Sunday, March 10, 2024

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week 11 to 17 March 2024, Kindness: Imitate Jesus. Analysis with the audience based on the booklet A Labor of Love lesson 3 points 3-5 and “See also”. Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: March 11-17, 2024, Kindness: Imitate Jesus. Analysis with the audience based on the booklet A Labor of Love lesson 3 points 3-5 and “See also”. Prepared Assignment.

Kindness: Imitate Jesus (8 mins.) Analysis with the audience based on the booklet A Labor of Love lesson 3 points 3-5 and “See also.”

3 Show empathy. 

We must show empathy and try to imagine how the person feels. Hence the importance of asking ourselves some questions. For example: 

What are you likely to be worried about?

Today, people are interested in health, whether in relation to diseases or general well-being. The economy is another area of ​​interest, which includes financial concerns about making ends meet as well as economic security.

Work is also taken into account as a concern, since these are related to job stability and job satisfaction.

Other concerns focus on housing, including the cost of housing, access to adequate housing, and living conditions. Likewise, education is an important topic, encompassing educational opportunities, costs of education, and academic success. Personal safety is also considered, with concerns about individual safety including issues such as crime, violence, and neighborhood safety.

What might seem interesting or useful to you? 

Well, what could be useful for you is to know that this situation will not continue forever, but rather that this situation will change. We could consider some very encouraging texts where they indicate that everything will change in the future. 

Asking ourselves these questions will help us show the person kindness in a sincere and natural way.

Listen carefully: 

It is important to listen to the person carefully, because you show genuine interest in their concerns and feelings. When we give active attention, we show empathy and respect toward the other person, which strengthens interpersonal connection and fosters trust.

Additionally, by not changing the subject when the person shares their feelings or problems, we validate their experiences and give them a safe space to express themselves, which can be critical to their emotional well-being and building a strong relationship and meaningful conversation.

4. Speak with kindness and respect: 

It is crucial to communicate with kindness and respect, as this reflects our sincere interest in others and our willingness to help them. The careful selection of our words when conveying the message can also have a notable impact on how it is perceived by others. 

By expressing ourselves with kindness and respect, we demonstrate our consideration of people's feelings and worth, which helps build positive relationships and cultivate an environment of support and trust. 

5. Offer your help. 

By offering help, we show others that we care about their well-being and are willing to support them in times of need. This will open the doors for them to be more receptive to hearing the message.


Rom. 12:15, 16; 

This text encourages us to rejoice with what rejoices and cry with those who cry. In addition, it is very important to have the same attitude towards others that we have towards ourselves. Without concentrating on grandiose things, but the text encourages us to let ourselves be carried away by humble things. And if we do this, we will prove that we are not wise in our own eyes.

Gal. 6:10; 

The Biblical record of Galatians 6:10 encourages us to take advantage of opportunities to do good to everyone, but the text highlights that we must do it especially to our brothers in the faith. Hence the importance of being attentive to the needs of our dear brothers.

Heb. 13:16

Although it is true, worldwide we are living in very difficult situations, in an economic sense, the text of Hebrews 13:16 encourages us not to forget to do good, nor to share what we have with others. Whether we have a little or a lot, it is very important to make these sacrifices, because if we do, as mentioned at the end of the verse, these sacrifices greatly please God.

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