Monday, November 13, 2023

Study of the Congregation Book, Week of November 13 to 19, 2023, Chapter 2 paragraphs 1-7 and introduction to section 1, “They will be my witnesses”, Responses.

Study of the Congregation Book, November 13-19, 2023, Chapter 2 paragraphs 1-7 and introduction to section 1, “They will be my witnesses”, Responses.

Congregation Bible study (30 mins.): bt chap. 2 paras. 1-7 and introduction to section 1.

CHAPTER 02: “They will be my witnesses”

Jesus prepares the apostles to lead the preaching

Based on Acts 1:1-26

1-3. How did Jesus say goodbye to his apostles, and what questions arise?

Thanks to the texts of Luke 24:50 and Acts 1:9,10 we can know that Jesus said goodbye to his apostles on the Mount of Olives. After speaking with them, he raised his hands, blessed them, and began to ascend toward heaven. And as he went up a cloud hid him and disappeared from his sight. This farewell completely changed the lives of the apostles, since now it was their turn to continue the important work that Jesus had started. And the questions that arise from this situation are: What preparation did Jesus give the apostles to continue his work? What did they do after Jesus said goodbye? And how is all this related to us?

After being resurrected, he appeared to the apostles on several occasions to give them instructions and encourage them. After we gather on the Mount of Olives, Jesus raises his hands, blesses them and begins to ascend towards heaven, as we see in Acts 1:9,10.

“Many convincing proofs” (Acts 1:1-5)

4. How does Luke begin the book of Acts?

He begins his story by addressing a man named Theophilus, then reviews what he had written at the end of his gospel and adds new details. 

Luke begins the Book of Acts by addressing a man named Theophilus, similar to how he did at the beginning of his Gospel. Then Acts reviews what he had written at the end of the Gospel of Him, clearly indicating Acts is a continuation of the Gospel of Him, although he uses different words and provides new details.

In the note, we see that Luke addresses Theophilus using the title “Most Excellent,” indicating that he was someone important who was not yet a believer. However, in Acts he simply calls him "Theophilus", so experts believe that he became a Christian after reading the gospel of Luke, and would explain the cause of continuity that exists between the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts. of the apostles.

5, 6. a) What would help the faith of Jesus' disciples remain strong?

The faith of Jesus' disciples remained strong, because Jesus presented himself to them giving them many convincing proofs that he was alive. As we read in Acts 1:3 and 1 Corinthians 15:36. These proofs were clear and reliable indications of his resurrection, and were manifested on numerous occasions, both to individuals and to groups of disciples. These solid evidence helped maintain their faith in Jesus as the Messiah.

The fact that Jesus presented himself to his disciples gave them many convincing proofs that he was alive. Furthermore, in 1 Corinthians 15:3-6, we see that Jesus presented himself to Peter, then to all the Apostles, and on one occasion to more than 500 disciples. Without a doubt, these clear and reliable proofs were going to continue so that the faith of Christians would remain strong.

5, 6. b) Why do we say that our faith is also based on “many convincing evidence”?

Our faith is also based on many compelling evidence, because of the clear evidence that Jesus lived on earth, died for our sins, and was resurrected. The Eyewitness accounts recorded in the inspired word of God are so reliable that we need not look for further evidence. As we study and pray to understand these stories, our faith will be strengthened. Having true faith does not mean believing in something without reason, but rather being convinced by solid evidence, and this Faith is essential to obtain eternal life, as mentioned in John 3:16.

Because we have clear indications that Jesus lived on earth, died for our sins and was resurrected, apart from the Eyewitness accounts that include the inspired word of God, which are reliable.

It is important to be aware that having true faith in something does not mean that we believe it just because, but that we are convinced of it by the solid evidence that there is. And that type of faith is essential to obtain eternal life, which is one reason more to study the accounts of the Acts of the Apostles.

7. How can we follow Jesus' example in preaching?

To follow Jesus' example in preaching, we must focus on speaking about the Kingdom of God, as he did. Jesus always focused his preaching on the Kingdom of God, which was the main theme of his message. Additionally, he clarified prophecies announcing that the Messiah would have to suffer and die, showing how his role as the Messiah was related to the Kingdom of God. Therefore, we can follow Jesus' example in preaching by focusing on announcing the Kingdom of God, showing how it relates to the work of Christ, and sharing the good news of this Kingdom with others, as we are urged in Matthew 24: 14 and Luke 4:43. 

One way to follow the example of Jesus is to always take advantage of an opportunity to preach to people. This is what we can see in Luke 24 1332, where we also see that Jesus was observant, since he was able to appreciate the issue that was worrying the two men who were walking with him. In this way he was able to start a conversation and clarify the prophecies about the messiah.

As we see in Luke 4:43 Jesus said: "I must announce the Good News to other cities, because that is what he was sent for." Therefore, the Kingdom was always the main theme of his preaching and we should follow his example.

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