Thursday, March 7, 2024

Watchtower Study, Week 4 to March 10, 2024, Trust in Jehovah and you will overcome fear, Underlined Answers.

Watchtower Study, March 4-10, 2024, Trust in Jehovah and you will overcome fear, Underlined Answers.

Yellow: Direct Response.

Dark Yellow: Additional Response.

Light Blue: Additional Points.

TEXT OF THE YEAR 2024: “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you” (PSA. 56:3).

1. Why can we feel afraid from time to time?

We ALL feel afraid from time to time. Of course, the Bible has taught us that we should not be afraid of the dead, demons or the future. But still, we live in a time when the world is full of “dreadful sights,” such as wars, crimes, and diseases (Luke 21:11). We may also be afraid of governments, family members, or other people who are against the true religion. And there are those who fear that they will not be able to withstand a trial they are facing now or might face in the future.

2. What happened when David arrived in Gath?

2 Let's think about a servant of God who sometimes felt afraid. It's about David. When King Saul was pursuing him to kill him, he fled to a Philistine city called Gath. When Akish, the king of Gath, was told that David was a mighty warrior and had killed “tens of thousands” of Philistines, David “was greatly afraid” (1 Sam. 21:10-12). He was very worried about what the king could do to him. What did David do to overcome his fears?

3. According to Psalm 56:1-3, 11, what helped David overcome his fears?

3 In Psalm 56, David told how he felt while he was in Gath. In that psalm he openly explained why he was afraid and what helped him overcome his fears: trusting in Jehovah (read Psalm 56:1-3, 11). And he did very well for having made that decision. With Jehovah's blessing, David came up with a plan that might seem strange: he pretended to be crazy. And he gave a good result! In Akís's eyes, David went from being a threat to being a simple nuisance. So David took the opportunity to escape (1 Sam. 21:13-22:1).

4. How can we strengthen our trust in Jehovah? Give an example.

 4 Trust in Jehovah can also help us overcome fear. But how can we strengthen our trust in Jehovah, especially when we are afraid? Let's take an example. If we are diagnosed with an illness, we may be scared at first. But having the confidence that we are in the hands of a good doctor will surely help us feel calmer. In the past you may have treated many other patients who suffered from the same disease. Maybe now he is listening to us very carefully and we notice that he really understands what we feel. And maybe he will tell us that he is going to give us a treatment that has helped other people a lot. Something similar happens with Jehovah: we will trust him more if we think about what he has already done, what he is doing now, and what he will do for us. That's what David did in Psalm 56. As we look at some of his verses, let's think about how we, too, can strengthen our trust in Jehovah and overcome our fears.


5. What did David meditate on to overcome his fear? (Psalm 56:12, 13).

5 Even though David's life was in danger, he focused on the good things that Jehovah had done in the past. (Read Psalm 56:12, 13.) David always did that throughout his life. For example, he sometimes meditated on Jehovah's creation, and it reminded him that he is very powerful and that he loves human beings very much (Ps. 65:6-9). He also reflected on what Jehovah had done for others (Ps. 31:19; 37:25, 26). And above all, he spent time thinking about what he had done for him. He had helped him and protected him since he was a baby (Ps. 22:9, 10). Meditating on all this undoubtedly helped David to trust in Jehovah wholeheartedly.


Images of David reflecting on the ways in which Jehovah had helped him and was helping him. 1. As a young man, David uses a stick to fight a bear that is attacking him. 2. He stretches out his hands so that Ahimelech gives him Goliath's sword. 3. They anoint him with oil. David strengthened his trust in Jehovah by focusing on what he had done, what he was doing, and what he would do. (See paragraphs 5, 8 and 12).

6. In the face of fear, what will help us trust in Jehovah?

6 When you feel afraid, ask yourself: “What did Jehovah do in the past?” On the one hand, think about the things he created. For example, when we notice that Jehovah cares for the birds and flowers—which were not created in his image and cannot worship him—it strengthens our confidence that he will also care for us. (Matt. 6:25- 32). On the other hand, think of what Jehovah has done for his servants. Perhaps you could analyze the example of faith of a character from Bible times or read the experience of a modern-day servant of Jehovah.  Also, reflect on how Jehovah has cared for you thus far. How did it help you learn the truth? (John 6:44). How have you answered his prayers? (1 John 5:14). How does he benefit every day from the sacrifice he made in offering his beloved Son? (Eph. 1:7; Heb. 4:14-16).


