on the apostle Paul. He wrote that the faith without hypocrisy that Timothy demonstrated was first had by Eunice (2 Tim. 1:5). And when did Paul first notice her faith? Perhaps he met Lois and Eunice in Lystra during his first missionary tour, and it is likely that he helped them become Christians (Acts 14:4-18). When he wrote to Timothy, some 15 years after her, he still remembered Eunice's faith and held her up as an example of her. It is clear that this woman's conduct left a deep impression on the apostle Paul and probably many other first-century Christians. Whether you are raising her children alone or her husband is not serving Jehovah, you can be sure that her example of faith strengthens and motivates those around her.

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