Tuesday, April 2, 2024

LIVING AS CHRISTIANS: Week 1 to April 7, 2024, Video: Let's reject "the voice of strangers", Analysis and Responses.

LIVING AS CHRISTIANS: April 1-7-2024, Video: Let's reject "the voice of strangers", Analysis and Responses.

We reject the voice of strangers (15 mins.) Analysis with the audience.

And one of the basic passages for this information establishes an analogy between the sheep and their shepherds and the followers of Jehovah, and Jesus, like the sheep, recognizes the voice of their shepherd and follows him. Christians must trust in the guidance of Jehovah and Jesus who deserve all our trust and love.  

However, we warn against the voices of outsiders who seek to weaken faith through the use of deceptive words, as mentioned in 2 Peter 2:1-3.

The story of Genesis 3 offers a historical example of the consequences of hearing the voice of a stranger, Satan who, disguising his true identity, deceived Eve by distorting Jehovah's words and presenting himself as her friend. This episode highlights the dangers of listening to the deceptions of those who try to lead us away from genuine faith.

Today Satan continues his strategy of sowing doubts about Jehovah and his organization. He uses various media such as negative news, half-truths and outright lies, to discredit the faith of believers, emphasizing the importance of rejecting such influences and fleeing from them, even avoiding contact with misleading information.

Although negative information about the organization may come through well-intentioned and well-known people, we are urged to remain alert and not allow it to affect our faith. For this reason, it is essential to remember Eve's lesson and recognize Satan's wiles by keeping us firmly confident in Jehovah and his word.

Play the VIDEO Let's reject “the voice of strangers”. Then ask:

What do we learn from what Coral did when her mother, who was not a Witness, wanted to show her information that was critical of Jehovah's organization?

From Coral's experience, we learn the importance of setting healthy boundaries in family relationships. Although her mother attempted to influence her religious beliefs by showing negative information about Jehovah's Witnesses, Coral maintained her firm stance and refused to be persuaded. By setting clear boundaries and refusing to discuss religion, Coral was able to preserve her relationship with her mother without compromising her own beliefs. This situation highlights the importance of open communication and mutual respect in family relationships, even when there are differences of opinion.


From Coral we learn the importance of loyalty to Jehovah, she did not allow herself to be influenced by her mother although she constantly wanted to talk about the organization, she changed the subject on several occasions, thus demonstrating her love for Jehovah, since she recognized that her Mother was not a stranger, the bad thing was that she always wanted to talk bad things, but because of Coral's attitude, the mother agreed not to talk about religion anymore.

Well, she completely rejected all that false information, she didn't even listen to it, so we learn that whoever it is, from whom that information comes, we must reject it for the well-being of our faith.

And something interesting is that despite how insistent her mother was, she continued to reject her, which shows us that no matter how many times they want to show us information that disgraces the name of Jehovah's organization, we have to reject it.

Furthermore, the sister did not reject her mother, but rather the information that she was bringing to her, so we should not begin to resent some non-Christian relative who shows us that, but rather the information that she is bringing to us, because being A family member of ours may be doing it because they believe it is the right thing for us, but let's still stand firm.

This video also encourages us to reject the voice of strangers, for if we want to resist Satan's attacks, we must strengthen our trust in Jesus and his role in God's purpose.

It also teaches us that we must trust in the faithful and prudent slave, the only channel that Jehovah uses today to direct his organization. With regular study of God's word, that confidence will be strengthened and our faith will become like a tree with deep roots.

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