Images of a brother in prison reflecting on the ways in which Jehovah has helped him and will continue to help him. 1. Study the Bible with a brother. On the table there is an ashtray and some cigarettes. 2. Read a letter in his cell. 3. In Paradise, he teaches a resurrected Israelite about Jehovah. We strengthen our trust in Jehovah by focusing on what he has done, what he is doing, and what he will do. (See paragraphs 6, 9, 10, 13 and 14). 

7. How did the experience of the prophet Daniel help Vanessa?

7 A sister from Haiti named Vanessa found herself in a situation that made her very scared. A man who lived in the area called her and sent her messages every day, and pressured her to agree to be his girlfriend. She told him very clearly no, but he became more aggressive and even threatened her. How did Vanessa manage to overcome her fear? She took practical steps to protect herself from it and an elder helped her contact the authorities. But she also tried to remember how Jehovah protected her servants in the past. She says: “The first person that came to mind was the prophet Daniel. Although he had done nothing wrong, he was thrown into a den full of hungry lions, but Jehovah rescued him. I told Jehovah that I had already done everything in my power and to please help me. After that I stopped being afraid” (Dan. 6:12-22).


8. What was David convinced of? (Psalm 56:8).

8 Although David's life was in danger while he was in Gath, he did not panic. Instead, he focused on what Jehovah was doing for him at that moment. He noticed that Jehovah was guiding and protecting him, and that he understood his feelings (read Psalm 56:8). He also had help and encouragement from loyal friends such as Jonathan and the high priest Ahimelech (1 Sam. 20:41, 42; 21:6, 8, 9). And, although King Saul wanted to kill him, in the end David managed to escape alive. He was convinced that Jehovah knew very well what he was going through and how he was feeling.

9. What is Jehovah aware of with each of us?

9 If you are facing a difficult situation and feel scared , remember that Jehovah is not only aware of what you are going through, but also how you are feeling . For example, when God’s servants were slaves in Egypt, Jehovah was well aware of their pain and “their sufferings” (Ex. 3:7). In one song, David said that Jehovah had seen his “suffering” and his “deep anguish” (Ps. 31:7). And even when God's people suffered because of the consequences of his bad decisions, Jehovah “was also distressed” (Isa. 63:9). How comforting it is to know that when we are afraid, Jehovah understands us and wants to help us overcome our fear.

10. What convinces you that Jehovah cares about you and will always be there for you?

10 Now, if we are going through a difficult situation that scares us, it may not be easy for us to see how Jehovah is helping us. What can we do? Let us ask Him to help us see what He is doing for us (2 Kings 6:15-17). Then let's think: Has any speech or comment we heard at the meeting strengthened us ? Has a publication, video or song encouraged us ? Perhaps a brother has shared with us a text or some words of comfort ? Sometimes it is easy to forget that the love we receive from our brothers and all the spiritual food we enjoy are actually very valuable gifts from Jehovah.​—Isa. 65:13; Mark 10:29, 30. These gifts show that he cares about us and that he deserves our complete trust (Is. 49: 14-16).

11. What helped Aida overcome her fears?

11 A sister in Senegal named Aida experienced a difficult situation and noticed how Jehovah was helping her. Her parents expected her to earn enough money to support herself and also take care of them, because she was their oldest child. However, she decided to simplify her life to pioneer, so she earned very little money. Then, her family got angry with her and criticized her. Ella Aida tells how she felt: “I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to help my parents and that everyone would reject me. I came to blame Jehovah for allowing things to get so complicated.” But one day she heard something in a speech that helped her a lot: “The brother reminded us that Jehovah knows very well all the wounds we carry in our hearts. In addition, the elders and other brothers told me things to help me see that Jehovah loves me, and little by little I began to feel better. I began to pray to Jehovah with more and more confidence, and as I saw how he answered my prayers, I felt a lot of inner peace.” Over time she found a job that allowed her not only to pioneer, but also to financially support her parents and other people. She says: “I have learned to trust Jehovah completely. Praying to him helps me say goodbye to fears.”


