Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Study of the Congregation Book, Week 4 to March 10, 2024, Chapter 6, paragraphs 18 to 24 and box on page. 48, Answers.

Study of the Congregation Book, Week 4 to March 10, 2024, Chapter 6, paragraphs 18 to 24 and box on page. 48, Answers.

Study of the Book of the congregation, March 4-10, 2024, Chapter 6, paragraphs 18 to 24 and box on page. 48, Answers.

Congregation Bible study (30 mins.) bt chap. 6 paras. 18-24 and box on page. 48.

18. In what ways should we imitate Stephen?

To imitate Stephen, we must: Know the Scriptures well, since Stephen was well versed in the Scriptures, so it is important to be good students of the Bible. We must also speak with kindness and tact because despite his difficult hearing, Esteban managed to communicate with respect and kindness, treating others with consideration.


And also not to be afraid to transmit messages of judgment with courage, since Stephen was not afraid to communicate biblical truths, even when he knew he could face opposition and persecution.

We should imitate Stephen by being good Bible students, knowing the scriptures well, and handling the word of truth correctly.

By reviewing Stephen's speech, we learn the importance of speaking with kindness and tact, even in difficult situations. We also learn to treat people with respect, recognizing the importance of addressing others with passivity and deep respect when speaking the truths of God's word.

In conclusion, imitating Stephen means being brave in faith, knowing and sharing the Scriptures with love and respect, and not being afraid to proclaim the truth, even when it is difficult.

19. What message of judgment did Stephen courageously convey?

Stephen boldly conveyed a message of judgment by comparing the judges to their ancestors who rejected Joseph, Moses, and all the prophets, and ultimately murdered the Messiah these prophets had announced. Boldly, Stephen confronted the judges with the truth, showing them that they were violating the Law by rejecting Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah.

Stephen courageously conveyed a message of judgment by firmly pointing out the resistance and rejection of those judges toward biblical truths and Jehovah's warnings. Comparing them to his ancestors who had rejected important figures such as Joseph, Moses, and the prophets, Stephen denounced their continued defiance of divine teachings and directly blamed them for having murdered the Messiah announced by Moses and the prophets.

“Lord Jesus, receive my spirit” (Acts 7:54-8:3)

Esteban remains calm before the Sanhedrin.

“When they heard these things, they were furious in their hearts, and when they looked at him, they began to grit their teeth” (Acts 7:54).

20, 21. How did the judges react, and how did Jehovah give Stephen strength and courage?

The judges reacted with fury at not being able to refute the truths that Esteban presented to them, showing their anger by clenching their teeth in anger. Despite the hostility and violence he faced, Stephen remained calm and trusted in Jehovah. God gave Stephen strength and courage through a vision in which he saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of Jehovah, allowing him to face his martyrdom with peace, confidence, and forgiveness toward the murderers. of the.


Faced with the inability to refute the truths expressed by Esteban, the judges reacted by losing the little dignity they had left. Full of fury, they clenched their teeth intensely. This furious reaction suggests that they were resentful and frustrated at not being able to contradict Esteban's words. The comparison with the treatment of Jesus indicates that Stephen anticipated a similar fate of cruelty from the judges. Jehovah strengthened Stephen through the Holy Spirit, giving him courage and confidence to testify to the truth.

The vision of the glory of God and of Jesus at the right hand of Jehovah provided him with the Divine support necessary to face adversity.

22, 23. How was Stephen's death like that of his Lord? Why can we feel as safe as Esteban?

Stephen's death resembled that of his Lord, Jesus Christ, in several ways. Like Jesus, Stephen died with a heart full of peace, trust in Jehovah, and forgiveness toward his murderers. Both faced death with courage and faith in God. Stephen even asked Jesus to receive his spirit, showing his spiritual connection to his Savior.


We can feel secure like Stephen because, like him, we trust in Jesus Christ's promise of resurrection and eternal life. Stephen demonstrated his unwavering faith to the end, inspiring us to trust that, despite hardships and persecutions, God will sustain us and give us the strength to face any challenge.

Stephen's death was similar to that of his master, in the sense that both died with hearts full of peace, trust in Jehovah, and forgiveness toward their attackers. Stephen, like his lord, spoke words of forgiveness before his death and trusted in the promise of the resurrection.

We can feel as safe as Stephen, because like him we can trust in peace, trust in Jehovah and forgiveness towards those who can harm us. Stephen faced his death with the certainty of the resurrection, relying on the encouraging word of Christ and expressing forgiveness. in his last sentences.

This trust in divine promise gives us security and peace knowing that we can also rest in the hope of eternal life.

24. How did Saul collaborate in the murder of Stephen? What long-term effects did the death of this faithful disciple have?

Saul collaborated in the murder of Stephen by agreeing with the execution and staying guard over the cloaks of those who threw the stones. After the death of Stephen, Saul began to cruelly persecute the disciples of Jesus, showing a hostile attitude towards the followers of Christ.


However, Esteban's death had long-term positive effects. On the one hand, he strengthened other Christians to remain faithful in the midst of persecution. Furthermore, Saul, who later became the apostle Paul, deeply regretted his involvement in Stephen's murder. This event marked a turning point in the life of Paul, who subsequently became a fervent follower of Jesus Christ and spread the gospel with courage and dedication.

And Stephen's bravery and faithfulness until death served as an inspiration to other followers of Jesus, strengthening their own determination and faith in difficult times with long-term positive effects.

Stephen's death left a deep impression on Saul's mind that was later reflected in his ministry as Paul. 

Many of the themes and teachings that Stephen shared, especially about the sovereignty of God and the relationship with the temple, were taken up by Paul in his speech and letters, demonstrating Stephen's lasting influence on the development of this apostle. 


This box explores the connection between the terms witness and Martyr, focusing on the figure of Stephen in the biblical context. Here we begin by explaining the Greek origin of the word martyr, which originally means witness, with the connotation of someone who witnesses an event and then actively proclaims it, Acts 22:20 is cited to illustrate how the Bible refers to Stephen as a witness.

Furthermore, the duty of all Christians to bear witness to their faith is highlighted, citing Luke 24:48 and Acts 1:8. The text then delves into the evolution of the meaning of martyr for Christians, pointing out that due to persecution and opposition Often faced by those who maintain their faith, the word martyr began to refer to those who suffer for refusing to renounce their beliefs, this leads to the conclusion that Stephen is considered the first Christian martyr due to his suffering and death for faith in Jesus. 

So in summary, the text shows how the word martyr is linked to the concept of witness in the biblical context. highlighting the idea of ​​bearing witness to faith and how this can lead to suffering persecution and in some cases death as in the case of Stephen. 

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