Sunday, March 10, 2024

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week 11 to March 17, 2024, Kindness: Analysis with the audience. Play the VIDEO and then analyze the pamphlet A labor of love lesson 3 points 1, 2. Assignment Prepared.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY:March 11-17, 2024, Kindness: Analysis with the audience. Play the VIDEO and then analyze the pamphlet A labor of love lesson 3 points 1, 2. Assignment Prepared.

Kindness: What Jesus Did (7 mins.) Analysis with the audience. Play the VIDEO and then analyze the brochure A labor of love lesson 3 points 1, 2.

What was the first thing Jesus did: heal the blind man, or tell him the good news? (See John 9:35-38).

In John chapter 9, verse 35 to 38, Jesus first meets the man who had been blind from birth and previously heals him, that is, he had already healed him and then asks him if he has faith in the son of God. man. After a brief dialogue the blind man expresses his faith in Jesus. So this passage shows us that Jesus first performs the healing and then talks about his identity as the son of man. 

Why was the man willing to listen to Jesus?

The man was receptive to the teachings of Jesus, well, because he had experienced the miraculous recovery from his blindness, someone had shown interest and had shown compassion in healing him, so his personal experience of being healed predisposed him, that is, it forced him to listen to Jesus. what he had to say. And after these words the man believed in him. 

What do we learn from Jesus' example?

From Jesus' example, we can learn that kindness and love are powerful tools that draw people to open their hearts to receive the message of the Kingdom. Jesus demonstrated compassion and mercy through his miraculous actions and his loving teaching, which attracted people to him and his attitude of compassion, forgiveness and unconditional love, which showed that we can expect relief from the Kingdom of God. humanity.

By following Jesus' example, we can learn to act with kindness, compassion, and love toward others, which can open doors to sharing the message of hope by showing sincere interest in people's needs and concerns, and by offering help and support, we can establish meaningful relationships that allow the message we wish to convey to be received with greater receptivity and understanding. 

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