Monday, November 13, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of November 13 to 19, 2023, Answers to the Revisit Video.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: November 13-19, 2023, Responses to the Revisit Video.

Video of the return visit (5 mins.): Analysis with the audience. Play the video Revisit: The Bible (Job 26:7). Stop the video at each pause and ask the questions that appear in it.

What ideas from this video would you use to introduce Job 26:7?

An idea that we could use is to remind the householder, the theories about the shape of the Earth, which was thought before and above all we were taught in school. There we could make a comparison and take advantage of including the text of Job.


It would show him that even though many ancient people claimed that the earth had different shapes, the Bible always said that the earth is suspended above nothingness and had no support.

We could also highlight the video where the year in which Moses wrote this text of Job is mentioned and compare it with the year in which science would confirm this fact that the earth would be supported on nothing. In this way we could very well introduce the text of Job and give the householder better knowledge about the scientific accuracy of the Bible.

We could ask him, Yes, have you noticed how far apart people's beliefs were about basic concepts about the Earth? After asking him the question we could link to the text of Job 26:7, and tell him that this text was written long before it was confirmed by scientists how the Earth was located.

We could also say, Have you noticed how long it has been since the Bible confirmed the fact that the earth stands on nothing? How about we review what Job 26:7 says?

What would you say to offer the brochure enjoyment of life?

Since we are helping the householder to understand a little more about the Bible, we could take advantage and mention that, with us we bring a pamphlet, titled Enjoy Life, which has three lessons and precisely the third lesson, It is what can help you delve deeper into the subject and really know if you can trust the Bible and some other tests that the householder could very well study and learn from the Bible. In this way we will introduce the Enjoy Life brochure.


I would tell him that apart from scientific evidence, there is also more evidence that shows that the Bible is the word of God and I would show him lesson number three, which shows why we can trust the promises of the Bible.

Something that we could also tell the person is that, we want to share with him, the pamphlet called "Enjoy life forever", which in its lesson 3 titled: "The Bible can be trusted" shows us reasons to be able to trust in what this book says, and if you can get practical advice for everyday life based on the word of God.

What would be the advantages of the person downloading the electronic version of the brochure?

We know very well that technology today is very useful, and if we talk about the householder having the electronic version of the brochure downloaded to his mobile phone, it is certainly a very good thing. Since the householder will be able to have access, with one click, to read all the sections, as well as the texts of The Bible, and in this way it will be easier for him to understand and interact with the brochure, since today , people use everything related to technology the most, for this reason, Jehovah provides them with this help, so that the householder can enjoy the publications.


One of the advantages is that when we have the electronic version, since if you use this version you will be able to easily access the videos that provide the lessons and you can consult the texts of the Bible easily and quickly. In addition, this way we make good use of resources and save on paper and ink costs.

The advantage is that you will have a much more portable version of the brochure, you will be able to see and enjoy all the multimedia content that the publication offers, and you will also be able to understand in a simpler way than what is explained in the brochure.

In the electronic brochure, the person will be able to enjoy the videos that will be found in each of the lessons, which will allow them to understand a little more than what is explained in them, apart from this they will be able to access the biblical texts and the references of these texts.

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