12. According to Psalm 56:9, what was David sure of?

12 (Read Psalm 56:9). This verse reveals another thing David did to overcome his fears in that life-or-death situation: he meditated on what Jehovah would do for him in the future. He knew that God would rescue him at the right time. After all, Jehovah had promised that David would be the next king of Israel.​—1 Sam. 16:1, 13. David also knew that if Jehovah had promised it, he could take it for granted.

13. What do we know Jehovah will do in the future?

13 What has God promised us? Of course, he has not promised us that we will now live a trouble-free life. But whatever we have to go through in this system, Jehovah has promised that in the new world he will eliminate all problems (Is. 25:7-9). There is no doubt that he has enough power to raise the dead, to heal us, and to eliminate all our enemies (1 John 4:4).

14. What can we reflect on?

14 When you feel afraid, consider what Jehovah will do in the future. Think about what life will be like when Satan is no more, when bad people disappear and only good people exist, and when imperfection begins to disappear little by little. At the 2014 regional assembly a demonstration was presented that can help us reflect on our hope. In it, a brother was talking to his family about what 2 Timothy 3:1-5 would say if it were a prophecy about life in Paradise: “Very happy times will come in the new world. Because people will love their neighbors; They will be lovers of spiritual treasures, modest and humble, they will honor God, they will be obedient to parents, grateful and loyal, they will be very fond of their family, they will be willing to reach agreements, they will always speak well of others, they will have self-control, they will be meek, they will love what is good, they will be reliable and reasonable, they will not be proud at all, they will love God instead of pleasures and their devotion to God will be sincere. Always stay close to them.” Do we usually talk to our family or siblings about what life will be like in the new world?

15. What helped Tanja overcome her fears?

15 Tanja is a sister from North Macedonia who managed to overcome her fears by meditating on Jehovah's promises. She says that, when she started studying the Bible, her parents became furious: “She experienced exactly what she feared most. My mother hit me every time I returned from the meeting. And she and my father threatened to kill me if she made me a Witness.” They ended up kicking her out of her house. How did she react? She explains:I concentrated on thinking that she, if she was faithful to Jehovah, she would be very happy for all eternity. She told myself that even if I lost things in this system, in the new world Jehovah would reward me and make me forget all the bad memories.” Tanja remained faithful to Jehovah, and with his help she found a place to live. Today she is married to a loyal brother and the two happily serve God full time.


16. What will help us to be brave when what Luke 21:26-28 says is fulfilled?

16 During the great tribulation, most people “will faint from fear.” But God's servants will be brave and stand firm (read Luke 21:26-28). Because? Because we will be accustomed to trusting in Jehovah. Tanja says that the things she experienced in the past help her face other complicated situations: “I have learned that there is no situation in which Jehovah cannot help us and bless us. Sometimes it may seem like other people are in control of things, but the reality is that they only have as much control as Jehovah allows them to have. No matter how hard a test is, sooner or later it will end.”

17. How is the text for the year 2024 going to help us? (See cover photo).

17 Although this world is full of scary things, we are like David and do not let fear paralyze us. The text for the year 2024 are these words that David spoke to Jehovah: “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you” (Ps. 56:3). A Bible reference book explained this verse: “David does not feed his fears or obsess over his problems, but trusts in the only one who can save him.” Keep our text of the year in mind during the coming months, especially if you find yourself in a distressing situation. Spend time meditating on what Jehovah has done in the past, is doing now, and will do in the future. Thus, like David, he will be able to say: “I put my trust in God; I am not afraid” (Ps. 56:4).


A sister standing next to a house that was destroyed by a disaster holds a Bible and shows confidence. A sister who has suffered a disaster meditates on the text of the year. (See paragraph 17).


What Jehovah did in the past.

Remembering God's powerful and loving actions in past history gave David comfort and strength. Today we can meditate on Jesus' sacrifice and his daily benefits to us, so we find a solid foundation for trusting in Jehovah.

What Jehovah is doing now.

Jehovah is aware of every aspect of our lives, including our feelings and emotions in times of difficulty. When we face difficult situations and feel scared, let us remember that Jehovah not only knows our circumstances, but also our most intimate emotions.

What Jehovah will do in the future.

Jehovah promises a better future for us, he assures us that in the new world he will eliminate all our problems, this gives us hope and strength, to face the current challenges with confidence that one day we will experience peace and complete happiness in the new world that God has promised us.

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