Friday, July 5, 2024

Watchtower Study, Week 1 to July 7, 2024, Let us never abandon the spiritual paradise, Underlined Answers.

Watchtower Study, June 1-7, 2024, Let us never abandon the spiritual paradise, Underlined Answers.

Yellow: Direct Response

Light Yellow: Additional Response

Light Blue: Additional Points

“Rejoice and be happy forever because of what I am going to create” (IS. 65:18).

1. What is spiritual paradise, and what should we be determined to do?

TODAY there is a paradise on Earth full of life and activity. Millions of people live there who enjoy true peace and are determined not to abandon it for anything in the world. In addition, they want as many people as possible to accompany them. What are we talking about? From the wonderful spiritual paradise!

The spiritual paradise is the environment in which we worship Jehovah. In that symbolic paradise we enjoy friendship with Jehovah and the people who serve him.

2. Why is it so surprising that spiritual paradise exists?

2 Surprising as it may seem, Jehovah has created this peaceful spiritual environment in the midst of a world full of hatred, evil, and danger. (1 John 5:19; Rev. 12:12) He knows all the damage that Satan's system can cause us. Because he loves us so much, he takes us to a safe environment where we can flourish spiritually. In His Word the spiritual paradise is described as a place of “refuge” and “a well-watered garden” (Is. 4:6; 58:11). With Jehovah’s blessing, those who live in that paradise feel happy and safe even in these difficult last days. (Isa. 54:14; 2 Tim. 3:1)

3. What was the first fulfillment of the words of Isaiah chapter 65?

3 In Isaiah chapter 65, Jehovah described what life would be like in the spiritual paradise. Those inspired words of the prophet had a first fulfillment in 537 BC. At that time, the Jews who had repented were freed from Babylon and returned to their land. With Jehovah's blessing and help,  they rebuilt Jerusalem, which was in ruins, and turned it back into a beautiful city. Furthermore, they restored the temple to once again be the center of pure worship in Israel (Isa. 51:11; Zech. 8:3).

4. How have the words of Isaiah chapter 65 been fulfilled in modern times?

4 The second fulfillment of Isaiah's words takes place in modern times. It began in 1919, when Jehovah's servants were liberated from Babylon the Great. From there, the spiritual paradise has spread throughout the Earth. Full of enthusiasm, the Kingdom proclaimers formed a large number of congregations. Many men and women who had been violent and immoral have progressed spiritually and have put on “the new personality that was created according to the will of God” (Eph. 4:24). Of course, many of the blessings Isaiah spoke of will have a literal fulfillment in the new world. But even now we are enjoying wonderful blessings. Let's see how spiritual paradise benefits us and why we should never leave it.


5. According to Isaiah 65:13, what blessing do we enjoy in spiritual paradise?

5 We feel healthy and renewed. In a very striking way, Isaiah shows how different life is inside and outside the spiritual paradise (read Isaiah 65:13). For Jehovah's servants, he provides for all their spiritual needs. We have his holy spirit, his Word, and plenty of spiritual food so we can eat, drink, and be merry (compare Revelation 22:17). Quite the opposite happens with those who live outside the spiritual paradise. They experience “hunger”, “thirst” and “shame”. Their spiritual needs are not met (Amos 8:11).

6. What foods are mentioned in Joel 2:21-24, what do they represent, and how do they benefit us?

6 In one of his prophecies, Joel mentioned that Jehovah would generously give to his people with foods that were considered basic necessities, such as grain, wine, and olive oil (Joel 2:21-24). In reality, what he meant was that Jehovah would provide for all the needs of his people, which included spiritual food. How does he do it today? Giving us the Bible, our publications, our website, meetings and assemblies. This way we can nourish ourselves every day and feel increasingly healthier and renewed.

7. Why does our heart feel so good? (Isaiah 65:14).

7 We feel happy and satisfied. Christians feel wholeheartedly grateful to God, and that is why they shout with joy (read Isaiah 65:14). Why does your heart “feel” so good? Because they find in the Word of God truths and promises that encourage them greatly. Furthermore, they have a solid hope, which is based on the sacrifice of Jesus. How happy they feel when they talk about all these things with their brothers! (Ps. 34:8; 133:1-3).

