Wednesday, September 13, 2023

DAILY TEXT, Today's Friday, October 13, 2023, Jehovah's loyal love lasts forever (Ps. 136:1).

DAILY TEXT, Today's  Friday, October 13, 2023,  Jehovah's loyal love lasts forever (Ps. 136:1).

Let us examine the scriptures every day 2023

Friday October 13

Jehovah’s loyal love lasts forever (Ps. 136:1).

Jehovah finds pleasure in loyal love (Hos. 6:6). Through the prophet Micah, our God commands us to love loyal love (Mic. 6:8, note). Of course, in order to do that, we first have to know what this quality is. The expression “loyal love” appears about 230 times in the Bible. New World Translation. And what is loyal love? The glossary of this translation explains: “It refers to love motivated by commitment, integrity, loyalty, and deep attachment. It is almost always related to the love that God feels for human beings, but it can also refer to the love that one human being shows to another.” Jehovah is the supreme example of this type of love. No wonder King David was moved to exclaim: “O Jehovah, your loyal love reaches to the heavens […]. Oh, God, how precious is your loyal love!” (Ps. 36:5, 7). And we? Do we value God's loyal love as much as David? w21.11 2 paras. 1, 2; 3 para. 4.

To whom does Jehovah show loyal love?

To whom does Jehovah show loyal love? The Bible explains that we can love many things, such as “discipline,” “knowledge,” “wine and oil,” and “wisdom,” to name just a few examples (Prov. 12:1; 21:17; 29). :3). But loyal love is never directed at things or concepts; It is only shown to people. Does this mean that Jehovah shows loyal love to anyone? No, he shows it to those who have a special relationship with him. Our God is loyal to his friends. He has a wonderful purpose for them and he will never abandon them.

How has Jehovah shown love to all human beings in general?

Jehovah has shown love to all human beings in general. Jesus told a man named Nicodemus: “God so loved the world [i.e., all humanity] that he gave his only begotten Son, so that no one who has faith in him would be destroyed but have eternal life” (John 3:1, 16; Matt. 5:44, 45).

Why does Jehovah show loyal love to his servants? And what will we analyze now?

As we said before, Jehovah shows his loyal love only to those who have a good relationship with him, that is, to his servants. This is clearly seen from what King David and the prophet Daniel said by inspiration. For example, David wrote: “Continue to show your loyal love to those who know you” and “Jehovah’s loyal love for those who fear him lasts for all eternity.” And Daniel said: “O Jehovah, the true God, great and awesome, who […] shows loyal love to those who love him and obey his commandments” (Ps. 36:10; 103:17; Dan 9:4). As we see, Jehovah shows loyal love to his servants because they know him, fear him, love him, and obey his commandments. He reserves this quality for his people, who worship him in the right way.

Even before we began to serve Jehovah, we already received the love that God shows to humanity in general (Ps. 104:14). But, when we start worshiping him, we also receive loyal love from him. In fact, Jehovah assures his people: “My loyal love will not depart from you” (Isa. 54:10). And David himself saw from personal experience how true these words are: “The Lord will deal especially with those who are loyal to him” (Ps. 4:3). What should we do when we see that Jehovah has such special affection for us? A psalm writer said: “He who is wise will keep these things in mind and will carefully consider Jehovah's acts of loyal love” (Ps. 107:43). In light of this divine counsel, let us consider three ways in which Jehovah’s acts of loyal love benefit us.

How does it benefit us to know that God's loyal love lasts forever? (Psalm 31:7)

God's loyal love lasts forever. In Psalm 136, this important aspect of loyal love is mentioned 26 times. The first verse says: “Give thanks to the Lord for he is good; His loyal love lasts forever” (Ps. 136:1). In verses 2 to 26, the following refrain is repeated: “For his loyal love lasts forever.” As we read this psalm, we are impressed to see that Jehovah shows his loyal love in many ways and consistently. The phrase “for his loyal love endures forever” assures us that God's love for his people does not change. How it strengthens us to know that Jehovah is not quick to abandon his servants! Rather, he stands by those who serve him, especially in difficult times. How it benefits us: Knowing that Jehovah remains at our side gives us the joy and strength we need to face problems and continue walking on the path that leads to life. (Read Psalm 31:7.)

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