Tuesday, March 5, 2024

LIVING AS CHRISTIANS: Week 4 to March 10, 2024, Let's prepare for the Commemoration!, Video: Let's remember the death of Jesus, Analysis and Answers.

LIVING AS CHRISTIANS: March 4-10, 2024, Let's prepare for the Commemoration!, Video: Let's remember the death of Jesus, Analysis and Responses.

Let's prepare for the Memorial! (15 mins.) Analysis with the audience.

How can you prepare for this special occasion?

The first point is mentioned: collaborate enthusiastically in the invitation campaign for the special speech and commemoration, make a list of the people you would like to invite, and if any of them do not live in the territory of your congregation, find out at JW at what time and in what place both events will be held where the person lives or is closest to them.

We are invited to participate more in the Ministry in the month of March and April and we are asked the question: Is it possible for us to be pioneers? Since the requirement for those months is 15 or 30 hours. 

On March 18 we are invited to read the important events that took place during the last week of Jesus' life here on earth. Also on pages 67, it tells us that we are going to find the stories recommended in the Bible reading program for the 2024 Commemoration, and it is up to us which one we decide to read. The objective is to prepare our minds and hearts to meditate on such a valuable sacrifice, but also to see the life of self-denial that Jesus demonstrated and his sacrifice towards humanity. We must give the value that corresponds to this valuable sacrifice.

We are invited to visit jw.org on Memorial Day because there will be a special morning worship program. 

At the commemoration we will have the opportunity to welcome with open arms our brothers who are active, or also people who are attending for the first time, and offer to answer any questions that may arise during this meeting. , and also agree with them to be able to visit them, and in this way we can further fuel their interest. It would be necessary for us to arrive early so that we can identify those who do not exactly belong to the congregation and be able to approach them and ask them if this is the first time they have come, if they are visiting us or if they are probably looking for someone to teach them. 

Before and after the commemoration, we are encouraged to meditate on the rescue, that is, we are encouraged to meditate on everything that our Lord Jesus Christ did for us, and in the speech they are going to give, everything will be explained. To meditate is not only to think, how good, how interesting, Oh how beautiful, but to make ourselves participate precisely in this situation and understand the magnitude that it had or has and will have in the future, also the fact that Jesus Christ has offered his life on sacrifice that we not only understand, we understand it, since to meditate on it is to practice it.

Play the VIDEO Let's remember the death of Jesus. Then ask:

How can we use this video during the Memorial campaign?

To move people to touch their hearts by showing them why he died for us, then encouraging them to attend and better understand why we celebrate his death every year.


We see that the video speaks for itself, so let's take advantage of it to share it, we can have it already downloaded and set ourselves the goal of teaching it in preaching or our workplace, family, place of study, you never know the effect it can have on other people. 

If during our preaching we see that someone shows interest in the invitation or asks us what it is about, we can introduce the video by telling them that it lasts less than 2 minutes and that it can give them a good explanation.

A video says a lot and clearly, if we put it to the person, perhaps they will feel interested or motivated to see what Jesus did for all of humanity since he gave his life for all of us and we can also prepare the ground for the return visit.

And also, when we already have specific family members in mind, it is a good idea to be able to show them the video, share with them and revisit visits that we have, it is also how they already know what it is about, and also explain to them through the video.

How good it would also be, once we put the video on, to analyze it, not ignore it but ask questions so that the person sees themselves in the video, perhaps they imagine themselves on some occasion in the future being able to live like they saw themselves at the beginning or what it is that I was struck by the images that appeared at the beginning, of course with that we managed to involve the person, the question that appears on the cover of the invitation that the sacrifice of Jesus has to do with you makes more sense, few people relate it with that spectacular future that we have before us. 

When the person shows interest, we can use this video and in this way the information will be clearer.

The video lasts a little more than a minute, so generally people are always busy. For this reason, when we tell them to lend us less than 1 or 2 minutes, then it will be more accessible for us to present it and that way way to pay attention.

So if we have the video ready, whether we are talking to people informally or formally from house to house, we can show them the video. And if we do it this way, brothers, we will be ready for the Commemoration. 

Well, perhaps in the final part it is visualized that this is how the bread is passed, that one is not expected to participate in it, a visualization is always better than explaining it with words so that the person knows what they are going to come to the commemoration for. 


Imagine a world where people lived in peace without suffering, with plenty of food for all and perfect health. Will it one day be possible to live in a world like this? yes thanks to what Jesus did for us. 

He came to earth with a purpose: he gave his life for the people he loved. The night before Jesus died he asked that his sacrifice be remembered.

He said keep doing this in memory of me, on the anniversary of his death many people around the world will gather to remember what he did.

Jehovah's Witnesses invite you and your family to attend the commemoration of the death of Jesus at that meeting you will learn why that sacrifice is so important and what promises Jesus made for you, if you want to know what the Bible says about this and other topics go to jw.org. 

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