8. What are two main characteristics of spiritual paradise?

8 Two of the main characteristics of the spiritual paradise are the unity and love enjoyed by Jehovah's people. This love, which is like “a bond of union,” helps us see what life will be like in the new world. There, we will experience a love and unity far greater than today (Col. 3:14). A sister recounts the impression she had when she met Jehovah's Witnesses: “I didn't know how to be happy, not even with my family. “The first time I saw love in action was among the Witnesses.” Anyone who wants to live happy and satisfied has to enter spiritual paradise. Whatever this world says about us, in the eyes of Jehovah and his universal family we have a good name, an honorable reputation (Isa. 65:15).

9. What will happen to the things that cause us pain? (Isaiah 65:16, 17).

9 We feel calm and relaxed. Isaiah 65:14 says that those who choose to remain outside the spiritual paradise “will cry out for the pain of their hearts and cry because their spirit is broken.” And what can be said about the servants of God? What will happen to the things that have caused you pain? Jehovah promises: “The troubles of the past will be forgotten; They will be hidden from my eyes." (read Isaiah 65:16, 17). He will make the problems disappear and over time the pain of those memories will be completely erased.

10. Why would you say it is a blessing to be with the brothers? (See also photo).

10 Even now we feel calm and relaxed in Christian meetings. When we are in them, we leave aside the worries of this evil world. How can we contribute to maintaining such a peaceful atmosphere in the spiritual paradise? Demonstrating the qualities of the fruit of the spirit, including love, happiness, peace, kindness, and mildness (Gal. 5:22, 23). What a blessing to be part of God's organization! If we do not abandon spiritual paradise, we will be able to see how God fulfills to the last detail his promise to “create new heavens and a new earth.”


Many brothers and sisters chatting before the meeting. There is one who is sitting alone and looks at his phone. It is a blessing to be part of God's family and to be in spiritual paradise. (See paragraph 10). 

11. How should we feel about living in spiritual paradise? (Isaiah 65:18, 19).

11 We feel grateful and full of enthusiasm. Isaiah goes on to explain why we servants of God have every reason to rejoice and be happy. The spiritual paradise in which we live is a creation of Jehovah. (Read Isaiah 65:18, 19.) No wonder God uses us to encourage people to leave the spiritually desert-like organizations of this old world and enter the oasis of the Christian congregation. How happy we are to be in the truth! And that's why we want to talk about those blessings with others (Jer. 31:12).

12. How do you feel as you read the promises of Isaiah 65:20-24, and why?

12 Those of us who live in spiritual paradise are very grateful and excited for our hope. Imagine everything you can see and do in the new world! The Bible promises: “There will no longer be babies who live only a few days or old people who do not complete the days of their old age .” And he adds that human beings “ will build houses and live in them; They will plant vineyards and eat their fruit.” Furthermore, “they will not strive in vain” because Jehovah will have blessed them. God promises them that their lives will be meaningful, secure, and fulfilling. “Even before they call,” God will know what they need and will satisfy “the desire of every living thing” (Isa. 65:20-24; Ps. 145:16).

13. How are the changes that must be made to serve Jehovah depicted in Isaiah 65:25?

13 We experience peace and security. With the help of the holy spirit, many people who previously behaved like wild animals have made extraordinary changes in their lives (read Isaiah 65:25). As it were, they have tamed his character (Rom. 12:2; Eph. 4:22-24). Of course, God's servants are still imperfect, and that is why we will make mistakes. Even so, Jehovah has performed a true miracle by bringing “all kinds of people” together and living in love and peace.​—Titus 2:11. Only the almighty God could achieve something like that!

14. How was Isaiah 65:25 fulfilled in the case of a brother?

14 But can you really change your personality? The following example shows yes. A 20-year-old man with very violent and immoral behavior had been in jail many times for various serious crimes, such as stealing cars and other things. Besides, he was always looking for a fight. When he first heard what the Bible really teaches and started going to Jehovah's Witness meetings , he became convinced that he had found something worth living for: spiritual paradise. After he was baptized, he often thought about how Isaiah 65:25 had been fulfilled in his case. He went from being fierce like a lion to being gentle like a lamb.

