Tuesday, March 5, 2024

DAILY TEXT, Today Saturday April 6, 2024, He who walks with the wise will become wise (Prov. 13:20).

DAILY TEXT, Today Saturday April 6, 2024, He who walks with the wise will become wise (Prov. 13:20).

Let us examine the scriptures every day 2024

Saturday April 6, 2024

He who walks with the wise will become wise (Prov. 13:20).

Parents, help your children have good friends. The Word of God is clear in saying that friendships influence us for better or worse. Do you know who your children's friends are? What can you do to help your children become friends with those who love Jehovah? (1 Cor. 15:33). When doing things as a family, invite people who have a good friendship with Jehovah. (Ps. 119:63) A father named Tony explains: “My wife and I have been inviting brothers and sisters of different ages and cultures for many years. We eat and enjoy family worship together. We find it to be a fantastic way to meet people who love Jehovah and serve him joyfully. […] We have seen that the experiences, enthusiasm and capacity for sacrifice of these brothers have greatly influenced our children and have helped them feel closer to Jehovah.” w22.05 29, 30 paras. 14, 15.

What should parents keep in mind if a child decides to leave Jehovah?

What if, despite all your efforts, one of your children says he no longer wants to serve Jehovah? Don't think that you have failed as parents. Jehovah has given all of us—including his children—freedom of choice, the ability to choose whether we will serve him or not. If your child decides to leave Jehovah, do not lose hope that one day he will return. Remember the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-19, 22-24). That young man strayed from the right path, but in the end he came back. Now, you may say, “That's just a story. "Those things don't happen in real life." The example of a young man named Elie shows that these things do happen.

How does Elie's story encourage you?

Speaking of his parents, Elie says: “They did everything possible to instill in me the love of God and his Word, the Bible. However, in adolescence I became rebellious.” In fact, Elie began to lead a double life and rejected everything his parents did to help him spiritually. He left his house and then strayed far from Jehovah's standards. Despite everything, he sometimes talked about the Bible with a friend. Elie recalls: “The more I talked to my friend about Jehovah, the more I thought about Him. Gradually, the seeds of biblical truth that were buried deep in my heart—and that my parents had worked so hard to plant—began to grow. to grow.” Over time, Elie came back to the truth.c Can you imagine how happy his parents were for having taught him from a young age to love Jehovah? (2 Tim. 3:14, 15).

What do you think of parents who are trying so hard to teach their children to love Jehovah?

Parents, Jehovah has given you the immense honor of raising a new generation of his servants (Ps. 78:4-6). We know that your work is not easy and that is why we wholeheartedly congratulate you for your hard work and commitment. Continue to do everything you can to help your children love Jehovah and raise them according to his discipline and counsel.​—Eph. 6:4. If you do, you can be sure that our loving heavenly Father will be very happy with you.

When can parents help their children draw closer to Jehovah?

Parents, find times during the day to help your children draw closer to Jehovah. You don't have to sit down and study the Bible with them to tell them about our loving God. A mother named Lisa says: “We helped our children get to know Jehovah better through creation. For example, when our dog’s antics made them laugh, we reminded them that Jehovah has a good sense of humor and loves life, just like we do.”

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