Monday, April 1, 2024

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week 1 to April 7, 2024, Start conversations: INFORMAL PREACHING. (Making disciples: a labor of love, Lesson 2 point 5). Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: April 1-7, 2024, Start conversations: INFORMAL PREACHING. (Making disciples: a labor of love, Lesson 2 point 5). Prepared Assignment.

Start conversations (3 mins.) INFORMAL PREACHING. Show an encouraging verse to a person who is concerned about the environment (lmd lesson 2 point 5).

Publisher: Good morning

Assistant: Good morning.

Publisher: Today has been a very cool morning, right?

Assistant: Yes, it's true.

Publisher: In our area we are doing well, but worrying things have been heard in the news.

Assistant: Yes, that's true. It seems that humanity is self-destructing, and the worrying thing is that the actions of some affect everyone.

Publisher: In what sense do you mean that?

Assistant: Well, one can see how man has contaminated the earth and there is a lot of talk about global warming and how large bodies of water are disappearing. I think we are causing harm to the earth ourselves.

Publisher: Yes, it is alarming to hear the news. Do you think the situation will change one day?

Assistant: I find it difficult. I believe that our children and grandchildren will suffer the consequences.

Publisher: I would like to share with you a text from the Bible that I have here on my phone. Look what it says about what will happen soon to those who are destroying the planet. Could you read Revelation 11:18?

Helper: Okay.

Publisher: As you just read, it says that God will judge those who are destroying the earth.

Assistant: I didn't know. He thought that God would only punish bad people. But even if they stop, people will still be born who could do the same.

Publisher: For that, God has a plan. How about we meet another time to talk more about this topic? This is my number.

Helper: Okay, I'll call you as soon as possible.

Publisher: Perfect, have a good day.

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