15. Why do we want to help others enter spiritual paradise, and how do we achieve it?

15 Isaiah 65:13 begins with these words: “This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says.” And verse 25 ends like this: “Says the Lord .” His promises are always fulfilled (Is. 55:10, 11). Spiritual paradise is a reality; What Jehovah prophesied about him has been fulfilled. He created a unique brotherhood that is like an oasis where we feel safe and at peace despite living in a violent world (Ps. 72:7). For all these reasons, we want to help as many people as possible become part of our brotherhood. How do we achieve it ? Focusing on making disciples (Matt. 28:19, 20).


16. What makes people attracted to spiritual paradise?

16 We can all do our part and make spiritual paradise an environment where more people want to enter. As? Imitating Jehovah. He does not drag people against his will, but draws them with kindness to him (Jer. 31:3; John 6:44). Those who learn about Jehovah and have a good heart cannot help but be attracted to his beautiful personality. What concrete things can we do so that our personality also attracts people to spiritual paradise?

17. What can we do to attract people to spiritual paradise?

17 One way to attract people to spiritual paradise is to treat brothers with love and kindness. We want people who come to our meetings to say the same thing as the unbelievers who probably went to the meetings in ancient Corinth: “God truly is among you” (1 Cor. 14:24, 25; Zech. 8:23 ). That is why it is so important that we follow the advice: “Be peaceful toward one another” (1 Thes. 5:13).

18. What can attract people to our organization?

18 We must also strive to always see our brothers as Jehovah sees them . That is why we focus on their beautiful qualities and not on their defects, which will disappear in the future. Love will help us resolve any misunderstanding if we always apply this advice: “Be kind to one another, treat one another with tenderness and compassion, and forgive one another generously” (Eph. 4:32). All who want to receive such treatment will be attracted to the spiritual paradise. 


19. a) What have some who returned to spiritual paradise said? (See the box “They left, but they came back.”) b) What should be our determination? (See also the image).

19 What a joy to be in spiritual paradise! He is now more beautiful than ever and he had never had so many servants of Jehovah. Let us always be grateful for the paradise that God created for us. Everyone who wants to feel renewed, happy, calm and secure must enter it and never leave it. But let us be very careful, because Satan is determined to deceive us and distance us from this wonderful environment (1 Pet. 5:8; Rev. 12:9). Let's not let him get away with this. Let us fight with all our might to protect the beauty, purity and peace of spiritual paradise.


The same brothers, minus the one who had preferred to sit alone, enjoying a meal in Paradise. A child gives food to a bear. Those who stay in the spiritual paradise will be able to enjoy a literal paradise in the future. (See paragraph 19).

They left, but they came back

June is a sister who stopped going to meetings and became inactive, but eventually returned to spiritual paradise. She says: “It was wonderful to be among Jehovah's people again! […] I learned that I should not isolate myself and that I need the help of the brothers. “I’m glad to know I came back before it was too late.”

Kimberly, who spent almost 40 years expelled, says: “I had no friends who served Jehovah and no spiritual food. “I felt very alone and sad.” She repented and was readmitted in 2021. She says: “Now I know that Jehovah hears and answers my prayers. And again I am surrounded by people I can trust.” Thanks to the Holy Spirit and regular Bible reading, she feels happier and closer to Jehovah.

John, who was expelled for more than 20 years before returning to spiritual paradise, explains: “I had blocked my mind from thinking about the truth and the benefits of being with God's people.” Now that he is once again enjoying the company of his brothers and eating from Jehovah's table, he says: “In life, there is nothing better than being part of Jehovah's family and being in spiritual paradise.”


What is spiritual paradise?

The spiritual paradise is the environment in which we worship Jehovah. In that symbolic paradise we enjoy friendship with Jehovah and the people who serve him.

What are the blessings of being in spiritual paradise?

We feel healthy, renewed, happy, satisfied, calm, relaxed, grateful and full of enthusiasm, because it is the only place where we can experience true peace and security.

How can we attract people to spiritual paradise?

Without a doubt, the way we treat our brothers is something evident, it is a way of preaching, not with words, but with example or behavior. For this reason we should not get tired of doing good to our brothers, loving them, treating them well, avoiding making distinctions based on race or social status. Jehovah realizes this and many times people do too. Hence, the importance of being peaceful with one another. others.

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